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this.api.get(`clientrtms/GetInitValues`, { notificationType: type, basetemplateId: id });\n }\n}\n","
\n \"Overlay\n
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\n \"Toaster\n
\n \n
\n","import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\nimport { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';\n\nimport { DynamicHtmlDirective, NativeAppService, UserService } from '@frontend/vanilla/core';\n\nimport { ClientRTMSResourceService } from './client-rtms-resource.service';\n\ninterface MessageToNativeInterface {\n getRtmsData(eventNm: any): void;\n closeContainer(param: any): void;\n NativeDispatch(eventName: any, param: any): void;\n}\ndeclare let MessageToNative: MessageToNativeInterface;\n\nexport interface CtaDetails {\n link: string;\n nativeEvent: string;\n}\n\n@Component({\n selector: 'pt-client-rtms',\n templateUrl: 'client-rtms.component.html',\n imports: [CommonModule, DynamicHtmlDirective],\n standalone: true,\n})\nexport class ClientRTMSComponent implements OnInit {\n initData: any;\n content: any;\n promoData: any;\n notificationType: any;\n basetemplateId1: any;\n basetemplateId2: any;\n overlayTitle: any;\n overlayImage: any;\n overLayDescription: any;\n overlayCTA: any;\n overlayManualTermsAndConditions: any;\n tosterImage: any;\n toasterDescription: any;\n toasterCTA: any;\n isOverlay: boolean;\n index1: number;\n index2: number;\n overlayCtaDetails: CtaDetails = {\n link: '',\n nativeEvent: '',\n };\n toasterCtaDetails: CtaDetails = {\n link: '',\n nativeEvent: '',\n };\n\n constructor(\n private nativeApp: NativeAppService,\n private userService: UserService,\n public rtmsService: ClientRTMSResourceService,\n ) {}\n\n ngOnInit(): void {\n const userAgent: any = navigator.userAgent;\n if (userAgent.match(/Android/)) {\n MessageToNative.getRtmsData('GET_RTMS_DATA');\n } else this.requestRTMSContent();\n\n this.nativeApp.eventsFromNative.subscribe((e) => {\n if (e.eventName === 'SET_RTMS_DATA') {\n this.notificationType = e.parameters?.notificationType;\n this.basetemplateId1 = e.parameters?.baseTempletId;\n this.promoData = e.parameters;\n this.basetemplateId2 = this.basetemplateId1.replace(/(\\/id\\/)/g, '');\n if (this.notificationType.toLowerCase() === 'overlay') this.isOverlay = true;\n else this.isOverlay = false;\n this.getSitecoreData();\n }\n });\n }\n\n getSitecoreData() {\n const userAgent: any = navigator.userAgent;\n this.rtmsService.getInitValues(this.notificationType, this.basetemplateId2).subscribe(\n (response: any) => {\n this.initData = response.rtmsData;\n\n this.overlayImage =\n this.initData && this.initData.overlayImage && this.initData.overlayImage.src\n ? this.initData.overlayImage.src\n : this.initData && this.initData.detailImage && this.initData.detailImage.src;\n\n this.overlayTitle =\n this.initData && this.initData.overlayTitle ? this.initData.overlayTitle : this.initData && this.initData.commonTitle;\n\n this.overLayDescription =\n this.initData && this.initData.overLayDescription\n ? this.initData.overLayDescription\n : this.initData && this.initData.commonDescription;\n\n this.overlayCTA = this.initData && this.initData.overlayCTA ? this.initData.overlayCTA : this.initData && this.initData.commonCTA;\n\n this.index1 = this.overlayCTA ? this.overlayCTA.search('href=') : -1;\n if (this.index1 >= 0) {\n this.index2 = this.overlayCTA.search(' class=');\n this.overlayCtaDetails.link = this.overlayCTA.substring(this.index1 + 6, this.index2 - 1);\n }\n\n this.index1 = this.overlayCTA ? this.overlayCTA.search('data-send-native=') : -1;\n if (this.index1 >= 0) {\n this.index2 = this.overlayCTA.search('>');\n this.overlayCtaDetails.nativeEvent = this.overlayCTA.substring(this.index1 + 18, this.index2 - 1);\n }\n\n this.overlayManualTermsAndConditions =\n this.initData && this.initData.overlayManualTermsAndConditions\n ? this.initData.overlayManualTermsAndConditions\n : this.initData && this.initData.commonTermsAndConditions;\n\n this.tosterImage =\n this.initData && this.initData.tosterImage && this.initData.tosterImage.src\n ? this.initData.tosterImage.src\n : this.initData && this.initData.preAcceptanceImage && this.initData.preAcceptanceImage.src;\n\n this.toasterDescription =\n this.initData && this.initData.toasterDescription\n ? this.initData.toasterDescription\n : this.initData && this.initData.postAcceptanceDescription;\n\n this.toasterCTA =\n this.initData && this.initData.toasterCTA ? this.initData.toasterCTA : this.initData && this.initData.postAcceptanceCTA;\n\n this.index1 = this.toasterCTA ? this.toasterCTA.search('href=') : -1;\n if (this.index1 >= 0) {\n this.index2 = this.toasterCTA.search(' data-send-native');\n this.toasterCtaDetails.link = this.toasterCTA.substring(this.index1 + 6, this.index2 - 1);\n }\n\n this.index1 = this.toasterCTA ? this.toasterCTA.search('data-send-native=') : -1;\n if (this.index1 >= 0) {\n this.index2 = this.toasterCTA.search('>');\n this.toasterCtaDetails.nativeEvent = this.toasterCTA.substring(this.index1 + 18, this.index2 - 1);\n }\n },\n // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars\n (error) => {\n if (userAgent.match(/Android/)) {\n MessageToNative.closeContainer({ eventName: 'RTMS_ERROR', parameters: { params: this.promoData } });\n } else this.nativeApp.sendToNative({ eventName: 'RTMS_ERROR', parameters: { params: this.promoData } });\n },\n );\n }\n\n linkToAction(promoCta: any) {\n const clientEvent = promoCta.nativeEvent;\n const userAgent: any = navigator.userAgent;\n if (clientEvent) {\n if (userAgent.match(/Android/)) {\n MessageToNative.NativeDispatch(clientEvent, null);\n MessageToNative.closeContainer(clientEvent);\n } else {\n this.nativeApp.sendToNative({ eventName: clientEvent, parameters: {} });\n this.nativeApp.sendToNative({ eventName: 'closeContainer', parameters: {} });\n }\n } else {\n const sso = this.userService.ssoToken;\n window.open(promoCta.link + `?sessionKey=${sso}`);\n if (userAgent.match(/Android/)) {\n MessageToNative.closeContainer(clientEvent);\n } else {\n this.nativeApp.sendToNative({ eventName: 'closeContainer', parameters: {} });\n }\n }\n }\n\n closeContainer() {\n if (this.nativeApp.isDownloadClient) this.nativeApp.sendToNative({ eventName: 'closeContainer', parameters: {} });\n }\n\n requestRTMSContent() {\n this.nativeApp.sendToNative({ eventName: 'GET_RTMS_DATA' });\n }\n}\n","import * as i0 from '@angular/core';\nimport { inject, NgZone, Injectable } from '@angular/core';\nimport { Subject, Observable } from 'rxjs';\nimport { filter, shareReplay, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';\n\n/**\n * Handler that logs \"ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded\" errors.\n * These errors are not shown in the Chrome console, so we log them to ensure developers are aware.\n * @param e The error\n */\nconst loopLimitExceededErrorHandler = e => {\n if (e instanceof ErrorEvent && e.message === 'ResizeObserver loop limit exceeded') {\n console.error(`${e.message}. This could indicate a performance issue with your app. See https://github.com/WICG/resize-observer/blob/master/explainer.md#error-handling`);\n }\n};\n/**\n * A shared ResizeObserver to be used for a particular box type (content-box, border-box, or\n * device-pixel-content-box)\n */\nclass SingleBoxSharedResizeObserver {\n constructor(/** The box type to observe for resizes. */\n _box) {\n this._box = _box;\n /** Stream that emits when the shared observer is destroyed. */\n this._destroyed = new Subject();\n /** Stream of all events from the ResizeObserver. */\n this._resizeSubject = new Subject();\n /** A map of elements to streams of their resize events. */\n this._elementObservables = new Map();\n if (typeof ResizeObserver !== 'undefined') {\n this._resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => this._resizeSubject.next(entries));\n }\n }\n /**\n * Gets a stream of resize events for the given element.\n * @param target The element to observe.\n * @return The stream of resize events for the element.\n */\n observe(target) {\n if (!this._elementObservables.has(target)) {\n this._elementObservables.set(target, new Observable(observer => {\n const subscription = this._resizeSubject.subscribe(observer);\n this._resizeObserver?.observe(target, {\n box: this._box\n });\n return () => {\n this._resizeObserver?.unobserve(target);\n subscription.unsubscribe();\n this._elementObservables.delete(target);\n };\n }).pipe(filter(entries => entries.some(entry => entry.target === target)),\n // Share a replay of the last event so that subsequent calls to observe the same element\n // receive initial sizing info like the first one. Also enable ref counting so the\n // element will be automatically unobserved when there are no more subscriptions.\n shareReplay({\n bufferSize: 1,\n refCount: true\n }), takeUntil(this._destroyed)));\n }\n return this._elementObservables.get(target);\n }\n /** Destroys this instance. */\n destroy() {\n this._destroyed.next();\n this._destroyed.complete();\n this._resizeSubject.complete();\n this._elementObservables.clear();\n }\n}\n/**\n * Allows observing resize events on multiple elements using a shared set of ResizeObserver.\n * Sharing a ResizeObserver instance is recommended for better performance (see\n * https://github.com/WICG/resize-observer/issues/59).\n *\n * Rather than share a single `ResizeObserver`, this class creates one `ResizeObserver` per type\n * of observed box ('content-box', 'border-box', and 'device-pixel-content-box'). This avoids\n * later calls to `observe` with a different box type from influencing the events dispatched to\n * earlier calls.\n */\nlet SharedResizeObserver = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class SharedResizeObserver {\n constructor() {\n /** Map of box type to shared resize observer. */\n this._observers = new Map();\n /** The Angular zone. */\n this._ngZone = inject(NgZone);\n if (typeof ResizeObserver !== 'undefined' && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {\n this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {\n window.addEventListener('error', loopLimitExceededErrorHandler);\n });\n }\n }\n ngOnDestroy() {\n for (const [, observer] of this._observers) {\n observer.destroy();\n }\n this._observers.clear();\n if (typeof ResizeObserver !== 'undefined' && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {\n window.removeEventListener('error', loopLimitExceededErrorHandler);\n }\n }\n /**\n * Gets a stream of resize events for the given target element and box type.\n * @param target The element to observe for resizes.\n * @param options Options to pass to the `ResizeObserver`\n * @return The stream of resize events for the element.\n */\n observe(target, options) {\n const box = options?.box || 'content-box';\n if (!this._observers.has(box)) {\n this._observers.set(box, new SingleBoxSharedResizeObserver(box));\n }\n return this._observers.get(box).observe(target);\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function SharedResizeObserver_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || SharedResizeObserver)();\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineInjectable({\n token: SharedResizeObserver,\n factory: SharedResizeObserver.ɵfac,\n providedIn: 'root'\n });\n }\n }\n return SharedResizeObserver;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n\n/**\n * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.\n */\n\nexport { SharedResizeObserver };\n","import * as i0 from '@angular/core';\nimport { InjectionToken, Directive, Inject, Optional, booleanAttribute, TemplateRef, Component, ChangeDetectionStrategy, ViewEncapsulation, Input, ContentChild, ViewChild, inject, ElementRef, EventEmitter, Injector, afterNextRender, ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE, numberAttribute, Output, ContentChildren, forwardRef, QueryList, Attribute, NgModule } from '@angular/core';\nimport { MatRipple, MAT_RIPPLE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS, MatCommonModule } from '@angular/material/core';\nimport { CdkPortal, TemplatePortal, CdkPortalOutlet } from '@angular/cdk/portal';\nimport { Subject, fromEvent, of, merge, EMPTY, Observable, timer, Subscription, BehaviorSubject } from 'rxjs';\nimport * as i1 from '@angular/cdk/scrolling';\nimport { CdkScrollable } from '@angular/cdk/scrolling';\nimport * as i3 from '@angular/cdk/platform';\nimport { normalizePassiveListenerOptions, Platform } from '@angular/cdk/platform';\nimport * as i2 from '@angular/cdk/bidi';\nimport * as i4 from '@angular/cdk/a11y';\nimport { FocusKeyManager, CdkMonitorFocus } from '@angular/cdk/a11y';\nimport { hasModifierKey, SPACE, ENTER } from '@angular/cdk/keycodes';\nimport { SharedResizeObserver } from '@angular/cdk/observers/private';\nimport { takeUntil, debounceTime, startWith, switchMap, skip, filter, distinctUntilChanged } from 'rxjs/operators';\nimport { CdkObserveContent } from '@angular/cdk/observers';\nimport { DOCUMENT } from '@angular/common';\nimport { trigger, state, style, transition, animate } from '@angular/animations';\n\n/**\n * Injection token that can be used to reference instances of `MatTabContent`. It serves as\n * alternative token to the actual `MatTabContent` class which could cause unnecessary\n * retention of the class and its directive metadata.\n */\nconst _c0 = [\"*\"];\nfunction MatTab_ng_template_0_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵprojection(0);\n }\n}\nconst _c1 = [\"tabListContainer\"];\nconst _c2 = [\"tabList\"];\nconst _c3 = [\"tabListInner\"];\nconst _c4 = [\"nextPaginator\"];\nconst _c5 = [\"previousPaginator\"];\nconst _c6 = a0 => ({\n animationDuration: a0\n});\nconst _c7 = (a0, a1) => ({\n value: a0,\n params: a1\n});\nfunction MatTabBody_ng_template_2_Template(rf, ctx) {}\nconst _c8 = [\"tabBodyWrapper\"];\nconst _c9 = [\"tabHeader\"];\nfunction MatTabGroup_For_3_Conditional_6_ng_template_0_Template(rf, ctx) {}\nfunction MatTabGroup_For_3_Conditional_6_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵtemplate(0, MatTabGroup_For_3_Conditional_6_ng_template_0_Template, 0, 0, \"ng-template\", 12);\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n const tab_r4 = i0.ɵɵnextContext().$implicit;\n i0.ɵɵproperty(\"cdkPortalOutlet\", tab_r4.templateLabel);\n }\n}\nfunction MatTabGroup_For_3_Conditional_7_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵtext(0);\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n const tab_r4 = i0.ɵɵnextContext().$implicit;\n i0.ɵɵtextInterpolate(tab_r4.textLabel);\n }\n}\nfunction MatTabGroup_For_3_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n const _r2 = i0.ɵɵgetCurrentView();\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(0, \"div\", 7, 2);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"click\", function MatTabGroup_For_3_Template_div_click_0_listener() {\n const ctx_r2 = i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r2);\n const tab_r4 = ctx_r2.$implicit;\n const ɵ$index_3_r5 = ctx_r2.$index;\n const ctx_r5 = i0.ɵɵnextContext();\n const tabHeader_r7 = i0.ɵɵreference(1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx_r5._handleClick(tab_r4, tabHeader_r7, ɵ$index_3_r5));\n })(\"cdkFocusChange\", function MatTabGroup_For_3_Template_div_cdkFocusChange_0_listener($event) {\n const ɵ$index_3_r5 = i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r2).$index;\n const ctx_r5 = i0.ɵɵnextContext();\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx_r5._tabFocusChanged($event, ɵ$index_3_r5));\n });\n i0.ɵɵelement(2, \"span\", 8)(3, \"div\", 9);\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(4, \"span\", 10)(5, \"span\", 11);\n i0.ɵɵtemplate(6, MatTabGroup_For_3_Conditional_6_Template, 1, 1, null, 12)(7, MatTabGroup_For_3_Conditional_7_Template, 1, 1);\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd()()();\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n const tab_r4 = ctx.$implicit;\n const ɵ$index_3_r5 = ctx.$index;\n const tabNode_r8 = i0.ɵɵreference(1);\n const ctx_r5 = i0.ɵɵnextContext();\n i0.ɵɵclassMap(tab_r4.labelClass);\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"mdc-tab--active\", ctx_r5.selectedIndex === ɵ$index_3_r5);\n i0.ɵɵproperty(\"id\", ctx_r5._getTabLabelId(ɵ$index_3_r5))(\"disabled\", tab_r4.disabled)(\"fitInkBarToContent\", ctx_r5.fitInkBarToContent);\n i0.ɵɵattribute(\"tabIndex\", ctx_r5._getTabIndex(ɵ$index_3_r5))(\"aria-posinset\", ɵ$index_3_r5 + 1)(\"aria-setsize\", ctx_r5._tabs.length)(\"aria-controls\", ctx_r5._getTabContentId(ɵ$index_3_r5))(\"aria-selected\", ctx_r5.selectedIndex === ɵ$index_3_r5)(\"aria-label\", tab_r4.ariaLabel || null)(\"aria-labelledby\", !tab_r4.ariaLabel && tab_r4.ariaLabelledby ? tab_r4.ariaLabelledby : null);\n i0.ɵɵadvance(3);\n i0.ɵɵproperty(\"matRippleTrigger\", tabNode_r8)(\"matRippleDisabled\", tab_r4.disabled || ctx_r5.disableRipple);\n i0.ɵɵadvance(3);\n i0.ɵɵconditional(tab_r4.templateLabel ? 6 : 7);\n }\n}\nfunction MatTabGroup_Conditional_4_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵprojection(0);\n }\n}\nfunction MatTabGroup_For_8_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n const _r9 = i0.ɵɵgetCurrentView();\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(0, \"mat-tab-body\", 13);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"_onCentered\", function MatTabGroup_For_8_Template_mat_tab_body__onCentered_0_listener() {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r9);\n const ctx_r5 = i0.ɵɵnextContext();\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx_r5._removeTabBodyWrapperHeight());\n })(\"_onCentering\", function MatTabGroup_For_8_Template_mat_tab_body__onCentering_0_listener($event) {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r9);\n const ctx_r5 = i0.ɵɵnextContext();\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx_r5._setTabBodyWrapperHeight($event));\n });\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd();\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n const tab_r10 = ctx.$implicit;\n const ɵ$index_23_r11 = ctx.$index;\n const ctx_r5 = i0.ɵɵnextContext();\n i0.ɵɵclassMap(tab_r10.bodyClass);\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"mat-mdc-tab-body-active\", ctx_r5.selectedIndex === ɵ$index_23_r11);\n i0.ɵɵproperty(\"id\", ctx_r5._getTabContentId(ɵ$index_23_r11))(\"content\", tab_r10.content)(\"position\", tab_r10.position)(\"origin\", tab_r10.origin)(\"animationDuration\", ctx_r5.animationDuration)(\"preserveContent\", ctx_r5.preserveContent);\n i0.ɵɵattribute(\"tabindex\", ctx_r5.contentTabIndex != null && ctx_r5.selectedIndex === ɵ$index_23_r11 ? ctx_r5.contentTabIndex : null)(\"aria-labelledby\", ctx_r5._getTabLabelId(ɵ$index_23_r11))(\"aria-hidden\", ctx_r5.selectedIndex !== ɵ$index_23_r11);\n }\n}\nconst _c10 = [\"mat-tab-nav-bar\", \"\"];\nconst _c11 = [\"mat-tab-link\", \"\"];\nconst MAT_TAB_CONTENT = /*#__PURE__*/new InjectionToken('MatTabContent');\n/** Decorates the `ng-template` tags and reads out the template from it. */\nlet MatTabContent = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTabContent {\n constructor(/** Content for the tab. */template) {\n this.template = template;\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTabContent_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTabContent)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.TemplateRef));\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineDirective({\n type: MatTabContent,\n selectors: [[\"\", \"matTabContent\", \"\"]],\n standalone: true,\n features: [i0.ɵɵProvidersFeature([{\n provide: MAT_TAB_CONTENT,\n useExisting: MatTabContent\n }])]\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTabContent;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n\n/**\n * Injection token that can be used to reference instances of `MatTabLabel`. It serves as\n * alternative token to the actual `MatTabLabel` class which could cause unnecessary\n * retention of the class and its directive metadata.\n */\nconst MAT_TAB_LABEL = /*#__PURE__*/new InjectionToken('MatTabLabel');\n/**\n * Used to provide a tab label to a tab without causing a circular dependency.\n * @docs-private\n */\nconst MAT_TAB = /*#__PURE__*/new InjectionToken('MAT_TAB');\n/** Used to flag tab labels for use with the portal directive */\nlet MatTabLabel = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTabLabel extends CdkPortal {\n constructor(templateRef, viewContainerRef, _closestTab) {\n super(templateRef, viewContainerRef);\n this._closestTab = _closestTab;\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTabLabel_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTabLabel)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.TemplateRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ViewContainerRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(MAT_TAB, 8));\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineDirective({\n type: MatTabLabel,\n selectors: [[\"\", \"mat-tab-label\", \"\"], [\"\", \"matTabLabel\", \"\"]],\n standalone: true,\n features: [i0.ɵɵProvidersFeature([{\n provide: MAT_TAB_LABEL,\n useExisting: MatTabLabel\n }]), i0.ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature]\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTabLabel;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n\n/**\n * Used to provide a tab group to a tab without causing a circular dependency.\n * @docs-private\n */\nconst MAT_TAB_GROUP = /*#__PURE__*/new InjectionToken('MAT_TAB_GROUP');\nlet MatTab = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTab {\n /** Content for the tab label given by ``. */\n get templateLabel() {\n return this._templateLabel;\n }\n set templateLabel(value) {\n this._setTemplateLabelInput(value);\n }\n /** @docs-private */\n get content() {\n return this._contentPortal;\n }\n constructor(_viewContainerRef, _closestTabGroup) {\n this._viewContainerRef = _viewContainerRef;\n this._closestTabGroup = _closestTabGroup;\n /** whether the tab is disabled. */\n this.disabled = false;\n /**\n * Template provided in the tab content that will be used if present, used to enable lazy-loading\n */\n this._explicitContent = undefined;\n /** Plain text label for the tab, used when there is no template label. */\n this.textLabel = '';\n /** Portal that will be the hosted content of the tab */\n this._contentPortal = null;\n /** Emits whenever the internal state of the tab changes. */\n this._stateChanges = new Subject();\n /**\n * The relatively indexed position where 0 represents the center, negative is left, and positive\n * represents the right.\n */\n this.position = null;\n /**\n * The initial relatively index origin of the tab if it was created and selected after there\n * was already a selected tab. Provides context of what position the tab should originate from.\n */\n this.origin = null;\n /**\n * Whether the tab is currently active.\n */\n this.isActive = false;\n }\n ngOnChanges(changes) {\n if (changes.hasOwnProperty('textLabel') || changes.hasOwnProperty('disabled')) {\n this._stateChanges.next();\n }\n }\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this._stateChanges.complete();\n }\n ngOnInit() {\n this._contentPortal = new TemplatePortal(this._explicitContent || this._implicitContent, this._viewContainerRef);\n }\n /**\n * This has been extracted to a util because of TS 4 and VE.\n * View Engine doesn't support property rename inheritance.\n * TS 4.0 doesn't allow properties to override accessors or vice-versa.\n * @docs-private\n */\n _setTemplateLabelInput(value) {\n // Only update the label if the query managed to find one. This works around an issue where a\n // user may have manually set `templateLabel` during creation mode, which would then get\n // clobbered by `undefined` when the query resolves. Also note that we check that the closest\n // tab matches the current one so that we don't pick up labels from nested tabs.\n if (value && value._closestTab === this) {\n this._templateLabel = value;\n }\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTab_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTab)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ViewContainerRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(MAT_TAB_GROUP, 8));\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineComponent({\n type: MatTab,\n selectors: [[\"mat-tab\"]],\n contentQueries: function MatTab_ContentQueries(rf, ctx, dirIndex) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, MatTabLabel, 5);\n i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, MatTabContent, 7, TemplateRef);\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n let _t;\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx.templateLabel = _t.first);\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._explicitContent = _t.first);\n }\n },\n viewQuery: function MatTab_Query(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(TemplateRef, 7);\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n let _t;\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._implicitContent = _t.first);\n }\n },\n hostAttrs: [\"hidden\", \"\"],\n inputs: {\n disabled: [2, \"disabled\", \"disabled\", booleanAttribute],\n textLabel: [0, \"label\", \"textLabel\"],\n ariaLabel: [0, \"aria-label\", \"ariaLabel\"],\n ariaLabelledby: [0, \"aria-labelledby\", \"ariaLabelledby\"],\n labelClass: \"labelClass\",\n bodyClass: \"bodyClass\"\n },\n exportAs: [\"matTab\"],\n standalone: true,\n features: [i0.ɵɵProvidersFeature([{\n provide: MAT_TAB,\n useExisting: MatTab\n }]), i0.ɵɵInputTransformsFeature, i0.ɵɵNgOnChangesFeature, i0.ɵɵStandaloneFeature],\n ngContentSelectors: _c0,\n decls: 1,\n vars: 0,\n template: function MatTab_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵprojectionDef();\n i0.ɵɵtemplate(0, MatTab_ng_template_0_Template, 1, 0, \"ng-template\");\n }\n },\n encapsulation: 2\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTab;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n\n/** Class that is applied when a tab indicator is active. */\nconst ACTIVE_CLASS = 'mdc-tab-indicator--active';\n/** Class that is applied when the tab indicator should not transition. */\nconst NO_TRANSITION_CLASS = 'mdc-tab-indicator--no-transition';\n/**\n * Abstraction around the MDC tab indicator that acts as the tab header's ink bar.\n * @docs-private\n */\nclass MatInkBar {\n constructor(_items) {\n this._items = _items;\n }\n /** Hides the ink bar. */\n hide() {\n this._items.forEach(item => item.deactivateInkBar());\n }\n /** Aligns the ink bar to a DOM node. */\n alignToElement(element) {\n const correspondingItem = this._items.find(item => item.elementRef.nativeElement === element);\n const currentItem = this._currentItem;\n if (correspondingItem === currentItem) {\n return;\n }\n currentItem?.deactivateInkBar();\n if (correspondingItem) {\n const domRect = currentItem?.elementRef.nativeElement.getBoundingClientRect?.();\n // The ink bar won't animate unless we give it the `DOMRect` of the previous item.\n correspondingItem.activateInkBar(domRect);\n this._currentItem = correspondingItem;\n }\n }\n}\nlet InkBarItem = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class InkBarItem {\n constructor() {\n this._elementRef = inject(ElementRef);\n this._fitToContent = false;\n }\n /** Whether the ink bar should fit to the entire tab or just its content. */\n get fitInkBarToContent() {\n return this._fitToContent;\n }\n set fitInkBarToContent(newValue) {\n if (this._fitToContent !== newValue) {\n this._fitToContent = newValue;\n if (this._inkBarElement) {\n this._appendInkBarElement();\n }\n }\n }\n /** Aligns the ink bar to the current item. */\n activateInkBar(previousIndicatorClientRect) {\n const element = this._elementRef.nativeElement;\n // Early exit if no indicator is present to handle cases where an indicator\n // may be activated without a prior indicator state\n if (!previousIndicatorClientRect || !element.getBoundingClientRect || !this._inkBarContentElement) {\n element.classList.add(ACTIVE_CLASS);\n return;\n }\n // This animation uses the FLIP approach. You can read more about it at the link below:\n // https://aerotwist.com/blog/flip-your-animations/\n // Calculate the dimensions based on the dimensions of the previous indicator\n const currentClientRect = element.getBoundingClientRect();\n const widthDelta = previousIndicatorClientRect.width / currentClientRect.width;\n const xPosition = previousIndicatorClientRect.left - currentClientRect.left;\n element.classList.add(NO_TRANSITION_CLASS);\n this._inkBarContentElement.style.setProperty('transform', `translateX(${xPosition}px) scaleX(${widthDelta})`);\n // Force repaint before updating classes and transform to ensure the transform properly takes effect\n element.getBoundingClientRect();\n element.classList.remove(NO_TRANSITION_CLASS);\n element.classList.add(ACTIVE_CLASS);\n this._inkBarContentElement.style.setProperty('transform', '');\n }\n /** Removes the ink bar from the current item. */\n deactivateInkBar() {\n this._elementRef.nativeElement.classList.remove(ACTIVE_CLASS);\n }\n /** Initializes the foundation. */\n ngOnInit() {\n this._createInkBarElement();\n }\n /** Destroys the foundation. */\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this._inkBarElement?.remove();\n this._inkBarElement = this._inkBarContentElement = null;\n }\n /** Creates and appends the ink bar element. */\n _createInkBarElement() {\n const documentNode = this._elementRef.nativeElement.ownerDocument || document;\n const inkBarElement = this._inkBarElement = documentNode.createElement('span');\n const inkBarContentElement = this._inkBarContentElement = documentNode.createElement('span');\n inkBarElement.className = 'mdc-tab-indicator';\n inkBarContentElement.className = 'mdc-tab-indicator__content mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline';\n inkBarElement.appendChild(this._inkBarContentElement);\n this._appendInkBarElement();\n }\n /**\n * Appends the ink bar to the tab host element or content, depending on whether\n * the ink bar should fit to content.\n */\n _appendInkBarElement() {\n if (!this._inkBarElement && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {\n throw Error('Ink bar element has not been created and cannot be appended');\n }\n const parentElement = this._fitToContent ? this._elementRef.nativeElement.querySelector('.mdc-tab__content') : this._elementRef.nativeElement;\n if (!parentElement && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {\n throw Error('Missing element to host the ink bar');\n }\n parentElement.appendChild(this._inkBarElement);\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function InkBarItem_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || InkBarItem)();\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineDirective({\n type: InkBarItem,\n inputs: {\n fitInkBarToContent: [2, \"fitInkBarToContent\", \"fitInkBarToContent\", booleanAttribute]\n },\n features: [i0.ɵɵInputTransformsFeature]\n });\n }\n }\n return InkBarItem;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n/**\n * The default positioner function for the MatInkBar.\n * @docs-private\n */\nfunction _MAT_INK_BAR_POSITIONER_FACTORY() {\n const method = element => ({\n left: element ? (element.offsetLeft || 0) + 'px' : '0',\n width: element ? (element.offsetWidth || 0) + 'px' : '0'\n });\n return method;\n}\n/** Injection token for the MatInkBar's Positioner. */\nconst _MAT_INK_BAR_POSITIONER = /*#__PURE__*/new InjectionToken('MatInkBarPositioner', {\n providedIn: 'root',\n factory: _MAT_INK_BAR_POSITIONER_FACTORY\n});\n\n/**\n * Used in the `mat-tab-group` view to display tab labels.\n * @docs-private\n */\nlet MatTabLabelWrapper = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTabLabelWrapper extends InkBarItem {\n constructor(elementRef) {\n super();\n this.elementRef = elementRef;\n /** Whether the tab is disabled. */\n this.disabled = false;\n }\n /** Sets focus on the wrapper element */\n focus() {\n this.elementRef.nativeElement.focus();\n }\n getOffsetLeft() {\n return this.elementRef.nativeElement.offsetLeft;\n }\n getOffsetWidth() {\n return this.elementRef.nativeElement.offsetWidth;\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTabLabelWrapper_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTabLabelWrapper)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ElementRef));\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineDirective({\n type: MatTabLabelWrapper,\n selectors: [[\"\", \"matTabLabelWrapper\", \"\"]],\n hostVars: 3,\n hostBindings: function MatTabLabelWrapper_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 2) {\n i0.ɵɵattribute(\"aria-disabled\", !!ctx.disabled);\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"mat-mdc-tab-disabled\", ctx.disabled);\n }\n },\n inputs: {\n disabled: [2, \"disabled\", \"disabled\", booleanAttribute]\n },\n standalone: true,\n features: [i0.ɵɵInputTransformsFeature, i0.ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature]\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTabLabelWrapper;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n\n/** Config used to bind passive event listeners */\nconst passiveEventListenerOptions = /*#__PURE__*/normalizePassiveListenerOptions({\n passive: true\n});\n/**\n * Amount of milliseconds to wait before starting to scroll the header automatically.\n * Set a little conservatively in order to handle fake events dispatched on touch devices.\n */\nconst HEADER_SCROLL_DELAY = 650;\n/**\n * Interval in milliseconds at which to scroll the header\n * while the user is holding their pointer.\n */\nconst HEADER_SCROLL_INTERVAL = 100;\n/**\n * Base class for a tab header that supported pagination.\n * @docs-private\n */\nlet MatPaginatedTabHeader = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatPaginatedTabHeader {\n /** The index of the active tab. */\n get selectedIndex() {\n return this._selectedIndex;\n }\n set selectedIndex(v) {\n const value = isNaN(v) ? 0 : v;\n if (this._selectedIndex != value) {\n this._selectedIndexChanged = true;\n this._selectedIndex = value;\n if (this._keyManager) {\n this._keyManager.updateActiveItem(value);\n }\n }\n }\n constructor(_elementRef, _changeDetectorRef, _viewportRuler, _dir, _ngZone, _platform, _animationMode) {\n this._elementRef = _elementRef;\n this._changeDetectorRef = _changeDetectorRef;\n this._viewportRuler = _viewportRuler;\n this._dir = _dir;\n this._ngZone = _ngZone;\n this._platform = _platform;\n this._animationMode = _animationMode;\n /** The distance in pixels that the tab labels should be translated to the left. */\n this._scrollDistance = 0;\n /** Whether the header should scroll to the selected index after the view has been checked. */\n this._selectedIndexChanged = false;\n /** Emits when the component is destroyed. */\n this._destroyed = new Subject();\n /** Whether the controls for pagination should be displayed */\n this._showPaginationControls = false;\n /** Whether the tab list can be scrolled more towards the end of the tab label list. */\n this._disableScrollAfter = true;\n /** Whether the tab list can be scrolled more towards the beginning of the tab label list. */\n this._disableScrollBefore = true;\n /** Stream that will stop the automated scrolling. */\n this._stopScrolling = new Subject();\n /**\n * Whether pagination should be disabled. This can be used to avoid unnecessary\n * layout recalculations if it's known that pagination won't be required.\n */\n this.disablePagination = false;\n this._selectedIndex = 0;\n /** Event emitted when the option is selected. */\n this.selectFocusedIndex = new EventEmitter();\n /** Event emitted when a label is focused. */\n this.indexFocused = new EventEmitter();\n this._sharedResizeObserver = inject(SharedResizeObserver);\n this._injector = inject(Injector);\n // Bind the `mouseleave` event on the outside since it doesn't change anything in the view.\n _ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {\n fromEvent(_elementRef.nativeElement, 'mouseleave').pipe(takeUntil(this._destroyed)).subscribe(() => {\n this._stopInterval();\n });\n });\n }\n ngAfterViewInit() {\n // We need to handle these events manually, because we want to bind passive event listeners.\n fromEvent(this._previousPaginator.nativeElement, 'touchstart', passiveEventListenerOptions).pipe(takeUntil(this._destroyed)).subscribe(() => {\n this._handlePaginatorPress('before');\n });\n fromEvent(this._nextPaginator.nativeElement, 'touchstart', passiveEventListenerOptions).pipe(takeUntil(this._destroyed)).subscribe(() => {\n this._handlePaginatorPress('after');\n });\n }\n ngAfterContentInit() {\n const dirChange = this._dir ? this._dir.change : of('ltr');\n // We need to debounce resize events because the alignment logic is expensive.\n // If someone animates the width of tabs, we don't want to realign on every animation frame.\n // Once we haven't seen any more resize events in the last 32ms (~2 animaion frames) we can\n // re-align.\n const resize = this._sharedResizeObserver.observe(this._elementRef.nativeElement).pipe(debounceTime(32), takeUntil(this._destroyed));\n // Note: We do not actually need to watch these events for proper functioning of the tabs,\n // the resize events above should capture any viewport resize that we care about. However,\n // removing this is fairly breaking for screenshot tests, so we're leaving it here for now.\n const viewportResize = this._viewportRuler.change(150).pipe(takeUntil(this._destroyed));\n const realign = () => {\n this.updatePagination();\n this._alignInkBarToSelectedTab();\n };\n this._keyManager = new FocusKeyManager(this._items).withHorizontalOrientation(this._getLayoutDirection()).withHomeAndEnd().withWrap()\n // Allow focus to land on disabled tabs, as per https://w3c.github.io/aria-practices/#kbd_disabled_controls\n .skipPredicate(() => false);\n this._keyManager.updateActiveItem(this._selectedIndex);\n // Note: We do not need to realign after the first render for proper functioning of the tabs\n // the resize events above should fire when we first start observing the element. However,\n // removing this is fairly breaking for screenshot tests, so we're leaving it here for now.\n afterNextRender(realign, {\n injector: this._injector\n });\n // On dir change or resize, realign the ink bar and update the orientation of\n // the key manager if the direction has changed.\n merge(dirChange, viewportResize, resize, this._items.changes, this._itemsResized()).pipe(takeUntil(this._destroyed)).subscribe(() => {\n // We need to defer this to give the browser some time to recalculate\n // the element dimensions. The call has to be wrapped in `NgZone.run`,\n // because the viewport change handler runs outside of Angular.\n this._ngZone.run(() => {\n Promise.resolve().then(() => {\n // Clamp the scroll distance, because it can change with the number of tabs.\n this._scrollDistance = Math.max(0, Math.min(this._getMaxScrollDistance(), this._scrollDistance));\n realign();\n });\n });\n this._keyManager.withHorizontalOrientation(this._getLayoutDirection());\n });\n // If there is a change in the focus key manager we need to emit the `indexFocused`\n // event in order to provide a public event that notifies about focus changes. Also we realign\n // the tabs container by scrolling the new focused tab into the visible section.\n this._keyManager.change.subscribe(newFocusIndex => {\n this.indexFocused.emit(newFocusIndex);\n this._setTabFocus(newFocusIndex);\n });\n }\n /** Sends any changes that could affect the layout of the items. */\n _itemsResized() {\n if (typeof ResizeObserver !== 'function') {\n return EMPTY;\n }\n return this._items.changes.pipe(startWith(this._items), switchMap(tabItems => new Observable(observer => this._ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {\n const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(entries => observer.next(entries));\n tabItems.forEach(item => resizeObserver.observe(item.elementRef.nativeElement));\n return () => {\n resizeObserver.disconnect();\n };\n }))),\n // Skip the first emit since the resize observer emits when an item\n // is observed for new items when the tab is already inserted\n skip(1),\n // Skip emissions where all the elements are invisible since we don't want\n // the header to try and re-render with invalid measurements. See #25574.\n filter(entries => entries.some(e => e.contentRect.width > 0 && e.contentRect.height > 0)));\n }\n ngAfterContentChecked() {\n // If the number of tab labels have changed, check if scrolling should be enabled\n if (this._tabLabelCount != this._items.length) {\n this.updatePagination();\n this._tabLabelCount = this._items.length;\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n }\n // If the selected index has changed, scroll to the label and check if the scrolling controls\n // should be disabled.\n if (this._selectedIndexChanged) {\n this._scrollToLabel(this._selectedIndex);\n this._checkScrollingControls();\n this._alignInkBarToSelectedTab();\n this._selectedIndexChanged = false;\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n }\n // If the scroll distance has been changed (tab selected, focused, scroll controls activated),\n // then translate the header to reflect this.\n if (this._scrollDistanceChanged) {\n this._updateTabScrollPosition();\n this._scrollDistanceChanged = false;\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n }\n }\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this._keyManager?.destroy();\n this._destroyed.next();\n this._destroyed.complete();\n this._stopScrolling.complete();\n }\n /** Handles keyboard events on the header. */\n _handleKeydown(event) {\n // We don't handle any key bindings with a modifier key.\n if (hasModifierKey(event)) {\n return;\n }\n switch (event.keyCode) {\n case ENTER:\n case SPACE:\n if (this.focusIndex !== this.selectedIndex) {\n const item = this._items.get(this.focusIndex);\n if (item && !item.disabled) {\n this.selectFocusedIndex.emit(this.focusIndex);\n this._itemSelected(event);\n }\n }\n break;\n default:\n this._keyManager.onKeydown(event);\n }\n }\n /**\n * Callback for when the MutationObserver detects that the content has changed.\n */\n _onContentChanges() {\n const textContent = this._elementRef.nativeElement.textContent;\n // We need to diff the text content of the header, because the MutationObserver callback\n // will fire even if the text content didn't change which is inefficient and is prone\n // to infinite loops if a poorly constructed expression is passed in (see #14249).\n if (textContent !== this._currentTextContent) {\n this._currentTextContent = textContent || '';\n // The content observer runs outside the `NgZone` by default, which\n // means that we need to bring the callback back in ourselves.\n this._ngZone.run(() => {\n this.updatePagination();\n this._alignInkBarToSelectedTab();\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n });\n }\n }\n /**\n * Updates the view whether pagination should be enabled or not.\n *\n * WARNING: Calling this method can be very costly in terms of performance. It should be called\n * as infrequently as possible from outside of the Tabs component as it causes a reflow of the\n * page.\n */\n updatePagination() {\n this._checkPaginationEnabled();\n this._checkScrollingControls();\n this._updateTabScrollPosition();\n }\n /** Tracks which element has focus; used for keyboard navigation */\n get focusIndex() {\n return this._keyManager ? this._keyManager.activeItemIndex : 0;\n }\n /** When the focus index is set, we must manually send focus to the correct label */\n set focusIndex(value) {\n if (!this._isValidIndex(value) || this.focusIndex === value || !this._keyManager) {\n return;\n }\n this._keyManager.setActiveItem(value);\n }\n /**\n * Determines if an index is valid. If the tabs are not ready yet, we assume that the user is\n * providing a valid index and return true.\n */\n _isValidIndex(index) {\n return this._items ? !!this._items.toArray()[index] : true;\n }\n /**\n * Sets focus on the HTML element for the label wrapper and scrolls it into the view if\n * scrolling is enabled.\n */\n _setTabFocus(tabIndex) {\n if (this._showPaginationControls) {\n this._scrollToLabel(tabIndex);\n }\n if (this._items && this._items.length) {\n this._items.toArray()[tabIndex].focus();\n // Do not let the browser manage scrolling to focus the element, this will be handled\n // by using translation. In LTR, the scroll left should be 0. In RTL, the scroll width\n // should be the full width minus the offset width.\n const containerEl = this._tabListContainer.nativeElement;\n const dir = this._getLayoutDirection();\n if (dir == 'ltr') {\n containerEl.scrollLeft = 0;\n } else {\n containerEl.scrollLeft = containerEl.scrollWidth - containerEl.offsetWidth;\n }\n }\n }\n /** The layout direction of the containing app. */\n _getLayoutDirection() {\n return this._dir && this._dir.value === 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';\n }\n /** Performs the CSS transformation on the tab list that will cause the list to scroll. */\n _updateTabScrollPosition() {\n if (this.disablePagination) {\n return;\n }\n const scrollDistance = this.scrollDistance;\n const translateX = this._getLayoutDirection() === 'ltr' ? -scrollDistance : scrollDistance;\n // Don't use `translate3d` here because we don't want to create a new layer. A new layer\n // seems to cause flickering and overflow in Internet Explorer. For example, the ink bar\n // and ripples will exceed the boundaries of the visible tab bar.\n // See: https://github.com/angular/components/issues/10276\n // We round the `transform` here, because transforms with sub-pixel precision cause some\n // browsers to blur the content of the element.\n this._tabList.nativeElement.style.transform = `translateX(${Math.round(translateX)}px)`;\n // Setting the `transform` on IE will change the scroll offset of the parent, causing the\n // position to be thrown off in some cases. We have to reset it ourselves to ensure that\n // it doesn't get thrown off. Note that we scope it only to IE and Edge, because messing\n // with the scroll position throws off Chrome 71+ in RTL mode (see #14689).\n if (this._platform.TRIDENT || this._platform.EDGE) {\n this._tabListContainer.nativeElement.scrollLeft = 0;\n }\n }\n /** Sets the distance in pixels that the tab header should be transformed in the X-axis. */\n get scrollDistance() {\n return this._scrollDistance;\n }\n set scrollDistance(value) {\n this._scrollTo(value);\n }\n /**\n * Moves the tab list in the 'before' or 'after' direction (towards the beginning of the list or\n * the end of the list, respectively). The distance to scroll is computed to be a third of the\n * length of the tab list view window.\n *\n * This is an expensive call that forces a layout reflow to compute box and scroll metrics and\n * should be called sparingly.\n */\n _scrollHeader(direction) {\n const viewLength = this._tabListContainer.nativeElement.offsetWidth;\n // Move the scroll distance one-third the length of the tab list's viewport.\n const scrollAmount = (direction == 'before' ? -1 : 1) * viewLength / 3;\n return this._scrollTo(this._scrollDistance + scrollAmount);\n }\n /** Handles click events on the pagination arrows. */\n _handlePaginatorClick(direction) {\n this._stopInterval();\n this._scrollHeader(direction);\n }\n /**\n * Moves the tab list such that the desired tab label (marked by index) is moved into view.\n *\n * This is an expensive call that forces a layout reflow to compute box and scroll metrics and\n * should be called sparingly.\n */\n _scrollToLabel(labelIndex) {\n if (this.disablePagination) {\n return;\n }\n const selectedLabel = this._items ? this._items.toArray()[labelIndex] : null;\n if (!selectedLabel) {\n return;\n }\n // The view length is the visible width of the tab labels.\n const viewLength = this._tabListContainer.nativeElement.offsetWidth;\n const {\n offsetLeft,\n offsetWidth\n } = selectedLabel.elementRef.nativeElement;\n let labelBeforePos, labelAfterPos;\n if (this._getLayoutDirection() == 'ltr') {\n labelBeforePos = offsetLeft;\n labelAfterPos = labelBeforePos + offsetWidth;\n } else {\n labelAfterPos = this._tabListInner.nativeElement.offsetWidth - offsetLeft;\n labelBeforePos = labelAfterPos - offsetWidth;\n }\n const beforeVisiblePos = this.scrollDistance;\n const afterVisiblePos = this.scrollDistance + viewLength;\n if (labelBeforePos < beforeVisiblePos) {\n // Scroll header to move label to the before direction\n this.scrollDistance -= beforeVisiblePos - labelBeforePos;\n } else if (labelAfterPos > afterVisiblePos) {\n // Scroll header to move label to the after direction\n this.scrollDistance += Math.min(labelAfterPos - afterVisiblePos, labelBeforePos - beforeVisiblePos);\n }\n }\n /**\n * Evaluate whether the pagination controls should be displayed. If the scroll width of the\n * tab list is wider than the size of the header container, then the pagination controls should\n * be shown.\n *\n * This is an expensive call that forces a layout reflow to compute box and scroll metrics and\n * should be called sparingly.\n */\n _checkPaginationEnabled() {\n if (this.disablePagination) {\n this._showPaginationControls = false;\n } else {\n const scrollWidth = this._tabListInner.nativeElement.scrollWidth;\n const containerWidth = this._elementRef.nativeElement.offsetWidth;\n // Usually checking that the scroll width is greater than the container width should be\n // enough, but on Safari at specific widths the browser ends up rounding up when there's\n // no pagination and rounding down once the pagination is added. This can throw the component\n // into an infinite loop where the pagination shows up and disappears constantly. We work\n // around it by adding a threshold to the calculation. From manual testing the threshold\n // can be lowered to 2px and still resolve the issue, but we set a higher one to be safe.\n // This shouldn't cause any content to be clipped, because tabs have a 24px horizontal\n // padding. See b/316395154 for more information.\n const isEnabled = scrollWidth - containerWidth >= 5;\n if (!isEnabled) {\n this.scrollDistance = 0;\n }\n if (isEnabled !== this._showPaginationControls) {\n this._showPaginationControls = isEnabled;\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * Evaluate whether the before and after controls should be enabled or disabled.\n * If the header is at the beginning of the list (scroll distance is equal to 0) then disable the\n * before button. If the header is at the end of the list (scroll distance is equal to the\n * maximum distance we can scroll), then disable the after button.\n *\n * This is an expensive call that forces a layout reflow to compute box and scroll metrics and\n * should be called sparingly.\n */\n _checkScrollingControls() {\n if (this.disablePagination) {\n this._disableScrollAfter = this._disableScrollBefore = true;\n } else {\n // Check if the pagination arrows should be activated.\n this._disableScrollBefore = this.scrollDistance == 0;\n this._disableScrollAfter = this.scrollDistance == this._getMaxScrollDistance();\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n }\n }\n /**\n * Determines what is the maximum length in pixels that can be set for the scroll distance. This\n * is equal to the difference in width between the tab list container and tab header container.\n *\n * This is an expensive call that forces a layout reflow to compute box and scroll metrics and\n * should be called sparingly.\n */\n _getMaxScrollDistance() {\n const lengthOfTabList = this._tabListInner.nativeElement.scrollWidth;\n const viewLength = this._tabListContainer.nativeElement.offsetWidth;\n return lengthOfTabList - viewLength || 0;\n }\n /** Tells the ink-bar to align itself to the current label wrapper */\n _alignInkBarToSelectedTab() {\n const selectedItem = this._items && this._items.length ? this._items.toArray()[this.selectedIndex] : null;\n const selectedLabelWrapper = selectedItem ? selectedItem.elementRef.nativeElement : null;\n if (selectedLabelWrapper) {\n this._inkBar.alignToElement(selectedLabelWrapper);\n } else {\n this._inkBar.hide();\n }\n }\n /** Stops the currently-running paginator interval. */\n _stopInterval() {\n this._stopScrolling.next();\n }\n /**\n * Handles the user pressing down on one of the paginators.\n * Starts scrolling the header after a certain amount of time.\n * @param direction In which direction the paginator should be scrolled.\n */\n _handlePaginatorPress(direction, mouseEvent) {\n // Don't start auto scrolling for right mouse button clicks. Note that we shouldn't have to\n // null check the `button`, but we do it so we don't break tests that use fake events.\n if (mouseEvent && mouseEvent.button != null && mouseEvent.button !== 0) {\n return;\n }\n // Avoid overlapping timers.\n this._stopInterval();\n // Start a timer after the delay and keep firing based on the interval.\n timer(HEADER_SCROLL_DELAY, HEADER_SCROLL_INTERVAL)\n // Keep the timer going until something tells it to stop or the component is destroyed.\n .pipe(takeUntil(merge(this._stopScrolling, this._destroyed))).subscribe(() => {\n const {\n maxScrollDistance,\n distance\n } = this._scrollHeader(direction);\n // Stop the timer if we've reached the start or the end.\n if (distance === 0 || distance >= maxScrollDistance) {\n this._stopInterval();\n }\n });\n }\n /**\n * Scrolls the header to a given position.\n * @param position Position to which to scroll.\n * @returns Information on the current scroll distance and the maximum.\n */\n _scrollTo(position) {\n if (this.disablePagination) {\n return {\n maxScrollDistance: 0,\n distance: 0\n };\n }\n const maxScrollDistance = this._getMaxScrollDistance();\n this._scrollDistance = Math.max(0, Math.min(maxScrollDistance, position));\n // Mark that the scroll distance has changed so that after the view is checked, the CSS\n // transformation can move the header.\n this._scrollDistanceChanged = true;\n this._checkScrollingControls();\n return {\n maxScrollDistance,\n distance: this._scrollDistance\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatPaginatedTabHeader_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatPaginatedTabHeader)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ElementRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ChangeDetectorRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i1.ViewportRuler), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i2.Directionality, 8), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.NgZone), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i3.Platform), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE, 8));\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineDirective({\n type: MatPaginatedTabHeader,\n inputs: {\n disablePagination: [2, \"disablePagination\", \"disablePagination\", booleanAttribute],\n selectedIndex: [2, \"selectedIndex\", \"selectedIndex\", numberAttribute]\n },\n outputs: {\n selectFocusedIndex: \"selectFocusedIndex\",\n indexFocused: \"indexFocused\"\n },\n features: [i0.ɵɵInputTransformsFeature]\n });\n }\n }\n return MatPaginatedTabHeader;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n\n/**\n * The header of the tab group which displays a list of all the tabs in the tab group. Includes\n * an ink bar that follows the currently selected tab. When the tabs list's width exceeds the\n * width of the header container, then arrows will be displayed to allow the user to scroll\n * left and right across the header.\n * @docs-private\n */\nlet MatTabHeader = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTabHeader extends MatPaginatedTabHeader {\n constructor(elementRef, changeDetectorRef, viewportRuler, dir, ngZone, platform, animationMode) {\n super(elementRef, changeDetectorRef, viewportRuler, dir, ngZone, platform, animationMode);\n /** Whether the ripple effect is disabled or not. */\n this.disableRipple = false;\n }\n ngAfterContentInit() {\n this._inkBar = new MatInkBar(this._items);\n super.ngAfterContentInit();\n }\n _itemSelected(event) {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTabHeader_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTabHeader)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ElementRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ChangeDetectorRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i1.ViewportRuler), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i2.Directionality, 8), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.NgZone), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i3.Platform), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE, 8));\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineComponent({\n type: MatTabHeader,\n selectors: [[\"mat-tab-header\"]],\n contentQueries: function MatTabHeader_ContentQueries(rf, ctx, dirIndex) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, MatTabLabelWrapper, 4);\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n let _t;\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._items = _t);\n }\n },\n viewQuery: function MatTabHeader_Query(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c1, 7);\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c2, 7);\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c3, 7);\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c4, 5);\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c5, 5);\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n let _t;\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._tabListContainer = _t.first);\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._tabList = _t.first);\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._tabListInner = _t.first);\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._nextPaginator = _t.first);\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._previousPaginator = _t.first);\n }\n },\n hostAttrs: [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-header\"],\n hostVars: 4,\n hostBindings: function MatTabHeader_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 2) {\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-controls-enabled\", ctx._showPaginationControls)(\"mat-mdc-tab-header-rtl\", ctx._getLayoutDirection() == \"rtl\");\n }\n },\n inputs: {\n ariaLabel: [0, \"aria-label\", \"ariaLabel\"],\n ariaLabelledby: [0, \"aria-labelledby\", \"ariaLabelledby\"],\n disableRipple: [2, \"disableRipple\", \"disableRipple\", booleanAttribute]\n },\n standalone: true,\n features: [i0.ɵɵInputTransformsFeature, i0.ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature, i0.ɵɵStandaloneFeature],\n ngContentSelectors: _c0,\n decls: 13,\n vars: 10,\n consts: [[\"previousPaginator\", \"\"], [\"tabListContainer\", \"\"], [\"tabList\", \"\"], [\"tabListInner\", \"\"], [\"nextPaginator\", \"\"], [\"mat-ripple\", \"\", 1, \"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination\", \"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-before\", 3, \"click\", \"mousedown\", \"touchend\", \"matRippleDisabled\"], [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron\"], [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-label-container\", 3, \"keydown\"], [\"role\", \"tablist\", 1, \"mat-mdc-tab-list\", 3, \"cdkObserveContent\"], [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-labels\"], [\"mat-ripple\", \"\", 1, \"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination\", \"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-after\", 3, \"mousedown\", \"click\", \"touchend\", \"matRippleDisabled\"]],\n template: function MatTabHeader_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n const _r1 = i0.ɵɵgetCurrentView();\n i0.ɵɵprojectionDef();\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(0, \"div\", 5, 0);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"click\", function MatTabHeader_Template_div_click_0_listener() {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._handlePaginatorClick(\"before\"));\n })(\"mousedown\", function MatTabHeader_Template_div_mousedown_0_listener($event) {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._handlePaginatorPress(\"before\", $event));\n })(\"touchend\", function MatTabHeader_Template_div_touchend_0_listener() {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._stopInterval());\n });\n i0.ɵɵelement(2, \"div\", 6);\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd();\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(3, \"div\", 7, 1);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"keydown\", function MatTabHeader_Template_div_keydown_3_listener($event) {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._handleKeydown($event));\n });\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(5, \"div\", 8, 2);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"cdkObserveContent\", function MatTabHeader_Template_div_cdkObserveContent_5_listener() {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._onContentChanges());\n });\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(7, \"div\", 9, 3);\n i0.ɵɵprojection(9);\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd()()();\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(10, \"div\", 10, 4);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"mousedown\", function MatTabHeader_Template_div_mousedown_10_listener($event) {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._handlePaginatorPress(\"after\", $event));\n })(\"click\", function MatTabHeader_Template_div_click_10_listener() {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._handlePaginatorClick(\"after\"));\n })(\"touchend\", function MatTabHeader_Template_div_touchend_10_listener() {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._stopInterval());\n });\n i0.ɵɵelement(12, \"div\", 6);\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd();\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-disabled\", ctx._disableScrollBefore);\n i0.ɵɵproperty(\"matRippleDisabled\", ctx._disableScrollBefore || ctx.disableRipple);\n i0.ɵɵadvance(3);\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"_mat-animation-noopable\", ctx._animationMode === \"NoopAnimations\");\n i0.ɵɵadvance(2);\n i0.ɵɵattribute(\"aria-label\", ctx.ariaLabel || null)(\"aria-labelledby\", ctx.ariaLabelledby || null);\n i0.ɵɵadvance(5);\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-disabled\", ctx._disableScrollAfter);\n i0.ɵɵproperty(\"matRippleDisabled\", ctx._disableScrollAfter || ctx.disableRipple);\n }\n },\n dependencies: [MatRipple, CdkObserveContent],\n styles: [\".mat-mdc-tab-header{display:flex;overflow:hidden;position:relative;flex-shrink:0}.mdc-tab-indicator .mdc-tab-indicator__content{transition-duration:var(--mat-tab-animation-duration, 250ms)}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination{-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;position:relative;display:none;justify-content:center;align-items:center;min-width:32px;cursor:pointer;z-index:2;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);touch-action:none;box-sizing:content-box;outline:0}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mat-ripple-element{opacity:.12;background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-ripple-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-controls-enabled .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination{display:flex}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-before,.mat-mdc-tab-header-rtl .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-after{padding-left:4px}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-before .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron,.mat-mdc-tab-header-rtl .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-after .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron{transform:rotate(-135deg)}.mat-mdc-tab-header-rtl .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-before,.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-after{padding-right:4px}.mat-mdc-tab-header-rtl .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-before .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron,.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-after .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron{transform:rotate(45deg)}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron{border-style:solid;border-width:2px 2px 0 0;height:8px;width:8px;border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-pagination-icon-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-disabled{box-shadow:none;cursor:default;pointer-events:none}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-disabled .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron{opacity:.4}.mat-mdc-tab-list{flex-grow:1;position:relative;transition:transform 500ms cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)}._mat-animation-noopable .mat-mdc-tab-list{transition:none}.mat-mdc-tab-label-container{display:flex;flex-grow:1;overflow:hidden;z-index:1;border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-width:var(--mat-tab-header-divider-height);border-bottom-color:var(--mat-tab-header-divider-color, var(--mat-app-surface-variant))}.mat-mdc-tab-group-inverted-header .mat-mdc-tab-label-container{border-bottom:none;border-top-style:solid;border-top-width:var(--mat-tab-header-divider-height);border-top-color:var(--mat-tab-header-divider-color, var(--mat-app-surface-variant))}.mat-mdc-tab-labels{display:flex;flex:1 0 auto}[mat-align-tabs=center]>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mat-mdc-tab-labels{justify-content:center}[mat-align-tabs=end]>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mat-mdc-tab-labels{justify-content:flex-end}.cdk-drop-list .mat-mdc-tab-labels,.mat-mdc-tab-labels.cdk-drop-list{min-height:var(--mdc-secondary-navigation-tab-container-height)}.mat-mdc-tab::before{margin:5px}.cdk-high-contrast-active .mat-mdc-tab[aria-disabled=true]{color:GrayText}\"],\n encapsulation: 2\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTabHeader;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n\n/** Injection token that can be used to provide the default options the tabs module. */\nconst MAT_TABS_CONFIG = /*#__PURE__*/new InjectionToken('MAT_TABS_CONFIG');\n\n/**\n * Animations used by the Material tabs.\n * @docs-private\n */\nconst matTabsAnimations = {\n /** Animation translates a tab along the X axis. */\n translateTab: /*#__PURE__*/trigger('translateTab', [\n /*#__PURE__*/\n // Transitions to `none` instead of 0, because some browsers might blur the content.\n state('center, void, left-origin-center, right-origin-center', /*#__PURE__*/style({\n transform: 'none',\n visibility: 'visible'\n })),\n /*#__PURE__*/\n // If the tab is either on the left or right, we additionally add a `min-height` of 1px\n // in order to ensure that the element has a height before its state changes. This is\n // necessary because Chrome does seem to skip the transition in RTL mode if the element does\n // not have a static height and is not rendered. See related issue: #9465\n state('left', /*#__PURE__*/style({\n transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)',\n minHeight: '1px',\n // Normally this is redundant since we detach the content from the DOM, but if the user\n // opted into keeping the content in the DOM, we have to hide it so it isn't focusable.\n visibility: 'hidden'\n })), /*#__PURE__*/state('right', /*#__PURE__*/style({\n transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0)',\n minHeight: '1px',\n visibility: 'hidden'\n })), /*#__PURE__*/transition('* => left, * => right, left => center, right => center', /*#__PURE__*/animate('{{animationDuration}} cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)')), /*#__PURE__*/transition('void => left-origin-center', [/*#__PURE__*/style({\n transform: 'translate3d(-100%, 0, 0)',\n visibility: 'hidden'\n }), /*#__PURE__*/animate('{{animationDuration}} cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)')]), /*#__PURE__*/transition('void => right-origin-center', [/*#__PURE__*/style({\n transform: 'translate3d(100%, 0, 0)',\n visibility: 'hidden'\n }), /*#__PURE__*/animate('{{animationDuration}} cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)')])])\n};\n\n/**\n * The portal host directive for the contents of the tab.\n * @docs-private\n */\nlet MatTabBodyPortal = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTabBodyPortal extends CdkPortalOutlet {\n constructor(componentFactoryResolver, viewContainerRef, _host, _document) {\n super(componentFactoryResolver, viewContainerRef, _document);\n this._host = _host;\n /** Subscription to events for when the tab body begins centering. */\n this._centeringSub = Subscription.EMPTY;\n /** Subscription to events for when the tab body finishes leaving from center position. */\n this._leavingSub = Subscription.EMPTY;\n }\n /** Set initial visibility or set up subscription for changing visibility. */\n ngOnInit() {\n super.ngOnInit();\n this._centeringSub = this._host._beforeCentering.pipe(startWith(this._host._isCenterPosition(this._host._position))).subscribe(isCentering => {\n if (this._host._content && isCentering && !this.hasAttached()) {\n this.attach(this._host._content);\n }\n });\n this._leavingSub = this._host._afterLeavingCenter.subscribe(() => {\n if (!this._host.preserveContent) {\n this.detach();\n }\n });\n }\n /** Clean up centering subscription. */\n ngOnDestroy() {\n super.ngOnDestroy();\n this._centeringSub.unsubscribe();\n this._leavingSub.unsubscribe();\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTabBodyPortal_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTabBodyPortal)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ComponentFactoryResolver), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ViewContainerRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(forwardRef(() => MatTabBody)), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(DOCUMENT));\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵdir = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineDirective({\n type: MatTabBodyPortal,\n selectors: [[\"\", \"matTabBodyHost\", \"\"]],\n standalone: true,\n features: [i0.ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature]\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTabBodyPortal;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n/**\n * Wrapper for the contents of a tab.\n * @docs-private\n */\nlet MatTabBody = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTabBody {\n /** The shifted index position of the tab body, where zero represents the active center tab. */\n set position(position) {\n this._positionIndex = position;\n this._computePositionAnimationState();\n }\n constructor(_elementRef, _dir, changeDetectorRef) {\n this._elementRef = _elementRef;\n this._dir = _dir;\n /** Subscription to the directionality change observable. */\n this._dirChangeSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;\n /** Emits when an animation on the tab is complete. */\n this._translateTabComplete = new Subject();\n /** Event emitted when the tab begins to animate towards the center as the active tab. */\n this._onCentering = new EventEmitter();\n /** Event emitted before the centering of the tab begins. */\n this._beforeCentering = new EventEmitter();\n /** Event emitted before the centering of the tab begins. */\n this._afterLeavingCenter = new EventEmitter();\n /** Event emitted when the tab completes its animation towards the center. */\n this._onCentered = new EventEmitter(true);\n // Note that the default value will always be overwritten by `MatTabBody`, but we need one\n // anyway to prevent the animations module from throwing an error if the body is used on its own.\n /** Duration for the tab's animation. */\n this.animationDuration = '500ms';\n /** Whether the tab's content should be kept in the DOM while it's off-screen. */\n this.preserveContent = false;\n if (_dir) {\n this._dirChangeSubscription = _dir.change.subscribe(dir => {\n this._computePositionAnimationState(dir);\n changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n });\n }\n // Ensure that we get unique animation events, because the `.done` callback can get\n // invoked twice in some browsers. See https://github.com/angular/angular/issues/24084.\n this._translateTabComplete.pipe(distinctUntilChanged((x, y) => {\n return x.fromState === y.fromState && x.toState === y.toState;\n })).subscribe(event => {\n // If the transition to the center is complete, emit an event.\n if (this._isCenterPosition(event.toState) && this._isCenterPosition(this._position)) {\n this._onCentered.emit();\n }\n if (this._isCenterPosition(event.fromState) && !this._isCenterPosition(this._position)) {\n this._afterLeavingCenter.emit();\n }\n });\n }\n /**\n * After initialized, check if the content is centered and has an origin. If so, set the\n * special position states that transition the tab from the left or right before centering.\n */\n ngOnInit() {\n if (this._position == 'center' && this.origin != null) {\n this._position = this._computePositionFromOrigin(this.origin);\n }\n }\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this._dirChangeSubscription.unsubscribe();\n this._translateTabComplete.complete();\n }\n _onTranslateTabStarted(event) {\n const isCentering = this._isCenterPosition(event.toState);\n this._beforeCentering.emit(isCentering);\n if (isCentering) {\n this._onCentering.emit(this._elementRef.nativeElement.clientHeight);\n }\n }\n /** The text direction of the containing app. */\n _getLayoutDirection() {\n return this._dir && this._dir.value === 'rtl' ? 'rtl' : 'ltr';\n }\n /** Whether the provided position state is considered center, regardless of origin. */\n _isCenterPosition(position) {\n return position == 'center' || position == 'left-origin-center' || position == 'right-origin-center';\n }\n /** Computes the position state that will be used for the tab-body animation trigger. */\n _computePositionAnimationState(dir = this._getLayoutDirection()) {\n if (this._positionIndex < 0) {\n this._position = dir == 'ltr' ? 'left' : 'right';\n } else if (this._positionIndex > 0) {\n this._position = dir == 'ltr' ? 'right' : 'left';\n } else {\n this._position = 'center';\n }\n }\n /**\n * Computes the position state based on the specified origin position. This is used if the\n * tab is becoming visible immediately after creation.\n */\n _computePositionFromOrigin(origin) {\n const dir = this._getLayoutDirection();\n if (dir == 'ltr' && origin <= 0 || dir == 'rtl' && origin > 0) {\n return 'left-origin-center';\n }\n return 'right-origin-center';\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTabBody_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTabBody)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ElementRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i2.Directionality, 8), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ChangeDetectorRef));\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineComponent({\n type: MatTabBody,\n selectors: [[\"mat-tab-body\"]],\n viewQuery: function MatTabBody_Query(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(CdkPortalOutlet, 5);\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n let _t;\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._portalHost = _t.first);\n }\n },\n hostAttrs: [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-body\"],\n inputs: {\n _content: [0, \"content\", \"_content\"],\n origin: \"origin\",\n animationDuration: \"animationDuration\",\n preserveContent: \"preserveContent\",\n position: \"position\"\n },\n outputs: {\n _onCentering: \"_onCentering\",\n _beforeCentering: \"_beforeCentering\",\n _afterLeavingCenter: \"_afterLeavingCenter\",\n _onCentered: \"_onCentered\"\n },\n standalone: true,\n features: [i0.ɵɵStandaloneFeature],\n decls: 3,\n vars: 6,\n consts: [[\"content\", \"\"], [\"cdkScrollable\", \"\", 1, \"mat-mdc-tab-body-content\"], [\"matTabBodyHost\", \"\"]],\n template: function MatTabBody_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n const _r1 = i0.ɵɵgetCurrentView();\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(0, \"div\", 1, 0);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"@translateTab.start\", function MatTabBody_Template_div_animation_translateTab_start_0_listener($event) {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._onTranslateTabStarted($event));\n })(\"@translateTab.done\", function MatTabBody_Template_div_animation_translateTab_done_0_listener($event) {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._translateTabComplete.next($event));\n });\n i0.ɵɵtemplate(2, MatTabBody_ng_template_2_Template, 0, 0, \"ng-template\", 2);\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd();\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n i0.ɵɵproperty(\"@translateTab\", i0.ɵɵpureFunction2(3, _c7, ctx._position, i0.ɵɵpureFunction1(1, _c6, ctx.animationDuration)));\n }\n },\n dependencies: [MatTabBodyPortal, CdkScrollable],\n styles: [\".mat-mdc-tab-body{top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;position:absolute;display:block;overflow:hidden;outline:0;flex-basis:100%}.mat-mdc-tab-body.mat-mdc-tab-body-active{position:relative;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:auto;z-index:1;flex-grow:1}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-mdc-tab-group-dynamic-height .mat-mdc-tab-body.mat-mdc-tab-body-active{overflow-y:hidden}.mat-mdc-tab-body-content{height:100%;overflow:auto}.mat-mdc-tab-group-dynamic-height .mat-mdc-tab-body-content{overflow:hidden}.mat-mdc-tab-body-content[style*=\\\"visibility: hidden\\\"]{display:none}\"],\n encapsulation: 2,\n data: {\n animation: [matTabsAnimations.translateTab]\n }\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTabBody;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n\n/** Used to generate unique ID's for each tab component */\nlet nextId = 0;\n/** Boolean constant that determines whether the tab group supports the `backgroundColor` input */\nconst ENABLE_BACKGROUND_INPUT = true;\n/**\n * Material design tab-group component. Supports basic tab pairs (label + content) and includes\n * animated ink-bar, keyboard navigation, and screen reader.\n * See: https://material.io/design/components/tabs.html\n */\nlet MatTabGroup = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTabGroup {\n /** Whether the ink bar should fit its width to the size of the tab label content. */\n get fitInkBarToContent() {\n return this._fitInkBarToContent;\n }\n set fitInkBarToContent(value) {\n this._fitInkBarToContent = value;\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n }\n /** The index of the active tab. */\n get selectedIndex() {\n return this._selectedIndex;\n }\n set selectedIndex(value) {\n this._indexToSelect = isNaN(value) ? null : value;\n }\n /** Duration for the tab animation. Will be normalized to milliseconds if no units are set. */\n get animationDuration() {\n return this._animationDuration;\n }\n set animationDuration(value) {\n const stringValue = value + '';\n this._animationDuration = /^\\d+$/.test(stringValue) ? value + 'ms' : stringValue;\n }\n /**\n * `tabindex` to be set on the inner element that wraps the tab content. Can be used for improved\n * accessibility when the tab does not have focusable elements or if it has scrollable content.\n * The `tabindex` will be removed automatically for inactive tabs.\n * Read more at https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices/examples/tabs/tabs-2/tabs.html\n */\n get contentTabIndex() {\n return this._contentTabIndex;\n }\n set contentTabIndex(value) {\n this._contentTabIndex = isNaN(value) ? null : value;\n }\n /**\n * Theme color of the background of the tab group. This API is supported in M2 themes only, it\n * has no effect in M3 themes.\n *\n * For information on applying color variants in M3, see\n * https://material.angular.io/guide/theming#using-component-color-variants.\n *\n * @deprecated The background color should be customized through Sass theming APIs.\n * @breaking-change 20.0.0 Remove this input\n */\n get backgroundColor() {\n return this._backgroundColor;\n }\n set backgroundColor(value) {\n if (!ENABLE_BACKGROUND_INPUT) {\n throw new Error(`mat-tab-group background color must be set through the Sass theming API`);\n }\n const classList = this._elementRef.nativeElement.classList;\n classList.remove('mat-tabs-with-background', `mat-background-${this.backgroundColor}`);\n if (value) {\n classList.add('mat-tabs-with-background', `mat-background-${value}`);\n }\n this._backgroundColor = value;\n }\n constructor(_elementRef, _changeDetectorRef, defaultConfig, _animationMode) {\n this._elementRef = _elementRef;\n this._changeDetectorRef = _changeDetectorRef;\n this._animationMode = _animationMode;\n /** All of the tabs that belong to the group. */\n this._tabs = new QueryList();\n /** The tab index that should be selected after the content has been checked. */\n this._indexToSelect = 0;\n /** Index of the tab that was focused last. */\n this._lastFocusedTabIndex = null;\n /** Snapshot of the height of the tab body wrapper before another tab is activated. */\n this._tabBodyWrapperHeight = 0;\n /** Subscription to tabs being added/removed. */\n this._tabsSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;\n /** Subscription to changes in the tab labels. */\n this._tabLabelSubscription = Subscription.EMPTY;\n this._fitInkBarToContent = false;\n /** Whether tabs should be stretched to fill the header. */\n this.stretchTabs = true;\n /** Whether the tab group should grow to the size of the active tab. */\n this.dynamicHeight = false;\n this._selectedIndex = null;\n /** Position of the tab header. */\n this.headerPosition = 'above';\n /**\n * Whether pagination should be disabled. This can be used to avoid unnecessary\n * layout recalculations if it's known that pagination won't be required.\n */\n this.disablePagination = false;\n /** Whether ripples in the tab group are disabled. */\n this.disableRipple = false;\n /**\n * By default tabs remove their content from the DOM while it's off-screen.\n * Setting this to `true` will keep it in the DOM which will prevent elements\n * like iframes and videos from reloading next time it comes back into the view.\n */\n this.preserveContent = false;\n /** Output to enable support for two-way binding on `[(selectedIndex)]` */\n this.selectedIndexChange = new EventEmitter();\n /** Event emitted when focus has changed within a tab group. */\n this.focusChange = new EventEmitter();\n /** Event emitted when the body animation has completed */\n this.animationDone = new EventEmitter();\n /** Event emitted when the tab selection has changed. */\n this.selectedTabChange = new EventEmitter(true);\n /** Whether the tab group is rendered on the server. */\n this._isServer = !inject(Platform).isBrowser;\n this._groupId = nextId++;\n this.animationDuration = defaultConfig && defaultConfig.animationDuration ? defaultConfig.animationDuration : '500ms';\n this.disablePagination = defaultConfig && defaultConfig.disablePagination != null ? defaultConfig.disablePagination : false;\n this.dynamicHeight = defaultConfig && defaultConfig.dynamicHeight != null ? defaultConfig.dynamicHeight : false;\n if (defaultConfig?.contentTabIndex != null) {\n this.contentTabIndex = defaultConfig.contentTabIndex;\n }\n this.preserveContent = !!defaultConfig?.preserveContent;\n this.fitInkBarToContent = defaultConfig && defaultConfig.fitInkBarToContent != null ? defaultConfig.fitInkBarToContent : false;\n this.stretchTabs = defaultConfig && defaultConfig.stretchTabs != null ? defaultConfig.stretchTabs : true;\n }\n /**\n * After the content is checked, this component knows what tabs have been defined\n * and what the selected index should be. This is where we can know exactly what position\n * each tab should be in according to the new selected index, and additionally we know how\n * a new selected tab should transition in (from the left or right).\n */\n ngAfterContentChecked() {\n // Don't clamp the `indexToSelect` immediately in the setter because it can happen that\n // the amount of tabs changes before the actual change detection runs.\n const indexToSelect = this._indexToSelect = this._clampTabIndex(this._indexToSelect);\n // If there is a change in selected index, emit a change event. Should not trigger if\n // the selected index has not yet been initialized.\n if (this._selectedIndex != indexToSelect) {\n const isFirstRun = this._selectedIndex == null;\n if (!isFirstRun) {\n this.selectedTabChange.emit(this._createChangeEvent(indexToSelect));\n // Preserve the height so page doesn't scroll up during tab change.\n // Fixes https://stackblitz.com/edit/mat-tabs-scroll-page-top-on-tab-change\n const wrapper = this._tabBodyWrapper.nativeElement;\n wrapper.style.minHeight = wrapper.clientHeight + 'px';\n }\n // Changing these values after change detection has run\n // since the checked content may contain references to them.\n Promise.resolve().then(() => {\n this._tabs.forEach((tab, index) => tab.isActive = index === indexToSelect);\n if (!isFirstRun) {\n this.selectedIndexChange.emit(indexToSelect);\n // Clear the min-height, this was needed during tab change to avoid\n // unnecessary scrolling.\n this._tabBodyWrapper.nativeElement.style.minHeight = '';\n }\n });\n }\n // Setup the position for each tab and optionally setup an origin on the next selected tab.\n this._tabs.forEach((tab, index) => {\n tab.position = index - indexToSelect;\n // If there is already a selected tab, then set up an origin for the next selected tab\n // if it doesn't have one already.\n if (this._selectedIndex != null && tab.position == 0 && !tab.origin) {\n tab.origin = indexToSelect - this._selectedIndex;\n }\n });\n if (this._selectedIndex !== indexToSelect) {\n this._selectedIndex = indexToSelect;\n this._lastFocusedTabIndex = null;\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n }\n }\n ngAfterContentInit() {\n this._subscribeToAllTabChanges();\n this._subscribeToTabLabels();\n // Subscribe to changes in the amount of tabs, in order to be\n // able to re-render the content as new tabs are added or removed.\n this._tabsSubscription = this._tabs.changes.subscribe(() => {\n const indexToSelect = this._clampTabIndex(this._indexToSelect);\n // Maintain the previously-selected tab if a new tab is added or removed and there is no\n // explicit change that selects a different tab.\n if (indexToSelect === this._selectedIndex) {\n const tabs = this._tabs.toArray();\n let selectedTab;\n for (let i = 0; i < tabs.length; i++) {\n if (tabs[i].isActive) {\n // Assign both to the `_indexToSelect` and `_selectedIndex` so we don't fire a changed\n // event, otherwise the consumer may end up in an infinite loop in some edge cases like\n // adding a tab within the `selectedIndexChange` event.\n this._indexToSelect = this._selectedIndex = i;\n this._lastFocusedTabIndex = null;\n selectedTab = tabs[i];\n break;\n }\n }\n // If we haven't found an active tab and a tab exists at the selected index, it means\n // that the active tab was swapped out. Since this won't be picked up by the rendering\n // loop in `ngAfterContentChecked`, we need to sync it up manually.\n if (!selectedTab && tabs[indexToSelect]) {\n Promise.resolve().then(() => {\n tabs[indexToSelect].isActive = true;\n this.selectedTabChange.emit(this._createChangeEvent(indexToSelect));\n });\n }\n }\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n });\n }\n /** Listens to changes in all of the tabs. */\n _subscribeToAllTabChanges() {\n // Since we use a query with `descendants: true` to pick up the tabs, we may end up catching\n // some that are inside of nested tab groups. We filter them out manually by checking that\n // the closest group to the tab is the current one.\n this._allTabs.changes.pipe(startWith(this._allTabs)).subscribe(tabs => {\n this._tabs.reset(tabs.filter(tab => {\n return tab._closestTabGroup === this || !tab._closestTabGroup;\n }));\n this._tabs.notifyOnChanges();\n });\n }\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this._tabs.destroy();\n this._tabsSubscription.unsubscribe();\n this._tabLabelSubscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n /** Re-aligns the ink bar to the selected tab element. */\n realignInkBar() {\n if (this._tabHeader) {\n this._tabHeader._alignInkBarToSelectedTab();\n }\n }\n /**\n * Recalculates the tab group's pagination dimensions.\n *\n * WARNING: Calling this method can be very costly in terms of performance. It should be called\n * as infrequently as possible from outside of the Tabs component as it causes a reflow of the\n * page.\n */\n updatePagination() {\n if (this._tabHeader) {\n this._tabHeader.updatePagination();\n }\n }\n /**\n * Sets focus to a particular tab.\n * @param index Index of the tab to be focused.\n */\n focusTab(index) {\n const header = this._tabHeader;\n if (header) {\n header.focusIndex = index;\n }\n }\n _focusChanged(index) {\n this._lastFocusedTabIndex = index;\n this.focusChange.emit(this._createChangeEvent(index));\n }\n _createChangeEvent(index) {\n const event = new MatTabChangeEvent();\n event.index = index;\n if (this._tabs && this._tabs.length) {\n event.tab = this._tabs.toArray()[index];\n }\n return event;\n }\n /**\n * Subscribes to changes in the tab labels. This is needed, because the @Input for the label is\n * on the MatTab component, whereas the data binding is inside the MatTabGroup. In order for the\n * binding to be updated, we need to subscribe to changes in it and trigger change detection\n * manually.\n */\n _subscribeToTabLabels() {\n if (this._tabLabelSubscription) {\n this._tabLabelSubscription.unsubscribe();\n }\n this._tabLabelSubscription = merge(...this._tabs.map(tab => tab._stateChanges)).subscribe(() => this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck());\n }\n /** Clamps the given index to the bounds of 0 and the tabs length. */\n _clampTabIndex(index) {\n // Note the `|| 0`, which ensures that values like NaN can't get through\n // and which would otherwise throw the component into an infinite loop\n // (since Math.max(NaN, 0) === NaN).\n return Math.min(this._tabs.length - 1, Math.max(index || 0, 0));\n }\n /** Returns a unique id for each tab label element */\n _getTabLabelId(i) {\n return `mat-tab-label-${this._groupId}-${i}`;\n }\n /** Returns a unique id for each tab content element */\n _getTabContentId(i) {\n return `mat-tab-content-${this._groupId}-${i}`;\n }\n /**\n * Sets the height of the body wrapper to the height of the activating tab if dynamic\n * height property is true.\n */\n _setTabBodyWrapperHeight(tabHeight) {\n if (!this.dynamicHeight || !this._tabBodyWrapperHeight) {\n return;\n }\n const wrapper = this._tabBodyWrapper.nativeElement;\n wrapper.style.height = this._tabBodyWrapperHeight + 'px';\n // This conditional forces the browser to paint the height so that\n // the animation to the new height can have an origin.\n if (this._tabBodyWrapper.nativeElement.offsetHeight) {\n wrapper.style.height = tabHeight + 'px';\n }\n }\n /** Removes the height of the tab body wrapper. */\n _removeTabBodyWrapperHeight() {\n const wrapper = this._tabBodyWrapper.nativeElement;\n this._tabBodyWrapperHeight = wrapper.clientHeight;\n wrapper.style.height = '';\n this.animationDone.emit();\n }\n /** Handle click events, setting new selected index if appropriate. */\n _handleClick(tab, tabHeader, index) {\n tabHeader.focusIndex = index;\n if (!tab.disabled) {\n this.selectedIndex = index;\n }\n }\n /** Retrieves the tabindex for the tab. */\n _getTabIndex(index) {\n const targetIndex = this._lastFocusedTabIndex ?? this.selectedIndex;\n return index === targetIndex ? 0 : -1;\n }\n /** Callback for when the focused state of a tab has changed. */\n _tabFocusChanged(focusOrigin, index) {\n // Mouse/touch focus happens during the `mousedown`/`touchstart` phase which\n // can cause the tab to be moved out from under the pointer, interrupting the\n // click sequence (see #21898). We don't need to scroll the tab into view for\n // such cases anyway, because it will be done when the tab becomes selected.\n if (focusOrigin && focusOrigin !== 'mouse' && focusOrigin !== 'touch') {\n this._tabHeader.focusIndex = index;\n }\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTabGroup_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTabGroup)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ElementRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ChangeDetectorRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(MAT_TABS_CONFIG, 8), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE, 8));\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineComponent({\n type: MatTabGroup,\n selectors: [[\"mat-tab-group\"]],\n contentQueries: function MatTabGroup_ContentQueries(rf, ctx, dirIndex) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, MatTab, 5);\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n let _t;\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._allTabs = _t);\n }\n },\n viewQuery: function MatTabGroup_Query(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c8, 5);\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c9, 5);\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n let _t;\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._tabBodyWrapper = _t.first);\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._tabHeader = _t.first);\n }\n },\n hostAttrs: [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-group\"],\n hostVars: 10,\n hostBindings: function MatTabGroup_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 2) {\n i0.ɵɵclassMap(\"mat-\" + (ctx.color || \"primary\"));\n i0.ɵɵstyleProp(\"--mat-tab-animation-duration\", ctx.animationDuration);\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"mat-mdc-tab-group-dynamic-height\", ctx.dynamicHeight)(\"mat-mdc-tab-group-inverted-header\", ctx.headerPosition === \"below\")(\"mat-mdc-tab-group-stretch-tabs\", ctx.stretchTabs);\n }\n },\n inputs: {\n color: \"color\",\n fitInkBarToContent: [2, \"fitInkBarToContent\", \"fitInkBarToContent\", booleanAttribute],\n stretchTabs: [2, \"mat-stretch-tabs\", \"stretchTabs\", booleanAttribute],\n dynamicHeight: [2, \"dynamicHeight\", \"dynamicHeight\", booleanAttribute],\n selectedIndex: [2, \"selectedIndex\", \"selectedIndex\", numberAttribute],\n headerPosition: \"headerPosition\",\n animationDuration: \"animationDuration\",\n contentTabIndex: [2, \"contentTabIndex\", \"contentTabIndex\", numberAttribute],\n disablePagination: [2, \"disablePagination\", \"disablePagination\", booleanAttribute],\n disableRipple: [2, \"disableRipple\", \"disableRipple\", booleanAttribute],\n preserveContent: [2, \"preserveContent\", \"preserveContent\", booleanAttribute],\n backgroundColor: \"backgroundColor\",\n ariaLabel: [0, \"aria-label\", \"ariaLabel\"],\n ariaLabelledby: [0, \"aria-labelledby\", \"ariaLabelledby\"]\n },\n outputs: {\n selectedIndexChange: \"selectedIndexChange\",\n focusChange: \"focusChange\",\n animationDone: \"animationDone\",\n selectedTabChange: \"selectedTabChange\"\n },\n exportAs: [\"matTabGroup\"],\n standalone: true,\n features: [i0.ɵɵProvidersFeature([{\n provide: MAT_TAB_GROUP,\n useExisting: MatTabGroup\n }]), i0.ɵɵInputTransformsFeature, i0.ɵɵStandaloneFeature],\n ngContentSelectors: _c0,\n decls: 9,\n vars: 8,\n consts: [[\"tabHeader\", \"\"], [\"tabBodyWrapper\", \"\"], [\"tabNode\", \"\"], [3, \"indexFocused\", \"selectFocusedIndex\", \"selectedIndex\", \"disableRipple\", \"disablePagination\", \"aria-label\", \"aria-labelledby\"], [\"role\", \"tab\", \"matTabLabelWrapper\", \"\", \"cdkMonitorElementFocus\", \"\", 1, \"mdc-tab\", \"mat-mdc-tab\", \"mat-mdc-focus-indicator\", 3, \"id\", \"mdc-tab--active\", \"class\", \"disabled\", \"fitInkBarToContent\"], [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-body-wrapper\"], [\"role\", \"tabpanel\", 3, \"id\", \"mat-mdc-tab-body-active\", \"class\", \"content\", \"position\", \"origin\", \"animationDuration\", \"preserveContent\"], [\"role\", \"tab\", \"matTabLabelWrapper\", \"\", \"cdkMonitorElementFocus\", \"\", 1, \"mdc-tab\", \"mat-mdc-tab\", \"mat-mdc-focus-indicator\", 3, \"click\", \"cdkFocusChange\", \"id\", \"disabled\", \"fitInkBarToContent\"], [1, \"mdc-tab__ripple\"], [\"mat-ripple\", \"\", 1, \"mat-mdc-tab-ripple\", 3, \"matRippleTrigger\", \"matRippleDisabled\"], [1, \"mdc-tab__content\"], [1, \"mdc-tab__text-label\"], [3, \"cdkPortalOutlet\"], [\"role\", \"tabpanel\", 3, \"_onCentered\", \"_onCentering\", \"id\", \"content\", \"position\", \"origin\", \"animationDuration\", \"preserveContent\"]],\n template: function MatTabGroup_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n const _r1 = i0.ɵɵgetCurrentView();\n i0.ɵɵprojectionDef();\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(0, \"mat-tab-header\", 3, 0);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"indexFocused\", function MatTabGroup_Template_mat_tab_header_indexFocused_0_listener($event) {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._focusChanged($event));\n })(\"selectFocusedIndex\", function MatTabGroup_Template_mat_tab_header_selectFocusedIndex_0_listener($event) {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx.selectedIndex = $event);\n });\n i0.ɵɵrepeaterCreate(2, MatTabGroup_For_3_Template, 8, 17, \"div\", 4, i0.ɵɵrepeaterTrackByIdentity);\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd();\n i0.ɵɵtemplate(4, MatTabGroup_Conditional_4_Template, 1, 0);\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(5, \"div\", 5, 1);\n i0.ɵɵrepeaterCreate(7, MatTabGroup_For_8_Template, 1, 13, \"mat-tab-body\", 6, i0.ɵɵrepeaterTrackByIdentity);\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd();\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n i0.ɵɵproperty(\"selectedIndex\", ctx.selectedIndex || 0)(\"disableRipple\", ctx.disableRipple)(\"disablePagination\", ctx.disablePagination)(\"aria-label\", ctx.ariaLabel)(\"aria-labelledby\", ctx.ariaLabelledby);\n i0.ɵɵadvance(2);\n i0.ɵɵrepeater(ctx._tabs);\n i0.ɵɵadvance(2);\n i0.ɵɵconditional(ctx._isServer ? 4 : -1);\n i0.ɵɵadvance();\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"_mat-animation-noopable\", ctx._animationMode === \"NoopAnimations\");\n i0.ɵɵadvance(2);\n i0.ɵɵrepeater(ctx._tabs);\n }\n },\n dependencies: [MatTabHeader, MatTabLabelWrapper, CdkMonitorFocus, MatRipple, CdkPortalOutlet, MatTabBody],\n styles: [\".mdc-tab{min-width:90px;padding:0 24px;display:flex;flex:1 0 auto;justify-content:center;box-sizing:border-box;border:none;outline:none;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer;z-index:1}.mdc-tab__content{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;height:inherit;pointer-events:none}.mdc-tab__text-label{transition:150ms color linear;display:inline-block;line-height:1;z-index:2}.mdc-tab--active .mdc-tab__text-label{transition-delay:100ms}._mat-animation-noopable .mdc-tab__text-label{transition:none}.mdc-tab-indicator{display:flex;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:100%;pointer-events:none;z-index:1}.mdc-tab-indicator__content{transition:var(--mat-tab-animation-duration, 250ms) transform cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);transform-origin:left;opacity:0}.mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{align-self:flex-end;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%;border-top-style:solid}.mdc-tab-indicator--active .mdc-tab-indicator__content{opacity:1}._mat-animation-noopable .mdc-tab-indicator__content,.mdc-tab-indicator--no-transition .mdc-tab-indicator__content{transition:none}.mat-mdc-tab-ripple{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;pointer-events:none}.mat-mdc-tab{-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;text-decoration:none;background:none;height:var(--mdc-secondary-navigation-tab-container-height);font-family:var(--mat-tab-header-label-text-font, var(--mat-app-title-small-font));font-size:var(--mat-tab-header-label-text-size, var(--mat-app-title-small-size));letter-spacing:var(--mat-tab-header-label-text-tracking, var(--mat-app-title-small-tracking));line-height:var(--mat-tab-header-label-text-line-height, var(--mat-app-title-small-line-height));font-weight:var(--mat-tab-header-label-text-weight, var(--mat-app-title-small-weight))}.mat-mdc-tab.mdc-tab{flex-grow:0}.mat-mdc-tab .mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{border-color:var(--mdc-tab-indicator-active-indicator-color, var(--mat-app-primary));border-top-width:var(--mdc-tab-indicator-active-indicator-height);border-radius:var(--mdc-tab-indicator-active-indicator-shape)}.mat-mdc-tab:hover .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-hover-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab:focus .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-focus-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab.mdc-tab--active .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab.mdc-tab--active .mdc-tab__ripple::before,.mat-mdc-tab.mdc-tab--active .mat-ripple-element{background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-ripple-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab.mdc-tab--active:hover .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-hover-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab.mdc-tab--active:hover .mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-hover-indicator-color, var(--mat-app-primary))}.mat-mdc-tab.mdc-tab--active:focus .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-focus-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab.mdc-tab--active:focus .mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-focus-indicator-color, var(--mat-app-primary))}.mat-mdc-tab.mat-mdc-tab-disabled{opacity:.4;pointer-events:none}.mat-mdc-tab.mat-mdc-tab-disabled .mdc-tab__content{pointer-events:none}.mat-mdc-tab.mat-mdc-tab-disabled .mdc-tab__ripple::before,.mat-mdc-tab.mat-mdc-tab-disabled .mat-ripple-element{background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-disabled-ripple-color)}.mat-mdc-tab .mdc-tab__ripple::before{content:\\\"\\\";display:block;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;opacity:0;pointer-events:none;background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-ripple-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface));display:inline-flex;align-items:center}.mat-mdc-tab .mdc-tab__content{position:relative;pointer-events:auto}.mat-mdc-tab:hover .mdc-tab__ripple::before{opacity:.04}.mat-mdc-tab.cdk-program-focused .mdc-tab__ripple::before,.mat-mdc-tab.cdk-keyboard-focused .mdc-tab__ripple::before{opacity:.12}.mat-mdc-tab .mat-ripple-element{opacity:.12;background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-ripple-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-mdc-tab-group-stretch-tabs>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mat-mdc-tab{flex-grow:1}.mat-mdc-tab-group{display:flex;flex-direction:column;max-width:100%}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header,.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination{background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-background-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background.mat-primary>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mat-mdc-tab .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background.mat-primary>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background:not(.mat-primary)>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mat-mdc-tab:not(.mdc-tab--active) .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background:not(.mat-primary)>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mat-mdc-tab:not(.mdc-tab--active) .mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron,.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mat-mdc-focus-indicator::before,.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron,.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mat-mdc-focus-indicator::before{border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mat-ripple-element,.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mdc-tab__ripple::before,.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mat-ripple-element,.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mdc-tab__ripple::before{background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron,.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron{color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-mdc-tab-group-inverted-header{flex-direction:column-reverse}.mat-mdc-tab-group.mat-mdc-tab-group-inverted-header .mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{align-self:flex-start}.mat-mdc-tab-body-wrapper{position:relative;overflow:hidden;display:flex;transition:height 500ms cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)}.mat-mdc-tab-body-wrapper._mat-animation-noopable{transition:none !important;animation:none !important}\"],\n encapsulation: 2\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTabGroup;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n/** A simple change event emitted on focus or selection changes. */\nclass MatTabChangeEvent {}\n\n// Increasing integer for generating unique ids for tab nav components.\nlet nextUniqueId = 0;\n/**\n * Navigation component matching the styles of the tab group header.\n * Provides anchored navigation with animated ink bar.\n */\nlet MatTabNav = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTabNav extends MatPaginatedTabHeader {\n /** Whether the ink bar should fit its width to the size of the tab label content. */\n get fitInkBarToContent() {\n return this._fitInkBarToContent.value;\n }\n set fitInkBarToContent(value) {\n this._fitInkBarToContent.next(value);\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n }\n get animationDuration() {\n return this._animationDuration;\n }\n set animationDuration(value) {\n const stringValue = value + '';\n this._animationDuration = /^\\d+$/.test(stringValue) ? value + 'ms' : stringValue;\n }\n /**\n * Theme color of the background of the tab nav. This API is supported in M2 themes only, it\n * has no effect in M3 themes.\n *\n * For information on applying color variants in M3, see\n * https://material.angular.io/guide/theming#using-component-color-variants.\n */\n get backgroundColor() {\n return this._backgroundColor;\n }\n set backgroundColor(value) {\n const classList = this._elementRef.nativeElement.classList;\n classList.remove('mat-tabs-with-background', `mat-background-${this.backgroundColor}`);\n if (value) {\n classList.add('mat-tabs-with-background', `mat-background-${value}`);\n }\n this._backgroundColor = value;\n }\n constructor(elementRef, dir, ngZone, changeDetectorRef, viewportRuler, platform, animationMode, defaultConfig) {\n super(elementRef, changeDetectorRef, viewportRuler, dir, ngZone, platform, animationMode);\n this._fitInkBarToContent = new BehaviorSubject(false);\n /** Whether tabs should be stretched to fill the header. */\n this.stretchTabs = true;\n /** Whether the ripple effect is disabled or not. */\n this.disableRipple = false;\n /**\n * Theme color of the nav bar. This API is supported in M2 themes only, it has\n * no effect in M3 themes.\n *\n * For information on applying color variants in M3, see\n * https://material.angular.io/guide/theming#using-component-color-variants.\n */\n this.color = 'primary';\n this.disablePagination = defaultConfig && defaultConfig.disablePagination != null ? defaultConfig.disablePagination : false;\n this.fitInkBarToContent = defaultConfig && defaultConfig.fitInkBarToContent != null ? defaultConfig.fitInkBarToContent : false;\n this.stretchTabs = defaultConfig && defaultConfig.stretchTabs != null ? defaultConfig.stretchTabs : true;\n }\n _itemSelected() {\n // noop\n }\n ngAfterContentInit() {\n this._inkBar = new MatInkBar(this._items);\n // We need this to run before the `changes` subscription in parent to ensure that the\n // selectedIndex is up-to-date by the time the super class starts looking for it.\n this._items.changes.pipe(startWith(null), takeUntil(this._destroyed)).subscribe(() => {\n this.updateActiveLink();\n });\n super.ngAfterContentInit();\n }\n ngAfterViewInit() {\n if (!this.tabPanel && (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode)) {\n throw new Error('A mat-tab-nav-panel must be specified via [tabPanel].');\n }\n super.ngAfterViewInit();\n }\n /** Notifies the component that the active link has been changed. */\n updateActiveLink() {\n if (!this._items) {\n return;\n }\n const items = this._items.toArray();\n for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) {\n if (items[i].active) {\n this.selectedIndex = i;\n this._changeDetectorRef.markForCheck();\n if (this.tabPanel) {\n this.tabPanel._activeTabId = items[i].id;\n }\n return;\n }\n }\n // The ink bar should hide itself if no items are active.\n this.selectedIndex = -1;\n this._inkBar.hide();\n }\n _getRole() {\n return this.tabPanel ? 'tablist' : this._elementRef.nativeElement.getAttribute('role');\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTabNav_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTabNav)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ElementRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i2.Directionality, 8), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.NgZone), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ChangeDetectorRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i1.ViewportRuler), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i3.Platform), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE, 8), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(MAT_TABS_CONFIG, 8));\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineComponent({\n type: MatTabNav,\n selectors: [[\"\", \"mat-tab-nav-bar\", \"\"]],\n contentQueries: function MatTabNav_ContentQueries(rf, ctx, dirIndex) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵcontentQuery(dirIndex, MatTabLink, 5);\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n let _t;\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._items = _t);\n }\n },\n viewQuery: function MatTabNav_Query(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c1, 7);\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c2, 7);\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c3, 7);\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c4, 5);\n i0.ɵɵviewQuery(_c5, 5);\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n let _t;\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._tabListContainer = _t.first);\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._tabList = _t.first);\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._tabListInner = _t.first);\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._nextPaginator = _t.first);\n i0.ɵɵqueryRefresh(_t = i0.ɵɵloadQuery()) && (ctx._previousPaginator = _t.first);\n }\n },\n hostAttrs: [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar\", \"mat-mdc-tab-header\"],\n hostVars: 17,\n hostBindings: function MatTabNav_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 2) {\n i0.ɵɵattribute(\"role\", ctx._getRole());\n i0.ɵɵstyleProp(\"--mat-tab-animation-duration\", ctx.animationDuration);\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-controls-enabled\", ctx._showPaginationControls)(\"mat-mdc-tab-header-rtl\", ctx._getLayoutDirection() == \"rtl\")(\"mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar-stretch-tabs\", ctx.stretchTabs)(\"mat-primary\", ctx.color !== \"warn\" && ctx.color !== \"accent\")(\"mat-accent\", ctx.color === \"accent\")(\"mat-warn\", ctx.color === \"warn\")(\"_mat-animation-noopable\", ctx._animationMode === \"NoopAnimations\");\n }\n },\n inputs: {\n fitInkBarToContent: [2, \"fitInkBarToContent\", \"fitInkBarToContent\", booleanAttribute],\n stretchTabs: [2, \"mat-stretch-tabs\", \"stretchTabs\", booleanAttribute],\n animationDuration: \"animationDuration\",\n backgroundColor: \"backgroundColor\",\n disableRipple: [2, \"disableRipple\", \"disableRipple\", booleanAttribute],\n color: \"color\",\n tabPanel: \"tabPanel\"\n },\n exportAs: [\"matTabNavBar\", \"matTabNav\"],\n standalone: true,\n features: [i0.ɵɵInputTransformsFeature, i0.ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature, i0.ɵɵStandaloneFeature],\n attrs: _c10,\n ngContentSelectors: _c0,\n decls: 13,\n vars: 6,\n consts: [[\"previousPaginator\", \"\"], [\"tabListContainer\", \"\"], [\"tabList\", \"\"], [\"tabListInner\", \"\"], [\"nextPaginator\", \"\"], [\"mat-ripple\", \"\", 1, \"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination\", \"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-before\", 3, \"click\", \"mousedown\", \"touchend\", \"matRippleDisabled\"], [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron\"], [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-link-container\", 3, \"keydown\"], [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-list\", 3, \"cdkObserveContent\"], [1, \"mat-mdc-tab-links\"], [\"mat-ripple\", \"\", 1, \"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination\", \"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-after\", 3, \"mousedown\", \"click\", \"touchend\", \"matRippleDisabled\"]],\n template: function MatTabNav_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n const _r1 = i0.ɵɵgetCurrentView();\n i0.ɵɵprojectionDef();\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(0, \"div\", 5, 0);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"click\", function MatTabNav_Template_div_click_0_listener() {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._handlePaginatorClick(\"before\"));\n })(\"mousedown\", function MatTabNav_Template_div_mousedown_0_listener($event) {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._handlePaginatorPress(\"before\", $event));\n })(\"touchend\", function MatTabNav_Template_div_touchend_0_listener() {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._stopInterval());\n });\n i0.ɵɵelement(2, \"div\", 6);\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd();\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(3, \"div\", 7, 1);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"keydown\", function MatTabNav_Template_div_keydown_3_listener($event) {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._handleKeydown($event));\n });\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(5, \"div\", 8, 2);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"cdkObserveContent\", function MatTabNav_Template_div_cdkObserveContent_5_listener() {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._onContentChanges());\n });\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(7, \"div\", 9, 3);\n i0.ɵɵprojection(9);\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd()()();\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(10, \"div\", 10, 4);\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"mousedown\", function MatTabNav_Template_div_mousedown_10_listener($event) {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._handlePaginatorPress(\"after\", $event));\n })(\"click\", function MatTabNav_Template_div_click_10_listener() {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._handlePaginatorClick(\"after\"));\n })(\"touchend\", function MatTabNav_Template_div_touchend_10_listener() {\n i0.ɵɵrestoreView(_r1);\n return i0.ɵɵresetView(ctx._stopInterval());\n });\n i0.ɵɵelement(12, \"div\", 6);\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd();\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-disabled\", ctx._disableScrollBefore);\n i0.ɵɵproperty(\"matRippleDisabled\", ctx._disableScrollBefore || ctx.disableRipple);\n i0.ɵɵadvance(10);\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-disabled\", ctx._disableScrollAfter);\n i0.ɵɵproperty(\"matRippleDisabled\", ctx._disableScrollAfter || ctx.disableRipple);\n }\n },\n dependencies: [MatRipple, CdkObserveContent],\n styles: [\".mdc-tab{min-width:90px;padding:0 24px;display:flex;flex:1 0 auto;justify-content:center;box-sizing:border-box;border:none;outline:none;text-align:center;white-space:nowrap;cursor:pointer;z-index:1}.mdc-tab__content{display:flex;align-items:center;justify-content:center;height:inherit;pointer-events:none}.mdc-tab__text-label{transition:150ms color linear;display:inline-block;line-height:1;z-index:2}.mdc-tab--active .mdc-tab__text-label{transition-delay:100ms}._mat-animation-noopable .mdc-tab__text-label{transition:none}.mdc-tab-indicator{display:flex;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;justify-content:center;width:100%;height:100%;pointer-events:none;z-index:1}.mdc-tab-indicator__content{transition:var(--mat-tab-animation-duration, 250ms) transform cubic-bezier(0.4, 0, 0.2, 1);transform-origin:left;opacity:0}.mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{align-self:flex-end;box-sizing:border-box;width:100%;border-top-style:solid}.mdc-tab-indicator--active .mdc-tab-indicator__content{opacity:1}._mat-animation-noopable .mdc-tab-indicator__content,.mdc-tab-indicator--no-transition .mdc-tab-indicator__content{transition:none}.mat-mdc-tab-ripple{position:absolute;top:0;left:0;bottom:0;right:0;pointer-events:none}.mat-mdc-tab-header{display:flex;overflow:hidden;position:relative;flex-shrink:0}.mdc-tab-indicator .mdc-tab-indicator__content{transition-duration:var(--mat-tab-animation-duration, 250ms)}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination{-webkit-user-select:none;user-select:none;position:relative;display:none;justify-content:center;align-items:center;min-width:32px;cursor:pointer;z-index:2;-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);touch-action:none;box-sizing:content-box;outline:0}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination::-moz-focus-inner{border:0}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mat-ripple-element{opacity:.12;background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-ripple-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-controls-enabled .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination{display:flex}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-before,.mat-mdc-tab-header-rtl .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-after{padding-left:4px}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-before .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron,.mat-mdc-tab-header-rtl .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-after .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron{transform:rotate(-135deg)}.mat-mdc-tab-header-rtl .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-before,.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-after{padding-right:4px}.mat-mdc-tab-header-rtl .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-before .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron,.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-after .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron{transform:rotate(45deg)}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron{border-style:solid;border-width:2px 2px 0 0;height:8px;width:8px;border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-pagination-icon-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-disabled{box-shadow:none;cursor:default;pointer-events:none}.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-disabled .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron{opacity:.4}.mat-mdc-tab-list{flex-grow:1;position:relative;transition:transform 500ms cubic-bezier(0.35, 0, 0.25, 1)}._mat-animation-noopable .mat-mdc-tab-list{transition:none}.mat-mdc-tab-links{display:flex;flex:1 0 auto}[mat-align-tabs=center]>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container .mat-mdc-tab-links{justify-content:center}[mat-align-tabs=end]>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container .mat-mdc-tab-links{justify-content:flex-end}.cdk-drop-list .mat-mdc-tab-links,.mat-mdc-tab-links.cdk-drop-list{min-height:var(--mdc-secondary-navigation-tab-container-height)}.mat-mdc-tab-link-container{display:flex;flex-grow:1;overflow:hidden;z-index:1;border-bottom-style:solid;border-bottom-width:var(--mat-tab-header-divider-height);border-bottom-color:var(--mat-tab-header-divider-color, var(--mat-app-surface-variant))}.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container,.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination{background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-background-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background.mat-primary>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container .mat-mdc-tab-link .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background.mat-primary>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container .mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background:not(.mat-primary)>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container .mat-mdc-tab-link:not(.mdc-tab--active) .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background:not(.mat-primary)>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container .mat-mdc-tab-link:not(.mdc-tab--active) .mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron,.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container .mat-mdc-focus-indicator::before,.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron,.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mat-mdc-focus-indicator::before{border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container .mat-ripple-element,.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container .mdc-tab__ripple::before,.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mat-ripple-element,.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mdc-tab__ripple::before{background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-link-container .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron,.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar.mat-tabs-with-background>.mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination .mat-mdc-tab-header-pagination-chevron{color:var(--mat-tab-header-with-background-foreground-color)}\"],\n encapsulation: 2\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTabNav;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n/**\n * Link inside a `mat-tab-nav-bar`.\n */\nlet MatTabLink = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTabLink extends InkBarItem {\n /** Whether the link is active. */\n get active() {\n return this._isActive;\n }\n set active(value) {\n if (value !== this._isActive) {\n this._isActive = value;\n this._tabNavBar.updateActiveLink();\n }\n }\n /**\n * Whether ripples are disabled on interaction.\n * @docs-private\n */\n get rippleDisabled() {\n return this.disabled || this.disableRipple || this._tabNavBar.disableRipple || !!this.rippleConfig.disabled;\n }\n constructor(_tabNavBar, /** @docs-private */elementRef, globalRippleOptions, tabIndex, _focusMonitor, animationMode) {\n super();\n this._tabNavBar = _tabNavBar;\n this.elementRef = elementRef;\n this._focusMonitor = _focusMonitor;\n this._destroyed = new Subject();\n /** Whether the tab link is active or not. */\n this._isActive = false;\n /** Whether the tab link is disabled. */\n this.disabled = false;\n /** Whether ripples are disabled on the tab link. */\n this.disableRipple = false;\n this.tabIndex = 0;\n /** Unique id for the tab. */\n this.id = `mat-tab-link-${nextUniqueId++}`;\n this.rippleConfig = globalRippleOptions || {};\n this.tabIndex = parseInt(tabIndex) || 0;\n if (animationMode === 'NoopAnimations') {\n this.rippleConfig.animation = {\n enterDuration: 0,\n exitDuration: 0\n };\n }\n _tabNavBar._fitInkBarToContent.pipe(takeUntil(this._destroyed)).subscribe(fitInkBarToContent => {\n this.fitInkBarToContent = fitInkBarToContent;\n });\n }\n /** Focuses the tab link. */\n focus() {\n this.elementRef.nativeElement.focus();\n }\n ngAfterViewInit() {\n this._focusMonitor.monitor(this.elementRef);\n }\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this._destroyed.next();\n this._destroyed.complete();\n super.ngOnDestroy();\n this._focusMonitor.stopMonitoring(this.elementRef);\n }\n _handleFocus() {\n // Since we allow navigation through tabbing in the nav bar, we\n // have to update the focused index whenever the link receives focus.\n this._tabNavBar.focusIndex = this._tabNavBar._items.toArray().indexOf(this);\n }\n _handleKeydown(event) {\n if (event.keyCode === SPACE || event.keyCode === ENTER) {\n if (this.disabled) {\n event.preventDefault();\n } else if (this._tabNavBar.tabPanel) {\n // Only prevent the default action on space since it can scroll the page.\n // Don't prevent enter since it can break link navigation.\n if (event.keyCode === SPACE) {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n this.elementRef.nativeElement.click();\n }\n }\n }\n _getAriaControls() {\n return this._tabNavBar.tabPanel ? this._tabNavBar.tabPanel?.id : this.elementRef.nativeElement.getAttribute('aria-controls');\n }\n _getAriaSelected() {\n if (this._tabNavBar.tabPanel) {\n return this.active ? 'true' : 'false';\n } else {\n return this.elementRef.nativeElement.getAttribute('aria-selected');\n }\n }\n _getAriaCurrent() {\n return this.active && !this._tabNavBar.tabPanel ? 'page' : null;\n }\n _getRole() {\n return this._tabNavBar.tabPanel ? 'tab' : this.elementRef.nativeElement.getAttribute('role');\n }\n _getTabIndex() {\n if (this._tabNavBar.tabPanel) {\n return this._isActive && !this.disabled ? 0 : -1;\n } else {\n return this.disabled ? -1 : this.tabIndex;\n }\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTabLink_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTabLink)(i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(MatTabNav), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i0.ElementRef), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(MAT_RIPPLE_GLOBAL_OPTIONS, 8), i0.ɵɵinjectAttribute('tabindex'), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(i4.FocusMonitor), i0.ɵɵdirectiveInject(ANIMATION_MODULE_TYPE, 8));\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineComponent({\n type: MatTabLink,\n selectors: [[\"\", \"mat-tab-link\", \"\"], [\"\", \"matTabLink\", \"\"]],\n hostAttrs: [1, \"mdc-tab\", \"mat-mdc-tab-link\", \"mat-mdc-focus-indicator\"],\n hostVars: 11,\n hostBindings: function MatTabLink_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵlistener(\"focus\", function MatTabLink_focus_HostBindingHandler() {\n return ctx._handleFocus();\n })(\"keydown\", function MatTabLink_keydown_HostBindingHandler($event) {\n return ctx._handleKeydown($event);\n });\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n i0.ɵɵattribute(\"aria-controls\", ctx._getAriaControls())(\"aria-current\", ctx._getAriaCurrent())(\"aria-disabled\", ctx.disabled)(\"aria-selected\", ctx._getAriaSelected())(\"id\", ctx.id)(\"tabIndex\", ctx._getTabIndex())(\"role\", ctx._getRole());\n i0.ɵɵclassProp(\"mat-mdc-tab-disabled\", ctx.disabled)(\"mdc-tab--active\", ctx.active);\n }\n },\n inputs: {\n active: [2, \"active\", \"active\", booleanAttribute],\n disabled: [2, \"disabled\", \"disabled\", booleanAttribute],\n disableRipple: [2, \"disableRipple\", \"disableRipple\", booleanAttribute],\n tabIndex: [2, \"tabIndex\", \"tabIndex\", value => value == null ? 0 : numberAttribute(value)],\n id: \"id\"\n },\n exportAs: [\"matTabLink\"],\n standalone: true,\n features: [i0.ɵɵInputTransformsFeature, i0.ɵɵInheritDefinitionFeature, i0.ɵɵStandaloneFeature],\n attrs: _c11,\n ngContentSelectors: _c0,\n decls: 5,\n vars: 2,\n consts: [[1, \"mdc-tab__ripple\"], [\"mat-ripple\", \"\", 1, \"mat-mdc-tab-ripple\", 3, \"matRippleTrigger\", \"matRippleDisabled\"], [1, \"mdc-tab__content\"], [1, \"mdc-tab__text-label\"]],\n template: function MatTabLink_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵprojectionDef();\n i0.ɵɵelement(0, \"span\", 0)(1, \"div\", 1);\n i0.ɵɵelementStart(2, \"span\", 2)(3, \"span\", 3);\n i0.ɵɵprojection(4);\n i0.ɵɵelementEnd()();\n }\n if (rf & 2) {\n i0.ɵɵadvance();\n i0.ɵɵproperty(\"matRippleTrigger\", ctx.elementRef.nativeElement)(\"matRippleDisabled\", ctx.rippleDisabled);\n }\n },\n dependencies: [MatRipple],\n styles: [\".mat-mdc-tab-link{-webkit-tap-highlight-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);-webkit-font-smoothing:antialiased;-moz-osx-font-smoothing:grayscale;text-decoration:none;background:none;height:var(--mdc-secondary-navigation-tab-container-height);font-family:var(--mat-tab-header-label-text-font, var(--mat-app-title-small-font));font-size:var(--mat-tab-header-label-text-size, var(--mat-app-title-small-size));letter-spacing:var(--mat-tab-header-label-text-tracking, var(--mat-app-title-small-tracking));line-height:var(--mat-tab-header-label-text-line-height, var(--mat-app-title-small-line-height));font-weight:var(--mat-tab-header-label-text-weight, var(--mat-app-title-small-weight))}.mat-mdc-tab-link.mdc-tab{flex-grow:0}.mat-mdc-tab-link .mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{border-color:var(--mdc-tab-indicator-active-indicator-color, var(--mat-app-primary));border-top-width:var(--mdc-tab-indicator-active-indicator-height);border-radius:var(--mdc-tab-indicator-active-indicator-shape)}.mat-mdc-tab-link:hover .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-hover-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-link:focus .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-focus-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-link.mdc-tab--active .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-link.mdc-tab--active .mdc-tab__ripple::before,.mat-mdc-tab-link.mdc-tab--active .mat-ripple-element{background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-ripple-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-link.mdc-tab--active:hover .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-hover-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-link.mdc-tab--active:hover .mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-hover-indicator-color, var(--mat-app-primary))}.mat-mdc-tab-link.mdc-tab--active:focus .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-focus-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-link.mdc-tab--active:focus .mdc-tab-indicator__content--underline{border-color:var(--mat-tab-header-active-focus-indicator-color, var(--mat-app-primary))}.mat-mdc-tab-link.mat-mdc-tab-disabled{opacity:.4;pointer-events:none}.mat-mdc-tab-link.mat-mdc-tab-disabled .mdc-tab__content{pointer-events:none}.mat-mdc-tab-link.mat-mdc-tab-disabled .mdc-tab__ripple::before,.mat-mdc-tab-link.mat-mdc-tab-disabled .mat-ripple-element{background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-disabled-ripple-color)}.mat-mdc-tab-link .mdc-tab__ripple::before{content:\\\"\\\";display:block;position:absolute;top:0;left:0;right:0;bottom:0;opacity:0;pointer-events:none;background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-ripple-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-link .mdc-tab__text-label{color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-label-text-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface));display:inline-flex;align-items:center}.mat-mdc-tab-link .mdc-tab__content{position:relative;pointer-events:auto}.mat-mdc-tab-link:hover .mdc-tab__ripple::before{opacity:.04}.mat-mdc-tab-link.cdk-program-focused .mdc-tab__ripple::before,.mat-mdc-tab-link.cdk-keyboard-focused .mdc-tab__ripple::before{opacity:.12}.mat-mdc-tab-link .mat-ripple-element{opacity:.12;background-color:var(--mat-tab-header-inactive-ripple-color, var(--mat-app-on-surface))}.mat-mdc-tab-header.mat-mdc-tab-nav-bar-stretch-tabs .mat-mdc-tab-link{flex-grow:1}.mat-mdc-tab-link::before{margin:5px}@media(max-width: 599px){.mat-mdc-tab-link{min-width:72px}}\"],\n encapsulation: 2,\n changeDetection: 0\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTabLink;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n/**\n * Tab panel component associated with MatTabNav.\n */\nlet MatTabNavPanel = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTabNavPanel {\n constructor() {\n /** Unique id for the tab panel. */\n this.id = `mat-tab-nav-panel-${nextUniqueId++}`;\n }\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTabNavPanel_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTabNavPanel)();\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵcmp = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineComponent({\n type: MatTabNavPanel,\n selectors: [[\"mat-tab-nav-panel\"]],\n hostAttrs: [\"role\", \"tabpanel\", 1, \"mat-mdc-tab-nav-panel\"],\n hostVars: 2,\n hostBindings: function MatTabNavPanel_HostBindings(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 2) {\n i0.ɵɵattribute(\"aria-labelledby\", ctx._activeTabId)(\"id\", ctx.id);\n }\n },\n inputs: {\n id: \"id\"\n },\n exportAs: [\"matTabNavPanel\"],\n standalone: true,\n features: [i0.ɵɵStandaloneFeature],\n ngContentSelectors: _c0,\n decls: 1,\n vars: 0,\n template: function MatTabNavPanel_Template(rf, ctx) {\n if (rf & 1) {\n i0.ɵɵprojectionDef();\n i0.ɵɵprojection(0);\n }\n },\n encapsulation: 2,\n changeDetection: 0\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTabNavPanel;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\nlet MatTabsModule = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class MatTabsModule {\n static {\n this.ɵfac = function MatTabsModule_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || MatTabsModule)();\n };\n }\n static {\n this.ɵmod = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineNgModule({\n type: MatTabsModule\n });\n }\n static {\n this.ɵinj = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineInjector({\n imports: [MatCommonModule, MatCommonModule]\n });\n }\n }\n return MatTabsModule;\n})();\n/*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\n\n/**\n * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.\n */\n\nexport { MAT_TAB, MAT_TABS_CONFIG, MAT_TAB_CONTENT, MAT_TAB_GROUP, MAT_TAB_LABEL, MatInkBar, MatPaginatedTabHeader, MatTab, MatTabBody, MatTabBodyPortal, MatTabChangeEvent, MatTabContent, MatTabGroup, MatTabHeader, MatTabLabel, MatTabLabelWrapper, MatTabLink, MatTabNav, MatTabNavPanel, MatTabsModule, _MAT_INK_BAR_POSITIONER, _MAT_INK_BAR_POSITIONER_FACTORY, matTabsAnimations };\n","import { ɵglobal as _global } from '@angular/core';\nfunction push(heap, node) {\n const index = heap.length;\n heap.push(node);\n siftUp(heap, node, index);\n}\nfunction peek(heap) {\n const first = heap[0];\n return first === undefined ? null : first;\n}\nfunction pop(heap) {\n const first = heap[0];\n if (first !== undefined) {\n const last = heap.pop();\n if (last !== first) {\n heap[0] = last;\n siftDown(heap, last, 0);\n }\n return first;\n } else {\n return null;\n }\n}\nfunction siftUp(heap, node, i) {\n let index = i;\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition\n while (true) {\n const parentIndex = index - 1 >>> 1;\n const parent = heap[parentIndex];\n if (parent !== undefined && compare(parent, node) > 0) {\n // The parent is larger. Swap positions.\n heap[parentIndex] = node;\n heap[index] = parent;\n index = parentIndex;\n } else {\n // The parent is smaller. Exit.\n return;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction siftDown(heap, node, i) {\n let index = i;\n const length = heap.length;\n while (index < length) {\n const leftIndex = (index + 1) * 2 - 1;\n const left = heap[leftIndex];\n const rightIndex = leftIndex + 1;\n const right = heap[rightIndex];\n // If the left or right node is smaller, swap with the smaller of those.\n if (left !== undefined && compare(left, node) < 0) {\n if (right !== undefined && compare(right, left) < 0) {\n heap[index] = right;\n heap[rightIndex] = node;\n index = rightIndex;\n } else {\n heap[index] = left;\n heap[leftIndex] = node;\n index = leftIndex;\n }\n } else if (right !== undefined && compare(right, node) < 0) {\n heap[index] = right;\n heap[rightIndex] = node;\n index = rightIndex;\n } else {\n // Neither child is smaller. Exit.\n return;\n }\n }\n}\nfunction compare(a, b) {\n // Compare sort index first, then task id.\n const diff = a.sortIndex - b.sortIndex;\n return diff !== 0 ? diff : a.id - b.id;\n}\n\n// see https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/main/packages/scheduler/src/forks/Scheduler.js\nlet getCurrentTime;\nconst hasPerformanceNow = typeof _global.performance === 'object' && typeof _global.performance.now === 'function';\nif (hasPerformanceNow) {\n const localPerformance = _global.performance;\n getCurrentTime = () => localPerformance.now();\n} else {\n const localDate = Date;\n const initialTime = localDate.now();\n getCurrentTime = () => localDate.now() - initialTime;\n}\n// Max 31 bit integer. The max integer size in V8 for 32-bit systems.\n// Math.pow(2, 30) - 1\n// 0b111111111111111111111111111111\nconst maxSigned31BitInt = 1073741823;\n// Times out immediately\nconst IMMEDIATE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = -1;\n// Eventually times out\nconst USER_BLOCKING_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = 250;\nconst NORMAL_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = 5000;\nconst LOW_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = 10000;\n// Never times out\nconst IDLE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT = maxSigned31BitInt;\n// Tasks are stored on a min heap\nconst taskQueue = [];\nconst timerQueue = [];\n// Incrementing id counter. Used to maintain insertion order.\nlet taskIdCounter = 1;\nlet currentTask = null;\nlet currentPriorityLevel = 3 /* PriorityLevel.NormalPriority */;\n// This is set while performing work, to prevent re-entrancy.\nlet isPerformingWork = false;\nlet isHostCallbackScheduled = false;\nlet isHostTimeoutScheduled = false;\n// Capture local references to native APIs, in case a polyfill overrides them.\nconst setTimeout = _global.setTimeout;\nconst clearTimeout = _global.clearTimeout;\nconst setImmediate = _global.setImmediate; // IE and Node.js + jsdom\nconst messageChannel = _global.MessageChannel;\nconst defaultZone = {\n run: fn => fn()\n};\nfunction advanceTimers(currentTime) {\n // Check for tasks that are no longer delayed and add them to the queue.\n let timer = peek(timerQueue);\n while (timer !== null) {\n if (timer.callback === null) {\n // Timer was cancelled.\n pop(timerQueue);\n } else if (timer.startTime <= currentTime) {\n // Timer fired. Transfer to the task queue.\n pop(timerQueue);\n timer.sortIndex = timer.expirationTime;\n push(taskQueue, timer);\n } else {\n // Remaining timers are pending.\n return;\n }\n timer = peek(timerQueue);\n }\n}\nfunction handleTimeout(currentTime) {\n isHostTimeoutScheduled = false;\n advanceTimers(currentTime);\n if (!isHostCallbackScheduled) {\n if (peek(taskQueue) !== null) {\n isHostCallbackScheduled = true;\n requestHostCallback(flushWork);\n } else {\n const firstTimer = peek(timerQueue);\n if (firstTimer !== null) {\n requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, firstTimer.startTime - currentTime);\n }\n }\n }\n}\nfunction flushWork(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime) {\n // We'll need a host callback the next time work is scheduled.\n isHostCallbackScheduled = false;\n if (isHostTimeoutScheduled) {\n // We scheduled a timeout but it's no longer needed. Cancel it.\n isHostTimeoutScheduled = false;\n cancelHostTimeout();\n }\n isPerformingWork = true;\n const previousPriorityLevel = currentPriorityLevel;\n try {\n return workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime);\n } finally {\n currentTask = null;\n currentPriorityLevel = previousPriorityLevel;\n isPerformingWork = false;\n }\n}\nfunction workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, initialTime, _currentTask) {\n let currentTime = initialTime;\n if (_currentTask) {\n currentTask = _currentTask;\n } else {\n advanceTimers(currentTime);\n currentTask = peek(taskQueue);\n }\n let zoneChanged = false;\n const hitDeadline = () => currentTask && currentTask.expirationTime > currentTime && (!hasTimeRemaining || shouldYieldToHost());\n if (!hitDeadline()) {\n const ngZone = currentTask.ngZone || defaultZone;\n ngZone.run(() => {\n while (currentTask !== null && !zoneChanged) {\n if (hitDeadline()) {\n break;\n }\n const callback = currentTask.callback;\n if (typeof callback === 'function') {\n currentTask.callback = null;\n currentPriorityLevel = currentTask.priorityLevel;\n const didUserCallbackTimeout = currentTask.expirationTime <= currentTime;\n const continuationCallback = callback(didUserCallbackTimeout);\n currentTime = getCurrentTime();\n if (typeof continuationCallback === 'function') {\n currentTask.callback = continuationCallback;\n } else {\n if (currentTask === peek(taskQueue)) {\n pop(taskQueue);\n }\n }\n advanceTimers(currentTime);\n } else {\n pop(taskQueue);\n }\n currentTask = peek(taskQueue);\n zoneChanged = currentTask?.ngZone != null && currentTask.ngZone !== ngZone;\n }\n });\n }\n // we need to check if leaving `NgZone` (tick => detectChanges) caused other\n // directives to add tasks to the queue. If there is one and we still didn't\n // hit the deadline, run the workLoop again in order to flush everything thats\n // left.\n // Otherwise, newly added tasks won't run as `performingWork` is still `true`\n currentTask = currentTask ?? peek(taskQueue);\n // We should also re-calculate the currentTime, as we need to account for the execution\n // time of the NgZone tasks as well.\n // If there is still a task in the queue, but no time is left for executing it,\n // the scheduler will re-schedule the next tick anyway\n currentTime = getCurrentTime();\n if (zoneChanged || currentTask && !hitDeadline()) {\n return workLoop(hasTimeRemaining, currentTime, currentTask);\n }\n // Return whether there's additional work\n if (currentTask !== null) {\n return true;\n } else {\n const firstTimer = peek(timerQueue);\n if (firstTimer !== null) {\n requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, firstTimer.startTime - currentTime);\n }\n return false;\n }\n}\nfunction scheduleCallback(priorityLevel, callback, options) {\n const currentTime = getCurrentTime();\n let startTime;\n if (typeof options === 'object' && options !== null) {\n const delay = options.delay;\n if (typeof delay === 'number' && delay > 0) {\n startTime = currentTime + delay;\n } else {\n startTime = currentTime;\n }\n } else {\n startTime = currentTime;\n }\n let timeout;\n switch (priorityLevel) {\n case 1 /* PriorityLevel.ImmediatePriority */:\n timeout = IMMEDIATE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT;\n break;\n case 2 /* PriorityLevel.UserBlockingPriority */:\n timeout = USER_BLOCKING_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT;\n break;\n case 5 /* PriorityLevel.IdlePriority */:\n timeout = IDLE_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT;\n break;\n case 4 /* PriorityLevel.LowPriority */:\n timeout = LOW_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT;\n break;\n case 3 /* PriorityLevel.NormalPriority */:\n default:\n timeout = NORMAL_PRIORITY_TIMEOUT;\n break;\n }\n const expirationTime = startTime + timeout;\n const newTask = {\n id: taskIdCounter++,\n callback,\n priorityLevel,\n startTime,\n expirationTime,\n sortIndex: -1,\n ngZone: options?.ngZone || null\n };\n if (startTime > currentTime) {\n // This is a delayed task.\n newTask.sortIndex = startTime;\n push(timerQueue, newTask);\n if (peek(taskQueue) === null && newTask === peek(timerQueue)) {\n // All tasks are delayed, and this is the task with the earliest delay.\n if (isHostTimeoutScheduled) {\n // Cancel an existing timeout.\n cancelHostTimeout();\n } else {\n isHostTimeoutScheduled = true;\n }\n // Schedule a timeout.\n requestHostTimeout(handleTimeout, startTime - currentTime);\n }\n } else {\n newTask.sortIndex = expirationTime;\n push(taskQueue, newTask);\n // Schedule a host callback, if needed. If we're already performing work,\n // wait until the next time we yield.\n if (!isHostCallbackScheduled && !isPerformingWork) {\n isHostCallbackScheduled = true;\n requestHostCallback(flushWork);\n }\n }\n return newTask;\n}\nfunction cancelCallback(task) {\n // Null out the callback to indicate the task has been canceled. (Can't\n // remove from the queue because you can't remove arbitrary nodes from an\n // array based heap, only the first one.)\n task.callback = null;\n}\nlet isMessageLoopRunning = false;\nlet scheduledHostCallback = null;\nlet taskTimeoutID = -1;\n// Scheduler periodically yields in case there is other work on the main\n// thread, like user events. By default, it yields multiple times per frame.\n// It does not attempt to align with frame boundaries, since most tasks don't\n// need to be frame aligned; for those that do, use requestAnimationFrame.\nlet yieldInterval = 16;\nlet needsPaint = false;\nlet queueStartTime = -1;\nfunction shouldYieldToHost() {\n if (needsPaint) {\n // There's a pending paint (signaled by `requestPaint`). Yield now.\n return true;\n }\n const timeElapsed = getCurrentTime() - queueStartTime;\n if (timeElapsed < yieldInterval) {\n // The main thread has only been blocked for a really short amount of time;\n // smaller than a single frame. Don't yield yet.\n return false;\n }\n // `isInputPending` isn't available. Yield now.\n return true;\n}\nfunction requestPaint() {\n needsPaint = true;\n}\nfunction forceFrameRate(fps) {\n if (fps < 0 || fps > 125) {\n if (typeof ngDevMode === 'undefined' || ngDevMode) {\n console.error('forceFrameRate takes a positive int between 0 and 125, ' + 'forcing frame rates higher than 125 fps is not supported');\n }\n return;\n }\n if (fps > 0) {\n yieldInterval = Math.floor(1000 / fps);\n } else {\n // reset the framerate\n yieldInterval = 5;\n }\n // be aware of browser housekeeping work (~6ms per frame)\n // according to https://developers.google.com/web/fundamentals/performance/rendering\n yieldInterval = Math.max(5, yieldInterval - 6);\n}\nconst performWorkUntilDeadline = () => {\n if (scheduledHostCallback !== null) {\n const currentTime = getCurrentTime();\n // Yield after `yieldInterval` ms, regardless of where we are in the vsync\n // cycle. This means there's always time remaining at the beginning of\n // the message event.\n queueStartTime = currentTime;\n const hasTimeRemaining = true;\n // If a scheduler task throws, exit the current browser task so the\n // error can be observed.\n //\n // Intentionally not using a try-catch, since that makes some debugging\n // techniques harder. Instead, if `scheduledHostCallback` errors, then\n // `hasMoreWork` will remain true, and we'll continue the work loop.\n let hasMoreWork = true;\n try {\n hasMoreWork = scheduledHostCallback(hasTimeRemaining, currentTime);\n } finally {\n if (hasMoreWork) {\n // If there's more work, schedule the next message event at the end\n // of the preceding one.\n schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline();\n } else {\n isMessageLoopRunning = false;\n scheduledHostCallback = null;\n }\n }\n } else {\n isMessageLoopRunning = false;\n }\n // Yielding to the browser will give it a chance to paint, so we can\n // reset this.\n needsPaint = false;\n};\nlet schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline;\nif (typeof setImmediate === 'function') {\n // Node.js and old IE.\n // There's a few reasons for why we prefer setImmediate.\n //\n // Unlike MessageChannel, it doesn't prevent a Node.js process from exiting.\n // (Even though this is a DOM fork of the Scheduler, you could get here\n // with a mix of Node.js 15+, which has a MessageChannel, and jsdom.)\n // https://github.com/facebook/react/issues/20756\n //\n // But also, it runs earlier which is the semantic we want.\n // If other browsers ever implement it, it's better to use it.\n // Although both of these would be inferior to native scheduling.\n schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline = () => {\n setImmediate(performWorkUntilDeadline);\n };\n} else if (typeof messageChannel !== 'undefined') {\n const channel = new messageChannel();\n const port = channel.port2;\n channel.port1.onmessage = performWorkUntilDeadline;\n schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline = () => {\n port.postMessage(null);\n };\n} else {\n // We should only fallback here in non-browser environments.\n schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline = () => {\n setTimeout(performWorkUntilDeadline, 0);\n };\n}\nfunction requestHostCallback(callback) {\n scheduledHostCallback = callback;\n if (!isMessageLoopRunning) {\n isMessageLoopRunning = true;\n schedulePerformWorkUntilDeadline();\n }\n}\nfunction requestHostTimeout(callback, ms) {\n taskTimeoutID = setTimeout(() => {\n callback(getCurrentTime());\n }, ms);\n}\nfunction cancelHostTimeout() {\n clearTimeout(taskTimeoutID);\n taskTimeoutID = -1;\n}\n\n/**\n * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.\n */\n\nexport { cancelCallback, forceFrameRate, scheduleCallback };\n","import { coalescingManager, coalesceWith } from '@rx-angular/cdk/coalescing';\nimport { forceFrameRate, scheduleCallback, cancelCallback } from '@rx-angular/cdk/internals/scheduler';\nimport { Observable, throwError, ReplaySubject, BehaviorSubject, fromEvent } from 'rxjs';\nimport { filter, switchMap, mapTo, tap, catchError, map, take, switchAll, startWith, share, shareReplay, takeUntil } from 'rxjs/operators';\nimport * as i0 from '@angular/core';\nimport { NgZone, InjectionToken, Injectable, Optional, Inject } from '@angular/core';\nimport { getZoneUnPatchedApi } from '@rx-angular/cdk/internals/core';\nimport { coerceAllFactory } from '@rx-angular/cdk/coercing';\n\n// set default to 60fps\nforceFrameRate(60);\nconst immediateStrategy = {\n name: 'immediate',\n work: cdRef => cdRef.detectChanges(),\n behavior: ({\n work,\n scope,\n ngZone\n }) => {\n return o$ => o$.pipe(scheduleOnQueue(work, {\n ngZone,\n priority: 1 /* PriorityLevel.ImmediatePriority */,\n scope\n }));\n }\n};\nconst userBlockingStrategy = {\n name: 'userBlocking',\n work: cdRef => cdRef.detectChanges(),\n behavior: ({\n work,\n scope,\n ngZone\n }) => {\n return o$ => o$.pipe(scheduleOnQueue(work, {\n ngZone,\n priority: 2 /* PriorityLevel.UserBlockingPriority */,\n scope\n }));\n }\n};\nconst normalStrategy = {\n name: 'normal',\n work: cdRef => cdRef.detectChanges(),\n behavior: ({\n work,\n scope,\n ngZone\n }) => {\n return o$ => o$.pipe(scheduleOnQueue(work, {\n ngZone,\n priority: 3 /* PriorityLevel.NormalPriority */,\n scope\n }));\n }\n};\nconst lowStrategy = {\n name: 'low',\n work: cdRef => cdRef.detectChanges(),\n behavior: ({\n work,\n scope,\n ngZone\n }) => {\n return o$ => o$.pipe(scheduleOnQueue(work, {\n ngZone,\n priority: 4 /* PriorityLevel.LowPriority */,\n scope\n }));\n }\n};\nconst idleStrategy = {\n name: 'idle',\n work: cdRef => cdRef.detectChanges(),\n behavior: ({\n work,\n scope,\n ngZone\n }) => {\n return o$ => o$.pipe(scheduleOnQueue(work, {\n ngZone,\n priority: 5 /* PriorityLevel.IdlePriority */,\n scope\n }));\n }\n};\nfunction scheduleOnQueue(work, options) {\n const scope = options.scope || {};\n return o$ => o$.pipe(filter(() => !coalescingManager.isCoalescing(scope)), switchMap(v => new Observable(subscriber => {\n coalescingManager.add(scope);\n const task = scheduleCallback(options.priority, () => {\n work();\n coalescingManager.remove(scope);\n subscriber.next(v);\n }, {\n delay: options.delay,\n ngZone: options.ngZone\n });\n return () => {\n coalescingManager.remove(scope);\n cancelCallback(task);\n };\n }).pipe(mapTo(v))));\n}\nconst RX_CONCURRENT_STRATEGIES = {\n immediate: immediateStrategy,\n userBlocking: userBlockingStrategy,\n normal: normalStrategy,\n low: lowStrategy,\n idle: idleStrategy\n};\nconst animationFrameTick = () => new Observable(subscriber => {\n // use the unpatched API no avoid zone interference\n const id = getZoneUnPatchedApi('requestAnimationFrame')(() => {\n subscriber.next(0);\n subscriber.complete();\n });\n return () => {\n // use the unpatched API no avoid zone interference\n getZoneUnPatchedApi('cancelAnimationFrame')(id);\n };\n});\nconst localCredentials = {\n name: 'local',\n work: (cdRef, _, notification) => {\n cdRef.detectChanges();\n },\n behavior: ({\n work,\n scope,\n ngZone\n }) => o$ => o$.pipe(coalesceWith(animationFrameTick(), scope), tap(() => ngZone ? ngZone.run(() => work()) : work()))\n};\nconst noopCredentials = {\n name: 'noop',\n work: () => void 0,\n behavior: () => o$ => o$\n};\nconst nativeCredentials = {\n name: 'native',\n work: cdRef => cdRef.markForCheck(),\n behavior: ({\n work,\n ngZone\n }) => o$ => o$.pipe(tap(() => ngZone && !NgZone.isInAngularZone() ? ngZone.run(() => work()) : work()))\n};\nconst RX_NATIVE_STRATEGIES = {\n native: nativeCredentials,\n noop: noopCredentials,\n local: localCredentials\n};\nconst RX_RENDER_STRATEGIES_CONFIG = new InjectionToken('rxa-render-strategies-config');\nconst RX_RENDER_STRATEGIES_DEFAULTS = {\n primaryStrategy: 'normal',\n customStrategies: {\n ...RX_NATIVE_STRATEGIES,\n ...RX_CONCURRENT_STRATEGIES\n },\n patchZone: true,\n parent: false\n};\nfunction mergeDefaultConfig(cfg) {\n const custom = cfg ? cfg : {\n customStrategies: {}\n };\n return {\n ...RX_RENDER_STRATEGIES_DEFAULTS,\n ...custom,\n customStrategies: {\n ...custom.customStrategies,\n ...RX_RENDER_STRATEGIES_DEFAULTS.customStrategies\n }\n };\n}\n\n/**\n * @internal\n *\n * @param value\n * @param strategy\n * @param workFactory\n * @param options\n */\nfunction onStrategy(value, strategy, workFactory, options = {}) {\n return new Observable(subscriber => {\n subscriber.next(value);\n }).pipe(strategy.behavior({\n work: () => workFactory(value, strategy.work, options),\n scope: options.scope || {},\n ngZone: options.ngZone\n }), catchError(error => throwError(() => [error, value])), map(() => value), take(1));\n}\n\n/**\n * @internal\n *\n * A factory function returning an object to handle the process of turning strategy names into `RxStrategyCredentials`\n * You can next a strategy name as Observable or string and get an Observable of `RxStrategyCredentials`\n *\n * @param defaultStrategyName\n * @param strategies\n */\nfunction strategyHandling(defaultStrategyName, strategies) {\n const hotFlattened = coerceAllFactory(() => new ReplaySubject(1), switchAll());\n return {\n strategy$: hotFlattened.values$.pipe(startWith(defaultStrategyName), nameToStrategyCredentials(strategies, defaultStrategyName), share()),\n next(name) {\n hotFlattened.next(name);\n }\n };\n}\n/**\n * @internal\n */\nfunction nameToStrategyCredentials(strategies, defaultStrategyName) {\n return o$ => o$.pipe(map(name => name && Object.keys(strategies).includes(name) ? strategies[name] : strategies[defaultStrategyName]));\n}\n\n/**\n * @description\n * RxStrategyProvider is a wrapper service that you can use to consume strategies and schedule your code execution.\n *\n * @example\n * Component({\n * selector: 'app-service-communicator',\n * template: ``\n * });\n * export class ServiceCommunicationComponent {\n * private currentUserSettings;\n *\n * constructor(\n * private strategyProvider: RxStrategyProvider,\n * private userService: UserService,\n * private backgroundSync: BackgroundSyncService\n * ) {\n * this.userService.fetchCurrentUserSettings\n * .pipe(\n * tap(settings => (this.currentUserSettings = settings)),\n * this.strategyProvider.scheduleWith(\n * settings => this.backgroundSync.openConnection(settings),\n * { strategy: 'idle' }\n * )\n * )\n * .subscribe();\n * }\n * }\n *\n * @docsCategory RxStrategyProvider\n * @docsPage RxStrategyProvider\n */\nlet RxStrategyProvider = /*#__PURE__*/(() => {\n class RxStrategyProvider {\n _strategies$ = new BehaviorSubject(undefined);\n _primaryStrategy$ = new BehaviorSubject(undefined);\n _cfg;\n /**\n * @description\n * Returns current `RxAngularConfig` used in the service.\n * Config includes:\n * - strategy that currently in use - `primaryStrategy`\n * - array of custom user defined strategies - `customStrategies`\n * - setting that is responsible for running in our outside of the zone.js - `patchZone`\n */\n get config() {\n return this._cfg;\n }\n /**\n * @description\n * Returns object that contains key-value pairs of strategy names and their credentials (settings) that are available in the service.\n */\n get strategies() {\n return this._strategies$.getValue();\n }\n /**\n * @description\n * Returns an array of strategy names available in the service.\n */\n get strategyNames() {\n return Object.values(this.strategies).map(s => s.name);\n }\n /**\n * @description\n * Returns current strategy of the service.\n */\n get primaryStrategy() {\n return this._primaryStrategy$.getValue().name;\n }\n /**\n * @description\n * Set's the strategy that will be used by the service.\n */\n set primaryStrategy(strategyName) {\n this._primaryStrategy$.next(this.strategies[strategyName]);\n }\n /**\n * @description\n * Current strategy of the service as an observable.\n */\n primaryStrategy$ = this._primaryStrategy$.asObservable();\n /**\n * @description\n * Returns observable of an object that contains key-value pairs of strategy names and their credentials (settings) that are available in the service.\n */\n strategies$ = this._strategies$.asObservable();\n /**\n * @description\n * Returns an observable of an array of strategy names available in the service.\n */\n strategyNames$ = this.strategies$.pipe(map(strategies => Object.values(strategies).map(s => s.name)), shareReplay({\n bufferSize: 1,\n refCount: true\n }));\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n constructor(cfg) {\n this._cfg = mergeDefaultConfig(cfg);\n this._strategies$.next(this._cfg.customStrategies);\n this.primaryStrategy = this.config.primaryStrategy;\n }\n /**\n * @description\n * Allows to schedule a work inside rxjs `pipe`. Accepts the work and configuration options object.\n * - work is any function that should be executed\n * - (optional) options includes strategy, patchZone and scope\n *\n * Scope is by default a subscription but you can also pass `this` and then the scope will be current component.\n * Scope setup is useful if your work is some of the methods of `ChangeDetectorRef`. Only one change detection will be triggered if you have multiple schedules of change detection methods and scope is set to `this`.\n *\n * @example\n * myObservable$.pipe(\n * this.strategyProvider.scheduleWith(() => myWork(), {strategy: 'idle', patchZone: false})\n * ).subscribe();\n *\n * @return MonoTypeOperatorFunction\n */\n scheduleWith(work, options) {\n const strategy = this.strategies[options?.strategy || this.primaryStrategy];\n const scope = options?.scope || {};\n const _work = getWork(work, options?.patchZone);\n const ngZone = options?.patchZone || undefined;\n return o$ => o$.pipe(switchMap(v => onStrategy(v, strategy, _v => {\n _work(_v);\n }, {\n scope,\n ngZone\n })));\n }\n /**\n * @description\n * Allows to schedule a work as an observable. Accepts the work and configuration options object.\n * - work is any function that should be executed\n * - (optional) options includes strategy, patchZone and scope\n *\n * Scope is by default a subscription but you can also pass `this` and then the scope will be current component.\n * Scope setup is especially useful if you provide work that will trigger a change detection.\n *\n * @example\n * this.strategyProvider.schedule(() => myWork(), {strategy: 'idle', patchZone: false}).subscribe();\n *\n * @return Observable\n */\n schedule(work, options) {\n const strategy = this.strategies[options?.strategy || this.primaryStrategy];\n const scope = options?.scope || {};\n const _work = getWork(work, options?.patchZone);\n const ngZone = options?.patchZone || undefined;\n let returnVal;\n return onStrategy(null, strategy, () => {\n returnVal = _work();\n }, {\n scope,\n ngZone\n }).pipe(map(() => returnVal));\n }\n /**\n * @description\n * Allows to schedule a change detection cycle. Accepts the ChangeDetectorRef and configuration options object.\n * Options include:\n * - afterCD which is the work that should be executed after change detection cycle.\n * - abortCtrl is an AbortController that you can use to cancel the scheduled cycle.\n *\n * @example\n * this.strategyProvider.scheduleCd(this.changeDetectorRef, {afterCD: myWork()});\n *\n * @return AbortController\n */\n scheduleCD(cdRef, options) {\n const strategy = this.strategies[options?.strategy || this.primaryStrategy];\n const scope = options?.scope || cdRef;\n const abC = options?.abortCtrl || new AbortController();\n const ngZone = options?.patchZone || undefined;\n const work = getWork(() => {\n strategy.work(cdRef, scope);\n if (options?.afterCD) {\n options.afterCD();\n }\n }, options.patchZone);\n onStrategy(null, strategy, () => {\n work();\n }, {\n scope,\n ngZone\n }).pipe(takeUntil(fromEvent(abC.signal, 'abort'))).subscribe();\n return abC;\n }\n /** @nocollapse */\n static ɵfac = function RxStrategyProvider_Factory(__ngFactoryType__) {\n return new (__ngFactoryType__ || RxStrategyProvider)(i0.ɵɵinject(RX_RENDER_STRATEGIES_CONFIG, 8));\n };\n /** @nocollapse */\n static ɵprov = /* @__PURE__ */i0.ɵɵdefineInjectable({\n token: RxStrategyProvider,\n factory: RxStrategyProvider.ɵfac,\n providedIn: 'root'\n });\n }\n return RxStrategyProvider;\n})();\n(() => {\n (typeof ngDevMode === \"undefined\" || ngDevMode) && void 0;\n})();\nfunction getWork(work, patchZone) {\n let _work = work;\n if (patchZone) {\n _work = args => patchZone.run(() => work(args));\n }\n return _work;\n}\n\n/**\n * Generated bundle index. Do not edit.\n */\n\nexport { RX_CONCURRENT_STRATEGIES, RX_NATIVE_STRATEGIES, RX_RENDER_STRATEGIES_CONFIG, RxStrategyProvider, onStrategy, strategyHandling };\n","/**\n * SSR Window 4.0.2\n * Better handling for window object in SSR environment\n * https://github.com/nolimits4web/ssr-window\n *\n * Copyright 2021, Vladimir Kharlampidi\n *\n * Licensed under MIT\n *\n * Released on: December 13, 2021\n */\n/* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */\nfunction isObject(obj) {\n return obj !== null && typeof obj === 'object' && 'constructor' in obj && obj.constructor === Object;\n}\nfunction extend(target, src) {\n if (target === void 0) {\n target = {};\n }\n if (src === void 0) {\n src = {};\n }\n Object.keys(src).forEach(key => {\n if (typeof target[key] === 'undefined') target[key] = src[key];else if (isObject(src[key]) && isObject(target[key]) && Object.keys(src[key]).length > 0) {\n extend(target[key], src[key]);\n }\n });\n}\nconst ssrDocument = {\n body: {},\n addEventListener() {},\n removeEventListener() {},\n activeElement: {\n blur() {},\n nodeName: ''\n },\n querySelector() {\n return null;\n },\n querySelectorAll() {\n return [];\n },\n getElementById() {\n return null;\n },\n createEvent() {\n return {\n initEvent() {}\n };\n },\n createElement() {\n return {\n children: [],\n childNodes: [],\n style: {},\n setAttribute() {},\n getElementsByTagName() {\n return [];\n }\n };\n },\n createElementNS() {\n return {};\n },\n importNode() {\n return null;\n },\n location: {\n hash: '',\n host: '',\n hostname: '',\n href: '',\n origin: '',\n pathname: '',\n protocol: '',\n search: ''\n }\n};\nfunction getDocument() {\n const doc = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : {};\n extend(doc, ssrDocument);\n return doc;\n}\nconst ssrWindow = {\n document: ssrDocument,\n navigator: {\n userAgent: ''\n },\n location: {\n hash: '',\n host: '',\n hostname: '',\n href: '',\n origin: '',\n pathname: '',\n protocol: '',\n search: ''\n },\n history: {\n replaceState() {},\n pushState() {},\n go() {},\n back() {}\n },\n CustomEvent: function CustomEvent() {\n return this;\n },\n addEventListener() {},\n removeEventListener() {},\n getComputedStyle() {\n return {\n getPropertyValue() {\n return '';\n }\n };\n },\n Image() {},\n Date() {},\n screen: {},\n setTimeout() {},\n clearTimeout() {},\n matchMedia() {\n return {};\n },\n requestAnimationFrame(callback) {\n if (typeof setTimeout === 'undefined') {\n callback();\n return null;\n }\n return setTimeout(callback, 0);\n },\n cancelAnimationFrame(id) {\n if (typeof setTimeout === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n clearTimeout(id);\n }\n};\nfunction getWindow() {\n const win = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : {};\n extend(win, ssrWindow);\n return win;\n}\nexport { getWindow as a, getDocument as g };","import { a as getWindow, g as getDocument } from './ssr-window.esm.mjs';\nfunction classesToTokens(classes) {\n if (classes === void 0) {\n classes = '';\n }\n return classes.trim().split(' ').filter(c => !!c.trim());\n}\nfunction deleteProps(obj) {\n const object = obj;\n Object.keys(object).forEach(key => {\n try {\n object[key] = null;\n } catch (e) {\n // no getter for object\n }\n try {\n delete object[key];\n } catch (e) {\n // something got wrong\n }\n });\n}\nfunction nextTick(callback, delay) {\n if (delay === void 0) {\n delay = 0;\n }\n return setTimeout(callback, delay);\n}\nfunction now() {\n return Date.now();\n}\nfunction getComputedStyle(el) {\n const window = getWindow();\n let style;\n if (window.getComputedStyle) {\n style = window.getComputedStyle(el, null);\n }\n if (!style && el.currentStyle) {\n style = el.currentStyle;\n }\n if (!style) {\n style = el.style;\n }\n return style;\n}\nfunction getTranslate(el, axis) {\n if (axis === void 0) {\n axis = 'x';\n }\n const window = getWindow();\n let matrix;\n let curTransform;\n let transformMatrix;\n const curStyle = getComputedStyle(el);\n if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix) {\n curTransform = curStyle.transform || curStyle.webkitTransform;\n if (curTransform.split(',').length > 6) {\n curTransform = curTransform.split(', ').map(a => a.replace(',', '.')).join(', ');\n }\n // Some old versions of Webkit choke when 'none' is passed; pass\n // empty string instead in this case\n transformMatrix = new window.WebKitCSSMatrix(curTransform === 'none' ? '' : curTransform);\n } else {\n transformMatrix = curStyle.MozTransform || curStyle.OTransform || curStyle.MsTransform || curStyle.msTransform || curStyle.transform || curStyle.getPropertyValue('transform').replace('translate(', 'matrix(1, 0, 0, 1,');\n matrix = transformMatrix.toString().split(',');\n }\n if (axis === 'x') {\n // Latest Chrome and webkits Fix\n if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix) curTransform = transformMatrix.m41;\n // Crazy IE10 Matrix\n else if (matrix.length === 16) curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[12]);\n // Normal Browsers\n else curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[4]);\n }\n if (axis === 'y') {\n // Latest Chrome and webkits Fix\n if (window.WebKitCSSMatrix) curTransform = transformMatrix.m42;\n // Crazy IE10 Matrix\n else if (matrix.length === 16) curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[13]);\n // Normal Browsers\n else curTransform = parseFloat(matrix[5]);\n }\n return curTransform || 0;\n}\nfunction isObject(o) {\n return typeof o === 'object' && o !== null && o.constructor && Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1) === 'Object';\n}\nfunction isNode(node) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n if (typeof window !== 'undefined' && typeof window.HTMLElement !== 'undefined') {\n return node instanceof HTMLElement;\n }\n return node && (node.nodeType === 1 || node.nodeType === 11);\n}\nfunction extend() {\n const to = Object(arguments.length <= 0 ? undefined : arguments[0]);\n const noExtend = ['__proto__', 'constructor', 'prototype'];\n for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {\n const nextSource = i < 0 || arguments.length <= i ? undefined : arguments[i];\n if (nextSource !== undefined && nextSource !== null && !isNode(nextSource)) {\n const keysArray = Object.keys(Object(nextSource)).filter(key => noExtend.indexOf(key) < 0);\n for (let nextIndex = 0, len = keysArray.length; nextIndex < len; nextIndex += 1) {\n const nextKey = keysArray[nextIndex];\n const desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(nextSource, nextKey);\n if (desc !== undefined && desc.enumerable) {\n if (isObject(to[nextKey]) && isObject(nextSource[nextKey])) {\n if (nextSource[nextKey].__swiper__) {\n to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];\n } else {\n extend(to[nextKey], nextSource[nextKey]);\n }\n } else if (!isObject(to[nextKey]) && isObject(nextSource[nextKey])) {\n to[nextKey] = {};\n if (nextSource[nextKey].__swiper__) {\n to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];\n } else {\n extend(to[nextKey], nextSource[nextKey]);\n }\n } else {\n to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return to;\n}\nfunction setCSSProperty(el, varName, varValue) {\n el.style.setProperty(varName, varValue);\n}\nfunction animateCSSModeScroll(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n targetPosition,\n side\n } = _ref;\n const window = getWindow();\n const startPosition = -swiper.translate;\n let startTime = null;\n let time;\n const duration = swiper.params.speed;\n swiper.wrapperEl.style.scrollSnapType = 'none';\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(swiper.cssModeFrameID);\n const dir = targetPosition > startPosition ? 'next' : 'prev';\n const isOutOfBound = (current, target) => {\n return dir === 'next' && current >= target || dir === 'prev' && current <= target;\n };\n const animate = () => {\n time = new Date().getTime();\n if (startTime === null) {\n startTime = time;\n }\n const progress = Math.max(Math.min((time - startTime) / duration, 1), 0);\n const easeProgress = 0.5 - Math.cos(progress * Math.PI) / 2;\n let currentPosition = startPosition + easeProgress * (targetPosition - startPosition);\n if (isOutOfBound(currentPosition, targetPosition)) {\n currentPosition = targetPosition;\n }\n swiper.wrapperEl.scrollTo({\n [side]: currentPosition\n });\n if (isOutOfBound(currentPosition, targetPosition)) {\n swiper.wrapperEl.style.overflow = 'hidden';\n swiper.wrapperEl.style.scrollSnapType = '';\n setTimeout(() => {\n swiper.wrapperEl.style.overflow = '';\n swiper.wrapperEl.scrollTo({\n [side]: currentPosition\n });\n });\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(swiper.cssModeFrameID);\n return;\n }\n swiper.cssModeFrameID = window.requestAnimationFrame(animate);\n };\n animate();\n}\nfunction getSlideTransformEl(slideEl) {\n return slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-transform') || slideEl.shadowRoot && slideEl.shadowRoot.querySelector('.swiper-slide-transform') || slideEl;\n}\nfunction elementChildren(element, selector) {\n if (selector === void 0) {\n selector = '';\n }\n const children = [...element.children];\n if (element instanceof HTMLSlotElement) {\n children.push(...element.assignedElements());\n }\n if (!selector) {\n return children;\n }\n return children.filter(el => el.matches(selector));\n}\nfunction elementIsChildOf(el, parent) {\n const isChild = parent.contains(el);\n if (!isChild && parent instanceof HTMLSlotElement) {\n const children = [...parent.assignedElements()];\n return children.includes(el);\n }\n return isChild;\n}\nfunction showWarning(text) {\n try {\n console.warn(text);\n return;\n } catch (err) {\n // err\n }\n}\nfunction createElement(tag, classes) {\n if (classes === void 0) {\n classes = [];\n }\n const el = document.createElement(tag);\n el.classList.add(...(Array.isArray(classes) ? classes : classesToTokens(classes)));\n return el;\n}\nfunction elementOffset(el) {\n const window = getWindow();\n const document = getDocument();\n const box = el.getBoundingClientRect();\n const body = document.body;\n const clientTop = el.clientTop || body.clientTop || 0;\n const clientLeft = el.clientLeft || body.clientLeft || 0;\n const scrollTop = el === window ? window.scrollY : el.scrollTop;\n const scrollLeft = el === window ? window.scrollX : el.scrollLeft;\n return {\n top: box.top + scrollTop - clientTop,\n left: box.left + scrollLeft - clientLeft\n };\n}\nfunction elementPrevAll(el, selector) {\n const prevEls = [];\n while (el.previousElementSibling) {\n const prev = el.previousElementSibling; // eslint-disable-line\n if (selector) {\n if (prev.matches(selector)) prevEls.push(prev);\n } else prevEls.push(prev);\n el = prev;\n }\n return prevEls;\n}\nfunction elementNextAll(el, selector) {\n const nextEls = [];\n while (el.nextElementSibling) {\n const next = el.nextElementSibling; // eslint-disable-line\n if (selector) {\n if (next.matches(selector)) nextEls.push(next);\n } else nextEls.push(next);\n el = next;\n }\n return nextEls;\n}\nfunction elementStyle(el, prop) {\n const window = getWindow();\n return window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(prop);\n}\nfunction elementIndex(el) {\n let child = el;\n let i;\n if (child) {\n i = 0;\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n while ((child = child.previousSibling) !== null) {\n if (child.nodeType === 1) i += 1;\n }\n return i;\n }\n return undefined;\n}\nfunction elementParents(el, selector) {\n const parents = []; // eslint-disable-line\n let parent = el.parentElement; // eslint-disable-line\n while (parent) {\n if (selector) {\n if (parent.matches(selector)) parents.push(parent);\n } else {\n parents.push(parent);\n }\n parent = parent.parentElement;\n }\n return parents;\n}\nfunction elementTransitionEnd(el, callback) {\n function fireCallBack(e) {\n if (e.target !== el) return;\n callback.call(el, e);\n el.removeEventListener('transitionend', fireCallBack);\n }\n if (callback) {\n el.addEventListener('transitionend', fireCallBack);\n }\n}\nfunction elementOuterSize(el, size, includeMargins) {\n const window = getWindow();\n if (includeMargins) {\n return el[size === 'width' ? 'offsetWidth' : 'offsetHeight'] + parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(size === 'width' ? 'margin-right' : 'margin-top')) + parseFloat(window.getComputedStyle(el, null).getPropertyValue(size === 'width' ? 'margin-left' : 'margin-bottom'));\n }\n return el.offsetWidth;\n}\nfunction makeElementsArray(el) {\n return (Array.isArray(el) ? el : [el]).filter(e => !!e);\n}\nfunction getRotateFix(swiper) {\n return v => {\n if (Math.abs(v) > 0 && swiper.browser && swiper.browser.need3dFix && Math.abs(v) % 90 === 0) {\n return v + 0.001;\n }\n return v;\n };\n}\nexport { elementParents as a, elementOffset as b, createElement as c, now as d, elementChildren as e, elementOuterSize as f, getSlideTransformEl as g, elementIndex as h, classesToTokens as i, getTranslate as j, elementTransitionEnd as k, isObject as l, makeElementsArray as m, nextTick as n, getRotateFix as o, elementStyle as p, elementNextAll as q, elementPrevAll as r, setCSSProperty as s, animateCSSModeScroll as t, showWarning as u, elementIsChildOf as v, extend as w, deleteProps as x };","import { a as getWindow, g as getDocument } from './ssr-window.esm.mjs';\nimport { a as elementParents, p as elementStyle, e as elementChildren, s as setCSSProperty, f as elementOuterSize, q as elementNextAll, r as elementPrevAll, j as getTranslate, t as animateCSSModeScroll, n as nextTick, u as showWarning, c as createElement, v as elementIsChildOf, d as now, w as extend, h as elementIndex, x as deleteProps } from './utils.mjs';\nlet support;\nfunction calcSupport() {\n const window = getWindow();\n const document = getDocument();\n return {\n smoothScroll: document.documentElement && document.documentElement.style && 'scrollBehavior' in document.documentElement.style,\n touch: !!('ontouchstart' in window || window.DocumentTouch && document instanceof window.DocumentTouch)\n };\n}\nfunction getSupport() {\n if (!support) {\n support = calcSupport();\n }\n return support;\n}\nlet deviceCached;\nfunction calcDevice(_temp) {\n let {\n userAgent\n } = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp;\n const support = getSupport();\n const window = getWindow();\n const platform = window.navigator.platform;\n const ua = userAgent || window.navigator.userAgent;\n const device = {\n ios: false,\n android: false\n };\n const screenWidth = window.screen.width;\n const screenHeight = window.screen.height;\n const android = ua.match(/(Android);?[\\s\\/]+([\\d.]+)?/); // eslint-disable-line\n let ipad = ua.match(/(iPad).*OS\\s([\\d_]+)/);\n const ipod = ua.match(/(iPod)(.*OS\\s([\\d_]+))?/);\n const iphone = !ipad && ua.match(/(iPhone\\sOS|iOS)\\s([\\d_]+)/);\n const windows = platform === 'Win32';\n let macos = platform === 'MacIntel';\n\n // iPadOs 13 fix\n const iPadScreens = ['1024x1366', '1366x1024', '834x1194', '1194x834', '834x1112', '1112x834', '768x1024', '1024x768', '820x1180', '1180x820', '810x1080', '1080x810'];\n if (!ipad && macos && support.touch && iPadScreens.indexOf(`${screenWidth}x${screenHeight}`) >= 0) {\n ipad = ua.match(/(Version)\\/([\\d.]+)/);\n if (!ipad) ipad = [0, 1, '13_0_0'];\n macos = false;\n }\n\n // Android\n if (android && !windows) {\n device.os = 'android';\n device.android = true;\n }\n if (ipad || iphone || ipod) {\n device.os = 'ios';\n device.ios = true;\n }\n\n // Export object\n return device;\n}\nfunction getDevice(overrides) {\n if (overrides === void 0) {\n overrides = {};\n }\n if (!deviceCached) {\n deviceCached = calcDevice(overrides);\n }\n return deviceCached;\n}\nlet browser;\nfunction calcBrowser() {\n const window = getWindow();\n const device = getDevice();\n let needPerspectiveFix = false;\n function isSafari() {\n const ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();\n return ua.indexOf('safari') >= 0 && ua.indexOf('chrome') < 0 && ua.indexOf('android') < 0;\n }\n if (isSafari()) {\n const ua = String(window.navigator.userAgent);\n if (ua.includes('Version/')) {\n const [major, minor] = ua.split('Version/')[1].split(' ')[0].split('.').map(num => Number(num));\n needPerspectiveFix = major < 16 || major === 16 && minor < 2;\n }\n }\n const isWebView = /(iPhone|iPod|iPad).*AppleWebKit(?!.*Safari)/i.test(window.navigator.userAgent);\n const isSafariBrowser = isSafari();\n const need3dFix = isSafariBrowser || isWebView && device.ios;\n return {\n isSafari: needPerspectiveFix || isSafariBrowser,\n needPerspectiveFix,\n need3dFix,\n isWebView\n };\n}\nfunction getBrowser() {\n if (!browser) {\n browser = calcBrowser();\n }\n return browser;\n}\nfunction Resize(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n on,\n emit\n } = _ref;\n const window = getWindow();\n let observer = null;\n let animationFrame = null;\n const resizeHandler = () => {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return;\n emit('beforeResize');\n emit('resize');\n };\n const createObserver = () => {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return;\n observer = new ResizeObserver(entries => {\n animationFrame = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n const {\n width,\n height\n } = swiper;\n let newWidth = width;\n let newHeight = height;\n entries.forEach(_ref2 => {\n let {\n contentBoxSize,\n contentRect,\n target\n } = _ref2;\n if (target && target !== swiper.el) return;\n newWidth = contentRect ? contentRect.width : (contentBoxSize[0] || contentBoxSize).inlineSize;\n newHeight = contentRect ? contentRect.height : (contentBoxSize[0] || contentBoxSize).blockSize;\n });\n if (newWidth !== width || newHeight !== height) {\n resizeHandler();\n }\n });\n });\n observer.observe(swiper.el);\n };\n const removeObserver = () => {\n if (animationFrame) {\n window.cancelAnimationFrame(animationFrame);\n }\n if (observer && observer.unobserve && swiper.el) {\n observer.unobserve(swiper.el);\n observer = null;\n }\n };\n const orientationChangeHandler = () => {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.initialized) return;\n emit('orientationchange');\n };\n on('init', () => {\n if (swiper.params.resizeObserver && typeof window.ResizeObserver !== 'undefined') {\n createObserver();\n return;\n }\n window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);\n window.addEventListener('orientationchange', orientationChangeHandler);\n });\n on('destroy', () => {\n removeObserver();\n window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);\n window.removeEventListener('orientationchange', orientationChangeHandler);\n });\n}\nfunction Observer(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n extendParams,\n on,\n emit\n } = _ref;\n const observers = [];\n const window = getWindow();\n const attach = function (target, options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n const ObserverFunc = window.MutationObserver || window.WebkitMutationObserver;\n const observer = new ObserverFunc(mutations => {\n // The observerUpdate event should only be triggered\n // once despite the number of mutations. Additional\n // triggers are redundant and are very costly\n if (swiper.__preventObserver__) return;\n if (mutations.length === 1) {\n emit('observerUpdate', mutations[0]);\n return;\n }\n const observerUpdate = function observerUpdate() {\n emit('observerUpdate', mutations[0]);\n };\n if (window.requestAnimationFrame) {\n window.requestAnimationFrame(observerUpdate);\n } else {\n window.setTimeout(observerUpdate, 0);\n }\n });\n observer.observe(target, {\n attributes: typeof options.attributes === 'undefined' ? true : options.attributes,\n childList: swiper.isElement || (typeof options.childList === 'undefined' ? true : options).childList,\n characterData: typeof options.characterData === 'undefined' ? true : options.characterData\n });\n observers.push(observer);\n };\n const init = () => {\n if (!swiper.params.observer) return;\n if (swiper.params.observeParents) {\n const containerParents = elementParents(swiper.hostEl);\n for (let i = 0; i < containerParents.length; i += 1) {\n attach(containerParents[i]);\n }\n }\n // Observe container\n attach(swiper.hostEl, {\n childList: swiper.params.observeSlideChildren\n });\n\n // Observe wrapper\n attach(swiper.wrapperEl, {\n attributes: false\n });\n };\n const destroy = () => {\n observers.forEach(observer => {\n observer.disconnect();\n });\n observers.splice(0, observers.length);\n };\n extendParams({\n observer: false,\n observeParents: false,\n observeSlideChildren: false\n });\n on('init', init);\n on('destroy', destroy);\n}\n\n/* eslint-disable no-underscore-dangle */\n\nvar eventsEmitter = {\n on(events, handler, priority) {\n const self = this;\n if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;\n if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self;\n const method = priority ? 'unshift' : 'push';\n events.split(' ').forEach(event => {\n if (!self.eventsListeners[event]) self.eventsListeners[event] = [];\n self.eventsListeners[event][method](handler);\n });\n return self;\n },\n once(events, handler, priority) {\n const self = this;\n if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;\n if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self;\n function onceHandler() {\n self.off(events, onceHandler);\n if (onceHandler.__emitterProxy) {\n delete onceHandler.__emitterProxy;\n }\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n handler.apply(self, args);\n }\n onceHandler.__emitterProxy = handler;\n return self.on(events, onceHandler, priority);\n },\n onAny(handler, priority) {\n const self = this;\n if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;\n if (typeof handler !== 'function') return self;\n const method = priority ? 'unshift' : 'push';\n if (self.eventsAnyListeners.indexOf(handler) < 0) {\n self.eventsAnyListeners[method](handler);\n }\n return self;\n },\n offAny(handler) {\n const self = this;\n if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;\n if (!self.eventsAnyListeners) return self;\n const index = self.eventsAnyListeners.indexOf(handler);\n if (index >= 0) {\n self.eventsAnyListeners.splice(index, 1);\n }\n return self;\n },\n off(events, handler) {\n const self = this;\n if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;\n if (!self.eventsListeners) return self;\n events.split(' ').forEach(event => {\n if (typeof handler === 'undefined') {\n self.eventsListeners[event] = [];\n } else if (self.eventsListeners[event]) {\n self.eventsListeners[event].forEach((eventHandler, index) => {\n if (eventHandler === handler || eventHandler.__emitterProxy && eventHandler.__emitterProxy === handler) {\n self.eventsListeners[event].splice(index, 1);\n }\n });\n }\n });\n return self;\n },\n emit() {\n const self = this;\n if (!self.eventsListeners || self.destroyed) return self;\n if (!self.eventsListeners) return self;\n let events;\n let data;\n let context;\n for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len2), _key2 = 0; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) {\n args[_key2] = arguments[_key2];\n }\n if (typeof args[0] === 'string' || Array.isArray(args[0])) {\n events = args[0];\n data = args.slice(1, args.length);\n context = self;\n } else {\n events = args[0].events;\n data = args[0].data;\n context = args[0].context || self;\n }\n data.unshift(context);\n const eventsArray = Array.isArray(events) ? events : events.split(' ');\n eventsArray.forEach(event => {\n if (self.eventsAnyListeners && self.eventsAnyListeners.length) {\n self.eventsAnyListeners.forEach(eventHandler => {\n eventHandler.apply(context, [event, ...data]);\n });\n }\n if (self.eventsListeners && self.eventsListeners[event]) {\n self.eventsListeners[event].forEach(eventHandler => {\n eventHandler.apply(context, data);\n });\n }\n });\n return self;\n }\n};\nfunction updateSize() {\n const swiper = this;\n let width;\n let height;\n const el = swiper.el;\n if (typeof swiper.params.width !== 'undefined' && swiper.params.width !== null) {\n width = swiper.params.width;\n } else {\n width = el.clientWidth;\n }\n if (typeof swiper.params.height !== 'undefined' && swiper.params.height !== null) {\n height = swiper.params.height;\n } else {\n height = el.clientHeight;\n }\n if (width === 0 && swiper.isHorizontal() || height === 0 && swiper.isVertical()) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Subtract paddings\n width = width - parseInt(elementStyle(el, 'padding-left') || 0, 10) - parseInt(elementStyle(el, 'padding-right') || 0, 10);\n height = height - parseInt(elementStyle(el, 'padding-top') || 0, 10) - parseInt(elementStyle(el, 'padding-bottom') || 0, 10);\n if (Number.isNaN(width)) width = 0;\n if (Number.isNaN(height)) height = 0;\n Object.assign(swiper, {\n width,\n height,\n size: swiper.isHorizontal() ? width : height\n });\n}\nfunction updateSlides() {\n const swiper = this;\n function getDirectionPropertyValue(node, label) {\n return parseFloat(node.getPropertyValue(swiper.getDirectionLabel(label)) || 0);\n }\n const params = swiper.params;\n const {\n wrapperEl,\n slidesEl,\n size: swiperSize,\n rtlTranslate: rtl,\n wrongRTL\n } = swiper;\n const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled;\n const previousSlidesLength = isVirtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.slides.length;\n const slides = elementChildren(slidesEl, `.${swiper.params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);\n const slidesLength = isVirtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : slides.length;\n let snapGrid = [];\n const slidesGrid = [];\n const slidesSizesGrid = [];\n let offsetBefore = params.slidesOffsetBefore;\n if (typeof offsetBefore === 'function') {\n offsetBefore = params.slidesOffsetBefore.call(swiper);\n }\n let offsetAfter = params.slidesOffsetAfter;\n if (typeof offsetAfter === 'function') {\n offsetAfter = params.slidesOffsetAfter.call(swiper);\n }\n const previousSnapGridLength = swiper.snapGrid.length;\n const previousSlidesGridLength = swiper.slidesGrid.length;\n let spaceBetween = params.spaceBetween;\n let slidePosition = -offsetBefore;\n let prevSlideSize = 0;\n let index = 0;\n if (typeof swiperSize === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string' && spaceBetween.indexOf('%') >= 0) {\n spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween.replace('%', '')) / 100 * swiperSize;\n } else if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string') {\n spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween);\n }\n swiper.virtualSize = -spaceBetween;\n\n // reset margins\n slides.forEach(slideEl => {\n if (rtl) {\n slideEl.style.marginLeft = '';\n } else {\n slideEl.style.marginRight = '';\n }\n slideEl.style.marginBottom = '';\n slideEl.style.marginTop = '';\n });\n\n // reset cssMode offsets\n if (params.centeredSlides && params.cssMode) {\n setCSSProperty(wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-before', '');\n setCSSProperty(wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-after', '');\n }\n const gridEnabled = params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1 && swiper.grid;\n if (gridEnabled) {\n swiper.grid.initSlides(slides);\n } else if (swiper.grid) {\n swiper.grid.unsetSlides();\n }\n\n // Calc slides\n let slideSize;\n const shouldResetSlideSize = params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && params.breakpoints && Object.keys(params.breakpoints).filter(key => {\n return typeof params.breakpoints[key].slidesPerView !== 'undefined';\n }).length > 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < slidesLength; i += 1) {\n slideSize = 0;\n let slide;\n if (slides[i]) slide = slides[i];\n if (gridEnabled) {\n swiper.grid.updateSlide(i, slide, slides);\n }\n if (slides[i] && elementStyle(slide, 'display') === 'none') continue; // eslint-disable-line\n\n if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto') {\n if (shouldResetSlideSize) {\n slides[i].style[swiper.getDirectionLabel('width')] = ``;\n }\n const slideStyles = getComputedStyle(slide);\n const currentTransform = slide.style.transform;\n const currentWebKitTransform = slide.style.webkitTransform;\n if (currentTransform) {\n slide.style.transform = 'none';\n }\n if (currentWebKitTransform) {\n slide.style.webkitTransform = 'none';\n }\n if (params.roundLengths) {\n slideSize = swiper.isHorizontal() ? elementOuterSize(slide, 'width', true) : elementOuterSize(slide, 'height', true);\n } else {\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n const width = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'width');\n const paddingLeft = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'padding-left');\n const paddingRight = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'padding-right');\n const marginLeft = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'margin-left');\n const marginRight = getDirectionPropertyValue(slideStyles, 'margin-right');\n const boxSizing = slideStyles.getPropertyValue('box-sizing');\n if (boxSizing && boxSizing === 'border-box') {\n slideSize = width + marginLeft + marginRight;\n } else {\n const {\n clientWidth,\n offsetWidth\n } = slide;\n slideSize = width + paddingLeft + paddingRight + marginLeft + marginRight + (offsetWidth - clientWidth);\n }\n }\n if (currentTransform) {\n slide.style.transform = currentTransform;\n }\n if (currentWebKitTransform) {\n slide.style.webkitTransform = currentWebKitTransform;\n }\n if (params.roundLengths) slideSize = Math.floor(slideSize);\n } else {\n slideSize = (swiperSize - (params.slidesPerView - 1) * spaceBetween) / params.slidesPerView;\n if (params.roundLengths) slideSize = Math.floor(slideSize);\n if (slides[i]) {\n slides[i].style[swiper.getDirectionLabel('width')] = `${slideSize}px`;\n }\n }\n if (slides[i]) {\n slides[i].swiperSlideSize = slideSize;\n }\n slidesSizesGrid.push(slideSize);\n if (params.centeredSlides) {\n slidePosition = slidePosition + slideSize / 2 + prevSlideSize / 2 + spaceBetween;\n if (prevSlideSize === 0 && i !== 0) slidePosition = slidePosition - swiperSize / 2 - spaceBetween;\n if (i === 0) slidePosition = slidePosition - swiperSize / 2 - spaceBetween;\n if (Math.abs(slidePosition) < 1 / 1000) slidePosition = 0;\n if (params.roundLengths) slidePosition = Math.floor(slidePosition);\n if (index % params.slidesPerGroup === 0) snapGrid.push(slidePosition);\n slidesGrid.push(slidePosition);\n } else {\n if (params.roundLengths) slidePosition = Math.floor(slidePosition);\n if ((index - Math.min(swiper.params.slidesPerGroupSkip, index)) % swiper.params.slidesPerGroup === 0) snapGrid.push(slidePosition);\n slidesGrid.push(slidePosition);\n slidePosition = slidePosition + slideSize + spaceBetween;\n }\n swiper.virtualSize += slideSize + spaceBetween;\n prevSlideSize = slideSize;\n index += 1;\n }\n swiper.virtualSize = Math.max(swiper.virtualSize, swiperSize) + offsetAfter;\n if (rtl && wrongRTL && (params.effect === 'slide' || params.effect === 'coverflow')) {\n wrapperEl.style.width = `${swiper.virtualSize + spaceBetween}px`;\n }\n if (params.setWrapperSize) {\n wrapperEl.style[swiper.getDirectionLabel('width')] = `${swiper.virtualSize + spaceBetween}px`;\n }\n if (gridEnabled) {\n swiper.grid.updateWrapperSize(slideSize, snapGrid);\n }\n\n // Remove last grid elements depending on width\n if (!params.centeredSlides) {\n const newSlidesGrid = [];\n for (let i = 0; i < snapGrid.length; i += 1) {\n let slidesGridItem = snapGrid[i];\n if (params.roundLengths) slidesGridItem = Math.floor(slidesGridItem);\n if (snapGrid[i] <= swiper.virtualSize - swiperSize) {\n newSlidesGrid.push(slidesGridItem);\n }\n }\n snapGrid = newSlidesGrid;\n if (Math.floor(swiper.virtualSize - swiperSize) - Math.floor(snapGrid[snapGrid.length - 1]) > 1) {\n snapGrid.push(swiper.virtualSize - swiperSize);\n }\n }\n if (isVirtual && params.loop) {\n const size = slidesSizesGrid[0] + spaceBetween;\n if (params.slidesPerGroup > 1) {\n const groups = Math.ceil((swiper.virtual.slidesBefore + swiper.virtual.slidesAfter) / params.slidesPerGroup);\n const groupSize = size * params.slidesPerGroup;\n for (let i = 0; i < groups; i += 1) {\n snapGrid.push(snapGrid[snapGrid.length - 1] + groupSize);\n }\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < swiper.virtual.slidesBefore + swiper.virtual.slidesAfter; i += 1) {\n if (params.slidesPerGroup === 1) {\n snapGrid.push(snapGrid[snapGrid.length - 1] + size);\n }\n slidesGrid.push(slidesGrid[slidesGrid.length - 1] + size);\n swiper.virtualSize += size;\n }\n }\n if (snapGrid.length === 0) snapGrid = [0];\n if (spaceBetween !== 0) {\n const key = swiper.isHorizontal() && rtl ? 'marginLeft' : swiper.getDirectionLabel('marginRight');\n slides.filter((_, slideIndex) => {\n if (!params.cssMode || params.loop) return true;\n if (slideIndex === slides.length - 1) {\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n }).forEach(slideEl => {\n slideEl.style[key] = `${spaceBetween}px`;\n });\n }\n if (params.centeredSlides && params.centeredSlidesBounds) {\n let allSlidesSize = 0;\n slidesSizesGrid.forEach(slideSizeValue => {\n allSlidesSize += slideSizeValue + (spaceBetween || 0);\n });\n allSlidesSize -= spaceBetween;\n const maxSnap = allSlidesSize > swiperSize ? allSlidesSize - swiperSize : 0;\n snapGrid = snapGrid.map(snap => {\n if (snap <= 0) return -offsetBefore;\n if (snap > maxSnap) return maxSnap + offsetAfter;\n return snap;\n });\n }\n if (params.centerInsufficientSlides) {\n let allSlidesSize = 0;\n slidesSizesGrid.forEach(slideSizeValue => {\n allSlidesSize += slideSizeValue + (spaceBetween || 0);\n });\n allSlidesSize -= spaceBetween;\n const offsetSize = (params.slidesOffsetBefore || 0) + (params.slidesOffsetAfter || 0);\n if (allSlidesSize + offsetSize < swiperSize) {\n const allSlidesOffset = (swiperSize - allSlidesSize - offsetSize) / 2;\n snapGrid.forEach((snap, snapIndex) => {\n snapGrid[snapIndex] = snap - allSlidesOffset;\n });\n slidesGrid.forEach((snap, snapIndex) => {\n slidesGrid[snapIndex] = snap + allSlidesOffset;\n });\n }\n }\n Object.assign(swiper, {\n slides,\n snapGrid,\n slidesGrid,\n slidesSizesGrid\n });\n if (params.centeredSlides && params.cssMode && !params.centeredSlidesBounds) {\n setCSSProperty(wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-before', `${-snapGrid[0]}px`);\n setCSSProperty(wrapperEl, '--swiper-centered-offset-after', `${swiper.size / 2 - slidesSizesGrid[slidesSizesGrid.length - 1] / 2}px`);\n const addToSnapGrid = -swiper.snapGrid[0];\n const addToSlidesGrid = -swiper.slidesGrid[0];\n swiper.snapGrid = swiper.snapGrid.map(v => v + addToSnapGrid);\n swiper.slidesGrid = swiper.slidesGrid.map(v => v + addToSlidesGrid);\n }\n if (slidesLength !== previousSlidesLength) {\n swiper.emit('slidesLengthChange');\n }\n if (snapGrid.length !== previousSnapGridLength) {\n if (swiper.params.watchOverflow) swiper.checkOverflow();\n swiper.emit('snapGridLengthChange');\n }\n if (slidesGrid.length !== previousSlidesGridLength) {\n swiper.emit('slidesGridLengthChange');\n }\n if (params.watchSlidesProgress) {\n swiper.updateSlidesOffset();\n }\n swiper.emit('slidesUpdated');\n if (!isVirtual && !params.cssMode && (params.effect === 'slide' || params.effect === 'fade')) {\n const backFaceHiddenClass = `${params.containerModifierClass}backface-hidden`;\n const hasClassBackfaceClassAdded = swiper.el.classList.contains(backFaceHiddenClass);\n if (slidesLength <= params.maxBackfaceHiddenSlides) {\n if (!hasClassBackfaceClassAdded) swiper.el.classList.add(backFaceHiddenClass);\n } else if (hasClassBackfaceClassAdded) {\n swiper.el.classList.remove(backFaceHiddenClass);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction updateAutoHeight(speed) {\n const swiper = this;\n const activeSlides = [];\n const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled;\n let newHeight = 0;\n let i;\n if (typeof speed === 'number') {\n swiper.setTransition(speed);\n } else if (speed === true) {\n swiper.setTransition(swiper.params.speed);\n }\n const getSlideByIndex = index => {\n if (isVirtual) {\n return swiper.slides[swiper.getSlideIndexByData(index)];\n }\n return swiper.slides[index];\n };\n // Find slides currently in view\n if (swiper.params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && swiper.params.slidesPerView > 1) {\n if (swiper.params.centeredSlides) {\n (swiper.visibleSlides || []).forEach(slide => {\n activeSlides.push(slide);\n });\n } else {\n for (i = 0; i < Math.ceil(swiper.params.slidesPerView); i += 1) {\n const index = swiper.activeIndex + i;\n if (index > swiper.slides.length && !isVirtual) break;\n activeSlides.push(getSlideByIndex(index));\n }\n }\n } else {\n activeSlides.push(getSlideByIndex(swiper.activeIndex));\n }\n\n // Find new height from highest slide in view\n for (i = 0; i < activeSlides.length; i += 1) {\n if (typeof activeSlides[i] !== 'undefined') {\n const height = activeSlides[i].offsetHeight;\n newHeight = height > newHeight ? height : newHeight;\n }\n }\n\n // Update Height\n if (newHeight || newHeight === 0) swiper.wrapperEl.style.height = `${newHeight}px`;\n}\nfunction updateSlidesOffset() {\n const swiper = this;\n const slides = swiper.slides;\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n const minusOffset = swiper.isElement ? swiper.isHorizontal() ? swiper.wrapperEl.offsetLeft : swiper.wrapperEl.offsetTop : 0;\n for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {\n slides[i].swiperSlideOffset = (swiper.isHorizontal() ? slides[i].offsetLeft : slides[i].offsetTop) - minusOffset - swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment();\n }\n}\nconst toggleSlideClasses$1 = (slideEl, condition, className) => {\n if (condition && !slideEl.classList.contains(className)) {\n slideEl.classList.add(className);\n } else if (!condition && slideEl.classList.contains(className)) {\n slideEl.classList.remove(className);\n }\n};\nfunction updateSlidesProgress(translate) {\n if (translate === void 0) {\n translate = this && this.translate || 0;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n const params = swiper.params;\n const {\n slides,\n rtlTranslate: rtl,\n snapGrid\n } = swiper;\n if (slides.length === 0) return;\n if (typeof slides[0].swiperSlideOffset === 'undefined') swiper.updateSlidesOffset();\n let offsetCenter = -translate;\n if (rtl) offsetCenter = translate;\n swiper.visibleSlidesIndexes = [];\n swiper.visibleSlides = [];\n let spaceBetween = params.spaceBetween;\n if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string' && spaceBetween.indexOf('%') >= 0) {\n spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween.replace('%', '')) / 100 * swiper.size;\n } else if (typeof spaceBetween === 'string') {\n spaceBetween = parseFloat(spaceBetween);\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {\n const slide = slides[i];\n let slideOffset = slide.swiperSlideOffset;\n if (params.cssMode && params.centeredSlides) {\n slideOffset -= slides[0].swiperSlideOffset;\n }\n const slideProgress = (offsetCenter + (params.centeredSlides ? swiper.minTranslate() : 0) - slideOffset) / (slide.swiperSlideSize + spaceBetween);\n const originalSlideProgress = (offsetCenter - snapGrid[0] + (params.centeredSlides ? swiper.minTranslate() : 0) - slideOffset) / (slide.swiperSlideSize + spaceBetween);\n const slideBefore = -(offsetCenter - slideOffset);\n const slideAfter = slideBefore + swiper.slidesSizesGrid[i];\n const isFullyVisible = slideBefore >= 0 && slideBefore <= swiper.size - swiper.slidesSizesGrid[i];\n const isVisible = slideBefore >= 0 && slideBefore < swiper.size - 1 || slideAfter > 1 && slideAfter <= swiper.size || slideBefore <= 0 && slideAfter >= swiper.size;\n if (isVisible) {\n swiper.visibleSlides.push(slide);\n swiper.visibleSlidesIndexes.push(i);\n }\n toggleSlideClasses$1(slide, isVisible, params.slideVisibleClass);\n toggleSlideClasses$1(slide, isFullyVisible, params.slideFullyVisibleClass);\n slide.progress = rtl ? -slideProgress : slideProgress;\n slide.originalProgress = rtl ? -originalSlideProgress : originalSlideProgress;\n }\n}\nfunction updateProgress(translate) {\n const swiper = this;\n if (typeof translate === 'undefined') {\n const multiplier = swiper.rtlTranslate ? -1 : 1;\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n translate = swiper && swiper.translate && swiper.translate * multiplier || 0;\n }\n const params = swiper.params;\n const translatesDiff = swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate();\n let {\n progress,\n isBeginning,\n isEnd,\n progressLoop\n } = swiper;\n const wasBeginning = isBeginning;\n const wasEnd = isEnd;\n if (translatesDiff === 0) {\n progress = 0;\n isBeginning = true;\n isEnd = true;\n } else {\n progress = (translate - swiper.minTranslate()) / translatesDiff;\n const isBeginningRounded = Math.abs(translate - swiper.minTranslate()) < 1;\n const isEndRounded = Math.abs(translate - swiper.maxTranslate()) < 1;\n isBeginning = isBeginningRounded || progress <= 0;\n isEnd = isEndRounded || progress >= 1;\n if (isBeginningRounded) progress = 0;\n if (isEndRounded) progress = 1;\n }\n if (params.loop) {\n const firstSlideIndex = swiper.getSlideIndexByData(0);\n const lastSlideIndex = swiper.getSlideIndexByData(swiper.slides.length - 1);\n const firstSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[firstSlideIndex];\n const lastSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[lastSlideIndex];\n const translateMax = swiper.slidesGrid[swiper.slidesGrid.length - 1];\n const translateAbs = Math.abs(translate);\n if (translateAbs >= firstSlideTranslate) {\n progressLoop = (translateAbs - firstSlideTranslate) / translateMax;\n } else {\n progressLoop = (translateAbs + translateMax - lastSlideTranslate) / translateMax;\n }\n if (progressLoop > 1) progressLoop -= 1;\n }\n Object.assign(swiper, {\n progress,\n progressLoop,\n isBeginning,\n isEnd\n });\n if (params.watchSlidesProgress || params.centeredSlides && params.autoHeight) swiper.updateSlidesProgress(translate);\n if (isBeginning && !wasBeginning) {\n swiper.emit('reachBeginning toEdge');\n }\n if (isEnd && !wasEnd) {\n swiper.emit('reachEnd toEdge');\n }\n if (wasBeginning && !isBeginning || wasEnd && !isEnd) {\n swiper.emit('fromEdge');\n }\n swiper.emit('progress', progress);\n}\nconst toggleSlideClasses = (slideEl, condition, className) => {\n if (condition && !slideEl.classList.contains(className)) {\n slideEl.classList.add(className);\n } else if (!condition && slideEl.classList.contains(className)) {\n slideEl.classList.remove(className);\n }\n};\nfunction updateSlidesClasses() {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n slides,\n params,\n slidesEl,\n activeIndex\n } = swiper;\n const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled;\n const gridEnabled = swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;\n const getFilteredSlide = selector => {\n return elementChildren(slidesEl, `.${params.slideClass}${selector}, swiper-slide${selector}`)[0];\n };\n let activeSlide;\n let prevSlide;\n let nextSlide;\n if (isVirtual) {\n if (params.loop) {\n let slideIndex = activeIndex - swiper.virtual.slidesBefore;\n if (slideIndex < 0) slideIndex = swiper.virtual.slides.length + slideIndex;\n if (slideIndex >= swiper.virtual.slides.length) slideIndex -= swiper.virtual.slides.length;\n activeSlide = getFilteredSlide(`[data-swiper-slide-index=\"${slideIndex}\"]`);\n } else {\n activeSlide = getFilteredSlide(`[data-swiper-slide-index=\"${activeIndex}\"]`);\n }\n } else {\n if (gridEnabled) {\n activeSlide = slides.filter(slideEl => slideEl.column === activeIndex)[0];\n nextSlide = slides.filter(slideEl => slideEl.column === activeIndex + 1)[0];\n prevSlide = slides.filter(slideEl => slideEl.column === activeIndex - 1)[0];\n } else {\n activeSlide = slides[activeIndex];\n }\n }\n if (activeSlide) {\n if (!gridEnabled) {\n // Next Slide\n nextSlide = elementNextAll(activeSlide, `.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`)[0];\n if (params.loop && !nextSlide) {\n nextSlide = slides[0];\n }\n\n // Prev Slide\n prevSlide = elementPrevAll(activeSlide, `.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`)[0];\n if (params.loop && !prevSlide === 0) {\n prevSlide = slides[slides.length - 1];\n }\n }\n }\n slides.forEach(slideEl => {\n toggleSlideClasses(slideEl, slideEl === activeSlide, params.slideActiveClass);\n toggleSlideClasses(slideEl, slideEl === nextSlide, params.slideNextClass);\n toggleSlideClasses(slideEl, slideEl === prevSlide, params.slidePrevClass);\n });\n swiper.emitSlidesClasses();\n}\nconst processLazyPreloader = (swiper, imageEl) => {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.params) return;\n const slideSelector = () => swiper.isElement ? `swiper-slide` : `.${swiper.params.slideClass}`;\n const slideEl = imageEl.closest(slideSelector());\n if (slideEl) {\n let lazyEl = slideEl.querySelector(`.${swiper.params.lazyPreloaderClass}`);\n if (!lazyEl && swiper.isElement) {\n if (slideEl.shadowRoot) {\n lazyEl = slideEl.shadowRoot.querySelector(`.${swiper.params.lazyPreloaderClass}`);\n } else {\n // init later\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n if (slideEl.shadowRoot) {\n lazyEl = slideEl.shadowRoot.querySelector(`.${swiper.params.lazyPreloaderClass}`);\n if (lazyEl) lazyEl.remove();\n }\n });\n }\n }\n if (lazyEl) lazyEl.remove();\n }\n};\nconst unlazy = (swiper, index) => {\n if (!swiper.slides[index]) return;\n const imageEl = swiper.slides[index].querySelector('[loading=\"lazy\"]');\n if (imageEl) imageEl.removeAttribute('loading');\n};\nconst preload = swiper => {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.params) return;\n let amount = swiper.params.lazyPreloadPrevNext;\n const len = swiper.slides.length;\n if (!len || !amount || amount < 0) return;\n amount = Math.min(amount, len);\n const slidesPerView = swiper.params.slidesPerView === 'auto' ? swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic() : Math.ceil(swiper.params.slidesPerView);\n const activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex;\n if (swiper.params.grid && swiper.params.grid.rows > 1) {\n const activeColumn = activeIndex;\n const preloadColumns = [activeColumn - amount];\n preloadColumns.push(...Array.from({\n length: amount\n }).map((_, i) => {\n return activeColumn + slidesPerView + i;\n }));\n swiper.slides.forEach((slideEl, i) => {\n if (preloadColumns.includes(slideEl.column)) unlazy(swiper, i);\n });\n return;\n }\n const slideIndexLastInView = activeIndex + slidesPerView - 1;\n if (swiper.params.rewind || swiper.params.loop) {\n for (let i = activeIndex - amount; i <= slideIndexLastInView + amount; i += 1) {\n const realIndex = (i % len + len) % len;\n if (realIndex < activeIndex || realIndex > slideIndexLastInView) unlazy(swiper, realIndex);\n }\n } else {\n for (let i = Math.max(activeIndex - amount, 0); i <= Math.min(slideIndexLastInView + amount, len - 1); i += 1) {\n if (i !== activeIndex && (i > slideIndexLastInView || i < activeIndex)) {\n unlazy(swiper, i);\n }\n }\n }\n};\nfunction getActiveIndexByTranslate(swiper) {\n const {\n slidesGrid,\n params\n } = swiper;\n const translate = swiper.rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;\n let activeIndex;\n for (let i = 0; i < slidesGrid.length; i += 1) {\n if (typeof slidesGrid[i + 1] !== 'undefined') {\n if (translate >= slidesGrid[i] && translate < slidesGrid[i + 1] - (slidesGrid[i + 1] - slidesGrid[i]) / 2) {\n activeIndex = i;\n } else if (translate >= slidesGrid[i] && translate < slidesGrid[i + 1]) {\n activeIndex = i + 1;\n }\n } else if (translate >= slidesGrid[i]) {\n activeIndex = i;\n }\n }\n // Normalize slideIndex\n if (params.normalizeSlideIndex) {\n if (activeIndex < 0 || typeof activeIndex === 'undefined') activeIndex = 0;\n }\n return activeIndex;\n}\nfunction updateActiveIndex(newActiveIndex) {\n const swiper = this;\n const translate = swiper.rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;\n const {\n snapGrid,\n params,\n activeIndex: previousIndex,\n realIndex: previousRealIndex,\n snapIndex: previousSnapIndex\n } = swiper;\n let activeIndex = newActiveIndex;\n let snapIndex;\n const getVirtualRealIndex = aIndex => {\n let realIndex = aIndex - swiper.virtual.slidesBefore;\n if (realIndex < 0) {\n realIndex = swiper.virtual.slides.length + realIndex;\n }\n if (realIndex >= swiper.virtual.slides.length) {\n realIndex -= swiper.virtual.slides.length;\n }\n return realIndex;\n };\n if (typeof activeIndex === 'undefined') {\n activeIndex = getActiveIndexByTranslate(swiper);\n }\n if (snapGrid.indexOf(translate) >= 0) {\n snapIndex = snapGrid.indexOf(translate);\n } else {\n const skip = Math.min(params.slidesPerGroupSkip, activeIndex);\n snapIndex = skip + Math.floor((activeIndex - skip) / params.slidesPerGroup);\n }\n if (snapIndex >= snapGrid.length) snapIndex = snapGrid.length - 1;\n if (activeIndex === previousIndex && !swiper.params.loop) {\n if (snapIndex !== previousSnapIndex) {\n swiper.snapIndex = snapIndex;\n swiper.emit('snapIndexChange');\n }\n return;\n }\n if (activeIndex === previousIndex && swiper.params.loop && swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {\n swiper.realIndex = getVirtualRealIndex(activeIndex);\n return;\n }\n const gridEnabled = swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;\n\n // Get real index\n let realIndex;\n if (swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled && params.loop) {\n realIndex = getVirtualRealIndex(activeIndex);\n } else if (gridEnabled) {\n const firstSlideInColumn = swiper.slides.filter(slideEl => slideEl.column === activeIndex)[0];\n let activeSlideIndex = parseInt(firstSlideInColumn.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);\n if (Number.isNaN(activeSlideIndex)) {\n activeSlideIndex = Math.max(swiper.slides.indexOf(firstSlideInColumn), 0);\n }\n realIndex = Math.floor(activeSlideIndex / params.grid.rows);\n } else if (swiper.slides[activeIndex]) {\n const slideIndex = swiper.slides[activeIndex].getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index');\n if (slideIndex) {\n realIndex = parseInt(slideIndex, 10);\n } else {\n realIndex = activeIndex;\n }\n } else {\n realIndex = activeIndex;\n }\n Object.assign(swiper, {\n previousSnapIndex,\n snapIndex,\n previousRealIndex,\n realIndex,\n previousIndex,\n activeIndex\n });\n if (swiper.initialized) {\n preload(swiper);\n }\n swiper.emit('activeIndexChange');\n swiper.emit('snapIndexChange');\n if (swiper.initialized || swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit) {\n if (previousRealIndex !== realIndex) {\n swiper.emit('realIndexChange');\n }\n swiper.emit('slideChange');\n }\n}\nfunction updateClickedSlide(el, path) {\n const swiper = this;\n const params = swiper.params;\n let slide = el.closest(`.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);\n if (!slide && swiper.isElement && path && path.length > 1 && path.includes(el)) {\n [...path.slice(path.indexOf(el) + 1, path.length)].forEach(pathEl => {\n if (!slide && pathEl.matches && pathEl.matches(`.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`)) {\n slide = pathEl;\n }\n });\n }\n let slideFound = false;\n let slideIndex;\n if (slide) {\n for (let i = 0; i < swiper.slides.length; i += 1) {\n if (swiper.slides[i] === slide) {\n slideFound = true;\n slideIndex = i;\n break;\n }\n }\n }\n if (slide && slideFound) {\n swiper.clickedSlide = slide;\n if (swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {\n swiper.clickedIndex = parseInt(slide.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);\n } else {\n swiper.clickedIndex = slideIndex;\n }\n } else {\n swiper.clickedSlide = undefined;\n swiper.clickedIndex = undefined;\n return;\n }\n if (params.slideToClickedSlide && swiper.clickedIndex !== undefined && swiper.clickedIndex !== swiper.activeIndex) {\n swiper.slideToClickedSlide();\n }\n}\nvar update = {\n updateSize,\n updateSlides,\n updateAutoHeight,\n updateSlidesOffset,\n updateSlidesProgress,\n updateProgress,\n updateSlidesClasses,\n updateActiveIndex,\n updateClickedSlide\n};\nfunction getSwiperTranslate(axis) {\n if (axis === void 0) {\n axis = this.isHorizontal() ? 'x' : 'y';\n }\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n params,\n rtlTranslate: rtl,\n translate,\n wrapperEl\n } = swiper;\n if (params.virtualTranslate) {\n return rtl ? -translate : translate;\n }\n if (params.cssMode) {\n return translate;\n }\n let currentTranslate = getTranslate(wrapperEl, axis);\n currentTranslate += swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment();\n if (rtl) currentTranslate = -currentTranslate;\n return currentTranslate || 0;\n}\nfunction setTranslate(translate, byController) {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n rtlTranslate: rtl,\n params,\n wrapperEl,\n progress\n } = swiper;\n let x = 0;\n let y = 0;\n const z = 0;\n if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {\n x = rtl ? -translate : translate;\n } else {\n y = translate;\n }\n if (params.roundLengths) {\n x = Math.floor(x);\n y = Math.floor(y);\n }\n swiper.previousTranslate = swiper.translate;\n swiper.translate = swiper.isHorizontal() ? x : y;\n if (params.cssMode) {\n wrapperEl[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = swiper.isHorizontal() ? -x : -y;\n } else if (!params.virtualTranslate) {\n if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {\n x -= swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment();\n } else {\n y -= swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment();\n }\n wrapperEl.style.transform = `translate3d(${x}px, ${y}px, ${z}px)`;\n }\n\n // Check if we need to update progress\n let newProgress;\n const translatesDiff = swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate();\n if (translatesDiff === 0) {\n newProgress = 0;\n } else {\n newProgress = (translate - swiper.minTranslate()) / translatesDiff;\n }\n if (newProgress !== progress) {\n swiper.updateProgress(translate);\n }\n swiper.emit('setTranslate', swiper.translate, byController);\n}\nfunction minTranslate() {\n return -this.snapGrid[0];\n}\nfunction maxTranslate() {\n return -this.snapGrid[this.snapGrid.length - 1];\n}\nfunction translateTo(translate, speed, runCallbacks, translateBounds, internal) {\n if (translate === void 0) {\n translate = 0;\n }\n if (speed === void 0) {\n speed = this.params.speed;\n }\n if (runCallbacks === void 0) {\n runCallbacks = true;\n }\n if (translateBounds === void 0) {\n translateBounds = true;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n params,\n wrapperEl\n } = swiper;\n if (swiper.animating && params.preventInteractionOnTransition) {\n return false;\n }\n const minTranslate = swiper.minTranslate();\n const maxTranslate = swiper.maxTranslate();\n let newTranslate;\n if (translateBounds && translate > minTranslate) newTranslate = minTranslate;else if (translateBounds && translate < maxTranslate) newTranslate = maxTranslate;else newTranslate = translate;\n\n // Update progress\n swiper.updateProgress(newTranslate);\n if (params.cssMode) {\n const isH = swiper.isHorizontal();\n if (speed === 0) {\n wrapperEl[isH ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = -newTranslate;\n } else {\n if (!swiper.support.smoothScroll) {\n animateCSSModeScroll({\n swiper,\n targetPosition: -newTranslate,\n side: isH ? 'left' : 'top'\n });\n return true;\n }\n wrapperEl.scrollTo({\n [isH ? 'left' : 'top']: -newTranslate,\n behavior: 'smooth'\n });\n }\n return true;\n }\n if (speed === 0) {\n swiper.setTransition(0);\n swiper.setTranslate(newTranslate);\n if (runCallbacks) {\n swiper.emit('beforeTransitionStart', speed, internal);\n swiper.emit('transitionEnd');\n }\n } else {\n swiper.setTransition(speed);\n swiper.setTranslate(newTranslate);\n if (runCallbacks) {\n swiper.emit('beforeTransitionStart', speed, internal);\n swiper.emit('transitionStart');\n }\n if (!swiper.animating) {\n swiper.animating = true;\n if (!swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd) {\n swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd = function transitionEnd(e) {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;\n if (e.target !== this) return;\n swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd);\n swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd = null;\n delete swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd;\n swiper.animating = false;\n if (runCallbacks) {\n swiper.emit('transitionEnd');\n }\n };\n }\n swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onTranslateToWrapperTransitionEnd);\n }\n }\n return true;\n}\nvar translate = {\n getTranslate: getSwiperTranslate,\n setTranslate,\n minTranslate,\n maxTranslate,\n translateTo\n};\nfunction setTransition(duration, byController) {\n const swiper = this;\n if (!swiper.params.cssMode) {\n swiper.wrapperEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;\n swiper.wrapperEl.style.transitionDelay = duration === 0 ? `0ms` : '';\n }\n swiper.emit('setTransition', duration, byController);\n}\nfunction transitionEmit(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n runCallbacks,\n direction,\n step\n } = _ref;\n const {\n activeIndex,\n previousIndex\n } = swiper;\n let dir = direction;\n if (!dir) {\n if (activeIndex > previousIndex) dir = 'next';else if (activeIndex < previousIndex) dir = 'prev';else dir = 'reset';\n }\n swiper.emit(`transition${step}`);\n if (runCallbacks && activeIndex !== previousIndex) {\n if (dir === 'reset') {\n swiper.emit(`slideResetTransition${step}`);\n return;\n }\n swiper.emit(`slideChangeTransition${step}`);\n if (dir === 'next') {\n swiper.emit(`slideNextTransition${step}`);\n } else {\n swiper.emit(`slidePrevTransition${step}`);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction transitionStart(runCallbacks, direction) {\n if (runCallbacks === void 0) {\n runCallbacks = true;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n params\n } = swiper;\n if (params.cssMode) return;\n if (params.autoHeight) {\n swiper.updateAutoHeight();\n }\n transitionEmit({\n swiper,\n runCallbacks,\n direction,\n step: 'Start'\n });\n}\nfunction transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction) {\n if (runCallbacks === void 0) {\n runCallbacks = true;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n params\n } = swiper;\n swiper.animating = false;\n if (params.cssMode) return;\n swiper.setTransition(0);\n transitionEmit({\n swiper,\n runCallbacks,\n direction,\n step: 'End'\n });\n}\nvar transition = {\n setTransition,\n transitionStart,\n transitionEnd\n};\nfunction slideTo(index, speed, runCallbacks, internal, initial) {\n if (index === void 0) {\n index = 0;\n }\n if (runCallbacks === void 0) {\n runCallbacks = true;\n }\n if (typeof index === 'string') {\n index = parseInt(index, 10);\n }\n const swiper = this;\n let slideIndex = index;\n if (slideIndex < 0) slideIndex = 0;\n const {\n params,\n snapGrid,\n slidesGrid,\n previousIndex,\n activeIndex,\n rtlTranslate: rtl,\n wrapperEl,\n enabled\n } = swiper;\n if (!enabled && !internal && !initial || swiper.destroyed || swiper.animating && params.preventInteractionOnTransition) {\n return false;\n }\n if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {\n speed = swiper.params.speed;\n }\n const skip = Math.min(swiper.params.slidesPerGroupSkip, slideIndex);\n let snapIndex = skip + Math.floor((slideIndex - skip) / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup);\n if (snapIndex >= snapGrid.length) snapIndex = snapGrid.length - 1;\n const translate = -snapGrid[snapIndex];\n // Normalize slideIndex\n if (params.normalizeSlideIndex) {\n for (let i = 0; i < slidesGrid.length; i += 1) {\n const normalizedTranslate = -Math.floor(translate * 100);\n const normalizedGrid = Math.floor(slidesGrid[i] * 100);\n const normalizedGridNext = Math.floor(slidesGrid[i + 1] * 100);\n if (typeof slidesGrid[i + 1] !== 'undefined') {\n if (normalizedTranslate >= normalizedGrid && normalizedTranslate < normalizedGridNext - (normalizedGridNext - normalizedGrid) / 2) {\n slideIndex = i;\n } else if (normalizedTranslate >= normalizedGrid && normalizedTranslate < normalizedGridNext) {\n slideIndex = i + 1;\n }\n } else if (normalizedTranslate >= normalizedGrid) {\n slideIndex = i;\n }\n }\n }\n // Directions locks\n if (swiper.initialized && slideIndex !== activeIndex) {\n if (!swiper.allowSlideNext && (rtl ? translate > swiper.translate && translate > swiper.minTranslate() : translate < swiper.translate && translate < swiper.minTranslate())) {\n return false;\n }\n if (!swiper.allowSlidePrev && translate > swiper.translate && translate > swiper.maxTranslate()) {\n if ((activeIndex || 0) !== slideIndex) {\n return false;\n }\n }\n }\n if (slideIndex !== (previousIndex || 0) && runCallbacks) {\n swiper.emit('beforeSlideChangeStart');\n }\n\n // Update progress\n swiper.updateProgress(translate);\n let direction;\n if (slideIndex > activeIndex) direction = 'next';else if (slideIndex < activeIndex) direction = 'prev';else direction = 'reset';\n\n // initial virtual\n const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled;\n const isInitialVirtual = isVirtual && initial;\n // Update Index\n if (!isInitialVirtual && (rtl && -translate === swiper.translate || !rtl && translate === swiper.translate)) {\n swiper.updateActiveIndex(slideIndex);\n // Update Height\n if (params.autoHeight) {\n swiper.updateAutoHeight();\n }\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n if (params.effect !== 'slide') {\n swiper.setTranslate(translate);\n }\n if (direction !== 'reset') {\n swiper.transitionStart(runCallbacks, direction);\n swiper.transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction);\n }\n return false;\n }\n if (params.cssMode) {\n const isH = swiper.isHorizontal();\n const t = rtl ? translate : -translate;\n if (speed === 0) {\n if (isVirtual) {\n swiper.wrapperEl.style.scrollSnapType = 'none';\n swiper._immediateVirtual = true;\n }\n if (isVirtual && !swiper._cssModeVirtualInitialSet && swiper.params.initialSlide > 0) {\n swiper._cssModeVirtualInitialSet = true;\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n wrapperEl[isH ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = t;\n });\n } else {\n wrapperEl[isH ? 'scrollLeft' : 'scrollTop'] = t;\n }\n if (isVirtual) {\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n swiper.wrapperEl.style.scrollSnapType = '';\n swiper._immediateVirtual = false;\n });\n }\n } else {\n if (!swiper.support.smoothScroll) {\n animateCSSModeScroll({\n swiper,\n targetPosition: t,\n side: isH ? 'left' : 'top'\n });\n return true;\n }\n wrapperEl.scrollTo({\n [isH ? 'left' : 'top']: t,\n behavior: 'smooth'\n });\n }\n return true;\n }\n swiper.setTransition(speed);\n swiper.setTranslate(translate);\n swiper.updateActiveIndex(slideIndex);\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n swiper.emit('beforeTransitionStart', speed, internal);\n swiper.transitionStart(runCallbacks, direction);\n if (speed === 0) {\n swiper.transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction);\n } else if (!swiper.animating) {\n swiper.animating = true;\n if (!swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd) {\n swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd = function transitionEnd(e) {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;\n if (e.target !== this) return;\n swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd);\n swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd = null;\n delete swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd;\n swiper.transitionEnd(runCallbacks, direction);\n };\n }\n swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener('transitionend', swiper.onSlideToWrapperTransitionEnd);\n }\n return true;\n}\nfunction slideToLoop(index, speed, runCallbacks, internal) {\n if (index === void 0) {\n index = 0;\n }\n if (runCallbacks === void 0) {\n runCallbacks = true;\n }\n if (typeof index === 'string') {\n const indexAsNumber = parseInt(index, 10);\n index = indexAsNumber;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n if (swiper.destroyed) return;\n if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {\n speed = swiper.params.speed;\n }\n const gridEnabled = swiper.grid && swiper.params.grid && swiper.params.grid.rows > 1;\n let newIndex = index;\n if (swiper.params.loop) {\n if (swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n newIndex = newIndex + swiper.virtual.slidesBefore;\n } else {\n let targetSlideIndex;\n if (gridEnabled) {\n const slideIndex = newIndex * swiper.params.grid.rows;\n targetSlideIndex = swiper.slides.filter(slideEl => slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index') * 1 === slideIndex)[0].column;\n } else {\n targetSlideIndex = swiper.getSlideIndexByData(newIndex);\n }\n const cols = gridEnabled ? Math.ceil(swiper.slides.length / swiper.params.grid.rows) : swiper.slides.length;\n const {\n centeredSlides\n } = swiper.params;\n let slidesPerView = swiper.params.slidesPerView;\n if (slidesPerView === 'auto') {\n slidesPerView = swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic();\n } else {\n slidesPerView = Math.ceil(parseFloat(swiper.params.slidesPerView, 10));\n if (centeredSlides && slidesPerView % 2 === 0) {\n slidesPerView = slidesPerView + 1;\n }\n }\n let needLoopFix = cols - targetSlideIndex < slidesPerView;\n if (centeredSlides) {\n needLoopFix = needLoopFix || targetSlideIndex < Math.ceil(slidesPerView / 2);\n }\n if (internal && centeredSlides && swiper.params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && !gridEnabled) {\n needLoopFix = false;\n }\n if (needLoopFix) {\n const direction = centeredSlides ? targetSlideIndex < swiper.activeIndex ? 'prev' : 'next' : targetSlideIndex - swiper.activeIndex - 1 < swiper.params.slidesPerView ? 'next' : 'prev';\n swiper.loopFix({\n direction,\n slideTo: true,\n activeSlideIndex: direction === 'next' ? targetSlideIndex + 1 : targetSlideIndex - cols + 1,\n slideRealIndex: direction === 'next' ? swiper.realIndex : undefined\n });\n }\n if (gridEnabled) {\n const slideIndex = newIndex * swiper.params.grid.rows;\n newIndex = swiper.slides.filter(slideEl => slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index') * 1 === slideIndex)[0].column;\n } else {\n newIndex = swiper.getSlideIndexByData(newIndex);\n }\n }\n }\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n swiper.slideTo(newIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);\n });\n return swiper;\n}\n\n/* eslint no-unused-vars: \"off\" */\nfunction slideNext(speed, runCallbacks, internal) {\n if (runCallbacks === void 0) {\n runCallbacks = true;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n enabled,\n params,\n animating\n } = swiper;\n if (!enabled || swiper.destroyed) return swiper;\n if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {\n speed = swiper.params.speed;\n }\n let perGroup = params.slidesPerGroup;\n if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && params.slidesPerGroup === 1 && params.slidesPerGroupAuto) {\n perGroup = Math.max(swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic('current', true), 1);\n }\n const increment = swiper.activeIndex < params.slidesPerGroupSkip ? 1 : perGroup;\n const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled;\n if (params.loop) {\n if (animating && !isVirtual && params.loopPreventsSliding) return false;\n swiper.loopFix({\n direction: 'next'\n });\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n swiper._clientLeft = swiper.wrapperEl.clientLeft;\n if (swiper.activeIndex === swiper.slides.length - 1 && params.cssMode) {\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex + increment, speed, runCallbacks, internal);\n });\n return true;\n }\n }\n if (params.rewind && swiper.isEnd) {\n return swiper.slideTo(0, speed, runCallbacks, internal);\n }\n return swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex + increment, speed, runCallbacks, internal);\n}\n\n/* eslint no-unused-vars: \"off\" */\nfunction slidePrev(speed, runCallbacks, internal) {\n if (runCallbacks === void 0) {\n runCallbacks = true;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n params,\n snapGrid,\n slidesGrid,\n rtlTranslate,\n enabled,\n animating\n } = swiper;\n if (!enabled || swiper.destroyed) return swiper;\n if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {\n speed = swiper.params.speed;\n }\n const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled;\n if (params.loop) {\n if (animating && !isVirtual && params.loopPreventsSliding) return false;\n swiper.loopFix({\n direction: 'prev'\n });\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n swiper._clientLeft = swiper.wrapperEl.clientLeft;\n }\n const translate = rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;\n function normalize(val) {\n if (val < 0) return -Math.floor(Math.abs(val));\n return Math.floor(val);\n }\n const normalizedTranslate = normalize(translate);\n const normalizedSnapGrid = snapGrid.map(val => normalize(val));\n let prevSnap = snapGrid[normalizedSnapGrid.indexOf(normalizedTranslate) - 1];\n if (typeof prevSnap === 'undefined' && params.cssMode) {\n let prevSnapIndex;\n snapGrid.forEach((snap, snapIndex) => {\n if (normalizedTranslate >= snap) {\n // prevSnap = snap;\n prevSnapIndex = snapIndex;\n }\n });\n if (typeof prevSnapIndex !== 'undefined') {\n prevSnap = snapGrid[prevSnapIndex > 0 ? prevSnapIndex - 1 : prevSnapIndex];\n }\n }\n let prevIndex = 0;\n if (typeof prevSnap !== 'undefined') {\n prevIndex = slidesGrid.indexOf(prevSnap);\n if (prevIndex < 0) prevIndex = swiper.activeIndex - 1;\n if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto' && params.slidesPerGroup === 1 && params.slidesPerGroupAuto) {\n prevIndex = prevIndex - swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic('previous', true) + 1;\n prevIndex = Math.max(prevIndex, 0);\n }\n }\n if (params.rewind && swiper.isBeginning) {\n const lastIndex = swiper.params.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length - 1 : swiper.slides.length - 1;\n return swiper.slideTo(lastIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);\n } else if (params.loop && swiper.activeIndex === 0 && params.cssMode) {\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n swiper.slideTo(prevIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);\n });\n return true;\n }\n return swiper.slideTo(prevIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);\n}\n\n/* eslint no-unused-vars: \"off\" */\nfunction slideReset(speed, runCallbacks, internal) {\n if (runCallbacks === void 0) {\n runCallbacks = true;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n if (swiper.destroyed) return;\n if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {\n speed = swiper.params.speed;\n }\n return swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex, speed, runCallbacks, internal);\n}\n\n/* eslint no-unused-vars: \"off\" */\nfunction slideToClosest(speed, runCallbacks, internal, threshold) {\n if (runCallbacks === void 0) {\n runCallbacks = true;\n }\n if (threshold === void 0) {\n threshold = 0.5;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n if (swiper.destroyed) return;\n if (typeof speed === 'undefined') {\n speed = swiper.params.speed;\n }\n let index = swiper.activeIndex;\n const skip = Math.min(swiper.params.slidesPerGroupSkip, index);\n const snapIndex = skip + Math.floor((index - skip) / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup);\n const translate = swiper.rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;\n if (translate >= swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex]) {\n // The current translate is on or after the current snap index, so the choice\n // is between the current index and the one after it.\n const currentSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex];\n const nextSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex + 1];\n if (translate - currentSnap > (nextSnap - currentSnap) * threshold) {\n index += swiper.params.slidesPerGroup;\n }\n } else {\n // The current translate is before the current snap index, so the choice\n // is between the current index and the one before it.\n const prevSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex - 1];\n const currentSnap = swiper.snapGrid[snapIndex];\n if (translate - prevSnap <= (currentSnap - prevSnap) * threshold) {\n index -= swiper.params.slidesPerGroup;\n }\n }\n index = Math.max(index, 0);\n index = Math.min(index, swiper.slidesGrid.length - 1);\n return swiper.slideTo(index, speed, runCallbacks, internal);\n}\nfunction slideToClickedSlide() {\n const swiper = this;\n if (swiper.destroyed) return;\n const {\n params,\n slidesEl\n } = swiper;\n const slidesPerView = params.slidesPerView === 'auto' ? swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic() : params.slidesPerView;\n let slideToIndex = swiper.clickedIndex;\n let realIndex;\n const slideSelector = swiper.isElement ? `swiper-slide` : `.${params.slideClass}`;\n if (params.loop) {\n if (swiper.animating) return;\n realIndex = parseInt(swiper.clickedSlide.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10);\n if (params.centeredSlides) {\n if (slideToIndex < swiper.loopedSlides - slidesPerView / 2 || slideToIndex > swiper.slides.length - swiper.loopedSlides + slidesPerView / 2) {\n swiper.loopFix();\n slideToIndex = swiper.getSlideIndex(elementChildren(slidesEl, `${slideSelector}[data-swiper-slide-index=\"${realIndex}\"]`)[0]);\n nextTick(() => {\n swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);\n });\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);\n }\n } else if (slideToIndex > swiper.slides.length - slidesPerView) {\n swiper.loopFix();\n slideToIndex = swiper.getSlideIndex(elementChildren(slidesEl, `${slideSelector}[data-swiper-slide-index=\"${realIndex}\"]`)[0]);\n nextTick(() => {\n swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);\n });\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);\n }\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(slideToIndex);\n }\n}\nvar slide = {\n slideTo,\n slideToLoop,\n slideNext,\n slidePrev,\n slideReset,\n slideToClosest,\n slideToClickedSlide\n};\nfunction loopCreate(slideRealIndex) {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n params,\n slidesEl\n } = swiper;\n if (!params.loop || swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;\n const initSlides = () => {\n const slides = elementChildren(slidesEl, `.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);\n slides.forEach((el, index) => {\n el.setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', index);\n });\n };\n const gridEnabled = swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;\n const slidesPerGroup = params.slidesPerGroup * (gridEnabled ? params.grid.rows : 1);\n const shouldFillGroup = swiper.slides.length % slidesPerGroup !== 0;\n const shouldFillGrid = gridEnabled && swiper.slides.length % params.grid.rows !== 0;\n const addBlankSlides = amountOfSlides => {\n for (let i = 0; i < amountOfSlides; i += 1) {\n const slideEl = swiper.isElement ? createElement('swiper-slide', [params.slideBlankClass]) : createElement('div', [params.slideClass, params.slideBlankClass]);\n swiper.slidesEl.append(slideEl);\n }\n };\n if (shouldFillGroup) {\n if (params.loopAddBlankSlides) {\n const slidesToAdd = slidesPerGroup - swiper.slides.length % slidesPerGroup;\n addBlankSlides(slidesToAdd);\n swiper.recalcSlides();\n swiper.updateSlides();\n } else {\n showWarning('Swiper Loop Warning: The number of slides is not even to slidesPerGroup, loop mode may not function properly. You need to add more slides (or make duplicates, or empty slides)');\n }\n initSlides();\n } else if (shouldFillGrid) {\n if (params.loopAddBlankSlides) {\n const slidesToAdd = params.grid.rows - swiper.slides.length % params.grid.rows;\n addBlankSlides(slidesToAdd);\n swiper.recalcSlides();\n swiper.updateSlides();\n } else {\n showWarning('Swiper Loop Warning: The number of slides is not even to grid.rows, loop mode may not function properly. You need to add more slides (or make duplicates, or empty slides)');\n }\n initSlides();\n } else {\n initSlides();\n }\n swiper.loopFix({\n slideRealIndex,\n direction: params.centeredSlides ? undefined : 'next'\n });\n}\nfunction loopFix(_temp) {\n let {\n slideRealIndex,\n slideTo = true,\n direction,\n setTranslate,\n activeSlideIndex,\n byController,\n byMousewheel\n } = _temp === void 0 ? {} : _temp;\n const swiper = this;\n if (!swiper.params.loop) return;\n swiper.emit('beforeLoopFix');\n const {\n slides,\n allowSlidePrev,\n allowSlideNext,\n slidesEl,\n params\n } = swiper;\n const {\n centeredSlides\n } = params;\n swiper.allowSlidePrev = true;\n swiper.allowSlideNext = true;\n if (swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled) {\n if (slideTo) {\n if (!params.centeredSlides && swiper.snapIndex === 0) {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.virtual.slides.length, 0, false, true);\n } else if (params.centeredSlides && swiper.snapIndex < params.slidesPerView) {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.virtual.slides.length + swiper.snapIndex, 0, false, true);\n } else if (swiper.snapIndex === swiper.snapGrid.length - 1) {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.virtual.slidesBefore, 0, false, true);\n }\n }\n swiper.allowSlidePrev = allowSlidePrev;\n swiper.allowSlideNext = allowSlideNext;\n swiper.emit('loopFix');\n return;\n }\n let slidesPerView = params.slidesPerView;\n if (slidesPerView === 'auto') {\n slidesPerView = swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic();\n } else {\n slidesPerView = Math.ceil(parseFloat(params.slidesPerView, 10));\n if (centeredSlides && slidesPerView % 2 === 0) {\n slidesPerView = slidesPerView + 1;\n }\n }\n const slidesPerGroup = params.slidesPerGroupAuto ? slidesPerView : params.slidesPerGroup;\n let loopedSlides = slidesPerGroup;\n if (loopedSlides % slidesPerGroup !== 0) {\n loopedSlides += slidesPerGroup - loopedSlides % slidesPerGroup;\n }\n loopedSlides += params.loopAdditionalSlides;\n swiper.loopedSlides = loopedSlides;\n const gridEnabled = swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;\n if (slides.length < slidesPerView + loopedSlides) {\n showWarning('Swiper Loop Warning: The number of slides is not enough for loop mode, it will be disabled and not function properly. You need to add more slides (or make duplicates) or lower the values of slidesPerView and slidesPerGroup parameters');\n } else if (gridEnabled && params.grid.fill === 'row') {\n showWarning('Swiper Loop Warning: Loop mode is not compatible with grid.fill = `row`');\n }\n const prependSlidesIndexes = [];\n const appendSlidesIndexes = [];\n let activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex;\n if (typeof activeSlideIndex === 'undefined') {\n activeSlideIndex = swiper.getSlideIndex(slides.filter(el => el.classList.contains(params.slideActiveClass))[0]);\n } else {\n activeIndex = activeSlideIndex;\n }\n const isNext = direction === 'next' || !direction;\n const isPrev = direction === 'prev' || !direction;\n let slidesPrepended = 0;\n let slidesAppended = 0;\n const cols = gridEnabled ? Math.ceil(slides.length / params.grid.rows) : slides.length;\n const activeColIndex = gridEnabled ? slides[activeSlideIndex].column : activeSlideIndex;\n const activeColIndexWithShift = activeColIndex + (centeredSlides && typeof setTranslate === 'undefined' ? -slidesPerView / 2 + 0.5 : 0);\n // prepend last slides before start\n if (activeColIndexWithShift < loopedSlides) {\n slidesPrepended = Math.max(loopedSlides - activeColIndexWithShift, slidesPerGroup);\n for (let i = 0; i < loopedSlides - activeColIndexWithShift; i += 1) {\n const index = i - Math.floor(i / cols) * cols;\n if (gridEnabled) {\n const colIndexToPrepend = cols - index - 1;\n for (let i = slides.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {\n if (slides[i].column === colIndexToPrepend) prependSlidesIndexes.push(i);\n }\n // slides.forEach((slide, slideIndex) => {\n // if (slide.column === colIndexToPrepend) prependSlidesIndexes.push(slideIndex);\n // });\n } else {\n prependSlidesIndexes.push(cols - index - 1);\n }\n }\n } else if (activeColIndexWithShift + slidesPerView > cols - loopedSlides) {\n slidesAppended = Math.max(activeColIndexWithShift - (cols - loopedSlides * 2), slidesPerGroup);\n for (let i = 0; i < slidesAppended; i += 1) {\n const index = i - Math.floor(i / cols) * cols;\n if (gridEnabled) {\n slides.forEach((slide, slideIndex) => {\n if (slide.column === index) appendSlidesIndexes.push(slideIndex);\n });\n } else {\n appendSlidesIndexes.push(index);\n }\n }\n }\n swiper.__preventObserver__ = true;\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n swiper.__preventObserver__ = false;\n });\n if (isPrev) {\n prependSlidesIndexes.forEach(index => {\n slides[index].swiperLoopMoveDOM = true;\n slidesEl.prepend(slides[index]);\n slides[index].swiperLoopMoveDOM = false;\n });\n }\n if (isNext) {\n appendSlidesIndexes.forEach(index => {\n slides[index].swiperLoopMoveDOM = true;\n slidesEl.append(slides[index]);\n slides[index].swiperLoopMoveDOM = false;\n });\n }\n swiper.recalcSlides();\n if (params.slidesPerView === 'auto') {\n swiper.updateSlides();\n } else if (gridEnabled && (prependSlidesIndexes.length > 0 && isPrev || appendSlidesIndexes.length > 0 && isNext)) {\n swiper.slides.forEach((slide, slideIndex) => {\n swiper.grid.updateSlide(slideIndex, slide, swiper.slides);\n });\n }\n if (params.watchSlidesProgress) {\n swiper.updateSlidesOffset();\n }\n if (slideTo) {\n if (prependSlidesIndexes.length > 0 && isPrev) {\n if (typeof slideRealIndex === 'undefined') {\n const currentSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[activeIndex];\n const newSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[activeIndex + slidesPrepended];\n const diff = newSlideTranslate - currentSlideTranslate;\n if (byMousewheel) {\n swiper.setTranslate(swiper.translate - diff);\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(activeIndex + Math.ceil(slidesPrepended), 0, false, true);\n if (setTranslate) {\n swiper.touchEventsData.startTranslate = swiper.touchEventsData.startTranslate - diff;\n swiper.touchEventsData.currentTranslate = swiper.touchEventsData.currentTranslate - diff;\n }\n }\n } else {\n if (setTranslate) {\n const shift = gridEnabled ? prependSlidesIndexes.length / params.grid.rows : prependSlidesIndexes.length;\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex + shift, 0, false, true);\n swiper.touchEventsData.currentTranslate = swiper.translate;\n }\n }\n } else if (appendSlidesIndexes.length > 0 && isNext) {\n if (typeof slideRealIndex === 'undefined') {\n const currentSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[activeIndex];\n const newSlideTranslate = swiper.slidesGrid[activeIndex - slidesAppended];\n const diff = newSlideTranslate - currentSlideTranslate;\n if (byMousewheel) {\n swiper.setTranslate(swiper.translate - diff);\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(activeIndex - slidesAppended, 0, false, true);\n if (setTranslate) {\n swiper.touchEventsData.startTranslate = swiper.touchEventsData.startTranslate - diff;\n swiper.touchEventsData.currentTranslate = swiper.touchEventsData.currentTranslate - diff;\n }\n }\n } else {\n const shift = gridEnabled ? appendSlidesIndexes.length / params.grid.rows : appendSlidesIndexes.length;\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex - shift, 0, false, true);\n }\n }\n }\n swiper.allowSlidePrev = allowSlidePrev;\n swiper.allowSlideNext = allowSlideNext;\n if (swiper.controller && swiper.controller.control && !byController) {\n const loopParams = {\n slideRealIndex,\n direction,\n setTranslate,\n activeSlideIndex,\n byController: true\n };\n if (Array.isArray(swiper.controller.control)) {\n swiper.controller.control.forEach(c => {\n if (!c.destroyed && c.params.loop) c.loopFix({\n ...loopParams,\n slideTo: c.params.slidesPerView === params.slidesPerView ? slideTo : false\n });\n });\n } else if (swiper.controller.control instanceof swiper.constructor && swiper.controller.control.params.loop) {\n swiper.controller.control.loopFix({\n ...loopParams,\n slideTo: swiper.controller.control.params.slidesPerView === params.slidesPerView ? slideTo : false\n });\n }\n }\n swiper.emit('loopFix');\n}\nfunction loopDestroy() {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n params,\n slidesEl\n } = swiper;\n if (!params.loop || swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;\n swiper.recalcSlides();\n const newSlidesOrder = [];\n swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {\n const index = typeof slideEl.swiperSlideIndex === 'undefined' ? slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index') * 1 : slideEl.swiperSlideIndex;\n newSlidesOrder[index] = slideEl;\n });\n swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {\n slideEl.removeAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index');\n });\n newSlidesOrder.forEach(slideEl => {\n slidesEl.append(slideEl);\n });\n swiper.recalcSlides();\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.realIndex, 0);\n}\nvar loop = {\n loopCreate,\n loopFix,\n loopDestroy\n};\nfunction setGrabCursor(moving) {\n const swiper = this;\n if (!swiper.params.simulateTouch || swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.isLocked || swiper.params.cssMode) return;\n const el = swiper.params.touchEventsTarget === 'container' ? swiper.el : swiper.wrapperEl;\n if (swiper.isElement) {\n swiper.__preventObserver__ = true;\n }\n el.style.cursor = 'move';\n el.style.cursor = moving ? 'grabbing' : 'grab';\n if (swiper.isElement) {\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n swiper.__preventObserver__ = false;\n });\n }\n}\nfunction unsetGrabCursor() {\n const swiper = this;\n if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.isLocked || swiper.params.cssMode) {\n return;\n }\n if (swiper.isElement) {\n swiper.__preventObserver__ = true;\n }\n swiper[swiper.params.touchEventsTarget === 'container' ? 'el' : 'wrapperEl'].style.cursor = '';\n if (swiper.isElement) {\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n swiper.__preventObserver__ = false;\n });\n }\n}\nvar grabCursor = {\n setGrabCursor,\n unsetGrabCursor\n};\n\n// Modified from https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54520554/custom-element-getrootnode-closest-function-crossing-multiple-parent-shadowd\nfunction closestElement(selector, base) {\n if (base === void 0) {\n base = this;\n }\n function __closestFrom(el) {\n if (!el || el === getDocument() || el === getWindow()) return null;\n if (el.assignedSlot) el = el.assignedSlot;\n const found = el.closest(selector);\n if (!found && !el.getRootNode) {\n return null;\n }\n return found || __closestFrom(el.getRootNode().host);\n }\n return __closestFrom(base);\n}\nfunction preventEdgeSwipe(swiper, event, startX) {\n const window = getWindow();\n const {\n params\n } = swiper;\n const edgeSwipeDetection = params.edgeSwipeDetection;\n const edgeSwipeThreshold = params.edgeSwipeThreshold;\n if (edgeSwipeDetection && (startX <= edgeSwipeThreshold || startX >= window.innerWidth - edgeSwipeThreshold)) {\n if (edgeSwipeDetection === 'prevent') {\n event.preventDefault();\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n return true;\n}\nfunction onTouchStart(event) {\n const swiper = this;\n const document = getDocument();\n let e = event;\n if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;\n const data = swiper.touchEventsData;\n if (e.type === 'pointerdown') {\n if (data.pointerId !== null && data.pointerId !== e.pointerId) {\n return;\n }\n data.pointerId = e.pointerId;\n } else if (e.type === 'touchstart' && e.targetTouches.length === 1) {\n data.touchId = e.targetTouches[0].identifier;\n }\n if (e.type === 'touchstart') {\n // don't proceed touch event\n preventEdgeSwipe(swiper, e, e.targetTouches[0].pageX);\n return;\n }\n const {\n params,\n touches,\n enabled\n } = swiper;\n if (!enabled) return;\n if (!params.simulateTouch && e.pointerType === 'mouse') return;\n if (swiper.animating && params.preventInteractionOnTransition) {\n return;\n }\n if (!swiper.animating && params.cssMode && params.loop) {\n swiper.loopFix();\n }\n let targetEl = e.target;\n if (params.touchEventsTarget === 'wrapper') {\n if (!elementIsChildOf(targetEl, swiper.wrapperEl)) return;\n }\n if ('which' in e && e.which === 3) return;\n if ('button' in e && e.button > 0) return;\n if (data.isTouched && data.isMoved) return;\n\n // change target el for shadow root component\n const swipingClassHasValue = !!params.noSwipingClass && params.noSwipingClass !== '';\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n const eventPath = e.composedPath ? e.composedPath() : e.path;\n if (swipingClassHasValue && e.target && e.target.shadowRoot && eventPath) {\n targetEl = eventPath[0];\n }\n const noSwipingSelector = params.noSwipingSelector ? params.noSwipingSelector : `.${params.noSwipingClass}`;\n const isTargetShadow = !!(e.target && e.target.shadowRoot);\n\n // use closestElement for shadow root element to get the actual closest for nested shadow root element\n if (params.noSwiping && (isTargetShadow ? closestElement(noSwipingSelector, targetEl) : targetEl.closest(noSwipingSelector))) {\n swiper.allowClick = true;\n return;\n }\n if (params.swipeHandler) {\n if (!targetEl.closest(params.swipeHandler)) return;\n }\n touches.currentX = e.pageX;\n touches.currentY = e.pageY;\n const startX = touches.currentX;\n const startY = touches.currentY;\n\n // Do NOT start if iOS edge swipe is detected. Otherwise iOS app cannot swipe-to-go-back anymore\n\n if (!preventEdgeSwipe(swiper, e, startX)) {\n return;\n }\n Object.assign(data, {\n isTouched: true,\n isMoved: false,\n allowTouchCallbacks: true,\n isScrolling: undefined,\n startMoving: undefined\n });\n touches.startX = startX;\n touches.startY = startY;\n data.touchStartTime = now();\n swiper.allowClick = true;\n swiper.updateSize();\n swiper.swipeDirection = undefined;\n if (params.threshold > 0) data.allowThresholdMove = false;\n let preventDefault = true;\n if (targetEl.matches(data.focusableElements)) {\n preventDefault = false;\n if (targetEl.nodeName === 'SELECT') {\n data.isTouched = false;\n }\n }\n if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.matches(data.focusableElements) && document.activeElement !== targetEl && (e.pointerType === 'mouse' || e.pointerType !== 'mouse' && !targetEl.matches(data.focusableElements))) {\n document.activeElement.blur();\n }\n const shouldPreventDefault = preventDefault && swiper.allowTouchMove && params.touchStartPreventDefault;\n if ((params.touchStartForcePreventDefault || shouldPreventDefault) && !targetEl.isContentEditable) {\n e.preventDefault();\n }\n if (params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled && swiper.freeMode && swiper.animating && !params.cssMode) {\n swiper.freeMode.onTouchStart();\n }\n swiper.emit('touchStart', e);\n}\nfunction onTouchMove(event) {\n const document = getDocument();\n const swiper = this;\n const data = swiper.touchEventsData;\n const {\n params,\n touches,\n rtlTranslate: rtl,\n enabled\n } = swiper;\n if (!enabled) return;\n if (!params.simulateTouch && event.pointerType === 'mouse') return;\n let e = event;\n if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;\n if (e.type === 'pointermove') {\n if (data.touchId !== null) return; // return from pointer if we use touch\n const id = e.pointerId;\n if (id !== data.pointerId) return;\n }\n let targetTouch;\n if (e.type === 'touchmove') {\n targetTouch = [...e.changedTouches].filter(t => t.identifier === data.touchId)[0];\n if (!targetTouch || targetTouch.identifier !== data.touchId) return;\n } else {\n targetTouch = e;\n }\n if (!data.isTouched) {\n if (data.startMoving && data.isScrolling) {\n swiper.emit('touchMoveOpposite', e);\n }\n return;\n }\n const pageX = targetTouch.pageX;\n const pageY = targetTouch.pageY;\n if (e.preventedByNestedSwiper) {\n touches.startX = pageX;\n touches.startY = pageY;\n return;\n }\n if (!swiper.allowTouchMove) {\n if (!e.target.matches(data.focusableElements)) {\n swiper.allowClick = false;\n }\n if (data.isTouched) {\n Object.assign(touches, {\n startX: pageX,\n startY: pageY,\n currentX: pageX,\n currentY: pageY\n });\n data.touchStartTime = now();\n }\n return;\n }\n if (params.touchReleaseOnEdges && !params.loop) {\n if (swiper.isVertical()) {\n // Vertical\n if (pageY < touches.startY && swiper.translate <= swiper.maxTranslate() || pageY > touches.startY && swiper.translate >= swiper.minTranslate()) {\n data.isTouched = false;\n data.isMoved = false;\n return;\n }\n } else if (pageX < touches.startX && swiper.translate <= swiper.maxTranslate() || pageX > touches.startX && swiper.translate >= swiper.minTranslate()) {\n return;\n }\n }\n if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement.matches(data.focusableElements) && document.activeElement !== e.target && e.pointerType !== 'mouse') {\n document.activeElement.blur();\n }\n if (document.activeElement) {\n if (e.target === document.activeElement && e.target.matches(data.focusableElements)) {\n data.isMoved = true;\n swiper.allowClick = false;\n return;\n }\n }\n if (data.allowTouchCallbacks) {\n swiper.emit('touchMove', e);\n }\n touches.previousX = touches.currentX;\n touches.previousY = touches.currentY;\n touches.currentX = pageX;\n touches.currentY = pageY;\n const diffX = touches.currentX - touches.startX;\n const diffY = touches.currentY - touches.startY;\n if (swiper.params.threshold && Math.sqrt(diffX ** 2 + diffY ** 2) < swiper.params.threshold) return;\n if (typeof data.isScrolling === 'undefined') {\n let touchAngle;\n if (swiper.isHorizontal() && touches.currentY === touches.startY || swiper.isVertical() && touches.currentX === touches.startX) {\n data.isScrolling = false;\n } else {\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n if (diffX * diffX + diffY * diffY >= 25) {\n touchAngle = Math.atan2(Math.abs(diffY), Math.abs(diffX)) * 180 / Math.PI;\n data.isScrolling = swiper.isHorizontal() ? touchAngle > params.touchAngle : 90 - touchAngle > params.touchAngle;\n }\n }\n }\n if (data.isScrolling) {\n swiper.emit('touchMoveOpposite', e);\n }\n if (typeof data.startMoving === 'undefined') {\n if (touches.currentX !== touches.startX || touches.currentY !== touches.startY) {\n data.startMoving = true;\n }\n }\n if (data.isScrolling || e.type === 'touchmove' && data.preventTouchMoveFromPointerMove) {\n data.isTouched = false;\n return;\n }\n if (!data.startMoving) {\n return;\n }\n swiper.allowClick = false;\n if (!params.cssMode && e.cancelable) {\n e.preventDefault();\n }\n if (params.touchMoveStopPropagation && !params.nested) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n }\n let diff = swiper.isHorizontal() ? diffX : diffY;\n let touchesDiff = swiper.isHorizontal() ? touches.currentX - touches.previousX : touches.currentY - touches.previousY;\n if (params.oneWayMovement) {\n diff = Math.abs(diff) * (rtl ? 1 : -1);\n touchesDiff = Math.abs(touchesDiff) * (rtl ? 1 : -1);\n }\n touches.diff = diff;\n diff *= params.touchRatio;\n if (rtl) {\n diff = -diff;\n touchesDiff = -touchesDiff;\n }\n const prevTouchesDirection = swiper.touchesDirection;\n swiper.swipeDirection = diff > 0 ? 'prev' : 'next';\n swiper.touchesDirection = touchesDiff > 0 ? 'prev' : 'next';\n const isLoop = swiper.params.loop && !params.cssMode;\n const allowLoopFix = swiper.touchesDirection === 'next' && swiper.allowSlideNext || swiper.touchesDirection === 'prev' && swiper.allowSlidePrev;\n if (!data.isMoved) {\n if (isLoop && allowLoopFix) {\n swiper.loopFix({\n direction: swiper.swipeDirection\n });\n }\n data.startTranslate = swiper.getTranslate();\n swiper.setTransition(0);\n if (swiper.animating) {\n const evt = new window.CustomEvent('transitionend', {\n bubbles: true,\n cancelable: true,\n detail: {\n bySwiperTouchMove: true\n }\n });\n swiper.wrapperEl.dispatchEvent(evt);\n }\n data.allowMomentumBounce = false;\n // Grab Cursor\n if (params.grabCursor && (swiper.allowSlideNext === true || swiper.allowSlidePrev === true)) {\n swiper.setGrabCursor(true);\n }\n swiper.emit('sliderFirstMove', e);\n }\n let loopFixed;\n new Date().getTime();\n if (data.isMoved && data.allowThresholdMove && prevTouchesDirection !== swiper.touchesDirection && isLoop && allowLoopFix && Math.abs(diff) >= 1) {\n Object.assign(touches, {\n startX: pageX,\n startY: pageY,\n currentX: pageX,\n currentY: pageY,\n startTranslate: data.currentTranslate\n });\n data.loopSwapReset = true;\n data.startTranslate = data.currentTranslate;\n return;\n }\n swiper.emit('sliderMove', e);\n data.isMoved = true;\n data.currentTranslate = diff + data.startTranslate;\n let disableParentSwiper = true;\n let resistanceRatio = params.resistanceRatio;\n if (params.touchReleaseOnEdges) {\n resistanceRatio = 0;\n }\n if (diff > 0) {\n if (isLoop && allowLoopFix && !loopFixed && data.allowThresholdMove && data.currentTranslate > (params.centeredSlides ? swiper.minTranslate() - swiper.slidesSizesGrid[swiper.activeIndex + 1] - (params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && swiper.slides.length - params.slidesPerView >= 2 ? swiper.slidesSizesGrid[swiper.activeIndex + 1] + swiper.params.spaceBetween : 0) - swiper.params.spaceBetween : swiper.minTranslate())) {\n swiper.loopFix({\n direction: 'prev',\n setTranslate: true,\n activeSlideIndex: 0\n });\n }\n if (data.currentTranslate > swiper.minTranslate()) {\n disableParentSwiper = false;\n if (params.resistance) {\n data.currentTranslate = swiper.minTranslate() - 1 + (-swiper.minTranslate() + data.startTranslate + diff) ** resistanceRatio;\n }\n }\n } else if (diff < 0) {\n if (isLoop && allowLoopFix && !loopFixed && data.allowThresholdMove && data.currentTranslate < (params.centeredSlides ? swiper.maxTranslate() + swiper.slidesSizesGrid[swiper.slidesSizesGrid.length - 1] + swiper.params.spaceBetween + (params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && swiper.slides.length - params.slidesPerView >= 2 ? swiper.slidesSizesGrid[swiper.slidesSizesGrid.length - 1] + swiper.params.spaceBetween : 0) : swiper.maxTranslate())) {\n swiper.loopFix({\n direction: 'next',\n setTranslate: true,\n activeSlideIndex: swiper.slides.length - (params.slidesPerView === 'auto' ? swiper.slidesPerViewDynamic() : Math.ceil(parseFloat(params.slidesPerView, 10)))\n });\n }\n if (data.currentTranslate < swiper.maxTranslate()) {\n disableParentSwiper = false;\n if (params.resistance) {\n data.currentTranslate = swiper.maxTranslate() + 1 - (swiper.maxTranslate() - data.startTranslate - diff) ** resistanceRatio;\n }\n }\n }\n if (disableParentSwiper) {\n e.preventedByNestedSwiper = true;\n }\n\n // Directions locks\n if (!swiper.allowSlideNext && swiper.swipeDirection === 'next' && data.currentTranslate < data.startTranslate) {\n data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;\n }\n if (!swiper.allowSlidePrev && swiper.swipeDirection === 'prev' && data.currentTranslate > data.startTranslate) {\n data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;\n }\n if (!swiper.allowSlidePrev && !swiper.allowSlideNext) {\n data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;\n }\n\n // Threshold\n if (params.threshold > 0) {\n if (Math.abs(diff) > params.threshold || data.allowThresholdMove) {\n if (!data.allowThresholdMove) {\n data.allowThresholdMove = true;\n touches.startX = touches.currentX;\n touches.startY = touches.currentY;\n data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;\n touches.diff = swiper.isHorizontal() ? touches.currentX - touches.startX : touches.currentY - touches.startY;\n return;\n }\n } else {\n data.currentTranslate = data.startTranslate;\n return;\n }\n }\n if (!params.followFinger || params.cssMode) return;\n\n // Update active index in free mode\n if (params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled && swiper.freeMode || params.watchSlidesProgress) {\n swiper.updateActiveIndex();\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n }\n if (params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled && swiper.freeMode) {\n swiper.freeMode.onTouchMove();\n }\n // Update progress\n swiper.updateProgress(data.currentTranslate);\n // Update translate\n swiper.setTranslate(data.currentTranslate);\n}\nfunction onTouchEnd(event) {\n const swiper = this;\n const data = swiper.touchEventsData;\n let e = event;\n if (e.originalEvent) e = e.originalEvent;\n let targetTouch;\n const isTouchEvent = e.type === 'touchend' || e.type === 'touchcancel';\n if (!isTouchEvent) {\n if (data.touchId !== null) return; // return from pointer if we use touch\n if (e.pointerId !== data.pointerId) return;\n targetTouch = e;\n } else {\n targetTouch = [...e.changedTouches].filter(t => t.identifier === data.touchId)[0];\n if (!targetTouch || targetTouch.identifier !== data.touchId) return;\n }\n if (['pointercancel', 'pointerout', 'pointerleave', 'contextmenu'].includes(e.type)) {\n const proceed = ['pointercancel', 'contextmenu'].includes(e.type) && (swiper.browser.isSafari || swiper.browser.isWebView);\n if (!proceed) {\n return;\n }\n }\n data.pointerId = null;\n data.touchId = null;\n const {\n params,\n touches,\n rtlTranslate: rtl,\n slidesGrid,\n enabled\n } = swiper;\n if (!enabled) return;\n if (!params.simulateTouch && e.pointerType === 'mouse') return;\n if (data.allowTouchCallbacks) {\n swiper.emit('touchEnd', e);\n }\n data.allowTouchCallbacks = false;\n if (!data.isTouched) {\n if (data.isMoved && params.grabCursor) {\n swiper.setGrabCursor(false);\n }\n data.isMoved = false;\n data.startMoving = false;\n return;\n }\n\n // Return Grab Cursor\n if (params.grabCursor && data.isMoved && data.isTouched && (swiper.allowSlideNext === true || swiper.allowSlidePrev === true)) {\n swiper.setGrabCursor(false);\n }\n\n // Time diff\n const touchEndTime = now();\n const timeDiff = touchEndTime - data.touchStartTime;\n\n // Tap, doubleTap, Click\n if (swiper.allowClick) {\n const pathTree = e.path || e.composedPath && e.composedPath();\n swiper.updateClickedSlide(pathTree && pathTree[0] || e.target, pathTree);\n swiper.emit('tap click', e);\n if (timeDiff < 300 && touchEndTime - data.lastClickTime < 300) {\n swiper.emit('doubleTap doubleClick', e);\n }\n }\n data.lastClickTime = now();\n nextTick(() => {\n if (!swiper.destroyed) swiper.allowClick = true;\n });\n if (!data.isTouched || !data.isMoved || !swiper.swipeDirection || touches.diff === 0 && !data.loopSwapReset || data.currentTranslate === data.startTranslate && !data.loopSwapReset) {\n data.isTouched = false;\n data.isMoved = false;\n data.startMoving = false;\n return;\n }\n data.isTouched = false;\n data.isMoved = false;\n data.startMoving = false;\n let currentPos;\n if (params.followFinger) {\n currentPos = rtl ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate;\n } else {\n currentPos = -data.currentTranslate;\n }\n if (params.cssMode) {\n return;\n }\n if (params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled) {\n swiper.freeMode.onTouchEnd({\n currentPos\n });\n return;\n }\n\n // Find current slide\n const swipeToLast = currentPos >= -swiper.maxTranslate() && !swiper.params.loop;\n let stopIndex = 0;\n let groupSize = swiper.slidesSizesGrid[0];\n for (let i = 0; i < slidesGrid.length; i += i < params.slidesPerGroupSkip ? 1 : params.slidesPerGroup) {\n const increment = i < params.slidesPerGroupSkip - 1 ? 1 : params.slidesPerGroup;\n if (typeof slidesGrid[i + increment] !== 'undefined') {\n if (swipeToLast || currentPos >= slidesGrid[i] && currentPos < slidesGrid[i + increment]) {\n stopIndex = i;\n groupSize = slidesGrid[i + increment] - slidesGrid[i];\n }\n } else if (swipeToLast || currentPos >= slidesGrid[i]) {\n stopIndex = i;\n groupSize = slidesGrid[slidesGrid.length - 1] - slidesGrid[slidesGrid.length - 2];\n }\n }\n let rewindFirstIndex = null;\n let rewindLastIndex = null;\n if (params.rewind) {\n if (swiper.isBeginning) {\n rewindLastIndex = params.virtual && params.virtual.enabled && swiper.virtual ? swiper.virtual.slides.length - 1 : swiper.slides.length - 1;\n } else if (swiper.isEnd) {\n rewindFirstIndex = 0;\n }\n }\n // Find current slide size\n const ratio = (currentPos - slidesGrid[stopIndex]) / groupSize;\n const increment = stopIndex < params.slidesPerGroupSkip - 1 ? 1 : params.slidesPerGroup;\n if (timeDiff > params.longSwipesMs) {\n // Long touches\n if (!params.longSwipes) {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex);\n return;\n }\n if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'next') {\n if (ratio >= params.longSwipesRatio) swiper.slideTo(params.rewind && swiper.isEnd ? rewindFirstIndex : stopIndex + increment);else swiper.slideTo(stopIndex);\n }\n if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'prev') {\n if (ratio > 1 - params.longSwipesRatio) {\n swiper.slideTo(stopIndex + increment);\n } else if (rewindLastIndex !== null && ratio < 0 && Math.abs(ratio) > params.longSwipesRatio) {\n swiper.slideTo(rewindLastIndex);\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(stopIndex);\n }\n }\n } else {\n // Short swipes\n if (!params.shortSwipes) {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex);\n return;\n }\n const isNavButtonTarget = swiper.navigation && (e.target === swiper.navigation.nextEl || e.target === swiper.navigation.prevEl);\n if (!isNavButtonTarget) {\n if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'next') {\n swiper.slideTo(rewindFirstIndex !== null ? rewindFirstIndex : stopIndex + increment);\n }\n if (swiper.swipeDirection === 'prev') {\n swiper.slideTo(rewindLastIndex !== null ? rewindLastIndex : stopIndex);\n }\n } else if (e.target === swiper.navigation.nextEl) {\n swiper.slideTo(stopIndex + increment);\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(stopIndex);\n }\n }\n}\nfunction onResize() {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n params,\n el\n } = swiper;\n if (el && el.offsetWidth === 0) return;\n\n // Breakpoints\n if (params.breakpoints) {\n swiper.setBreakpoint();\n }\n\n // Save locks\n const {\n allowSlideNext,\n allowSlidePrev,\n snapGrid\n } = swiper;\n const isVirtual = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled;\n\n // Disable locks on resize\n swiper.allowSlideNext = true;\n swiper.allowSlidePrev = true;\n swiper.updateSize();\n swiper.updateSlides();\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n const isVirtualLoop = isVirtual && params.loop;\n if ((params.slidesPerView === 'auto' || params.slidesPerView > 1) && swiper.isEnd && !swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.centeredSlides && !isVirtualLoop) {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length - 1, 0, false, true);\n } else {\n if (swiper.params.loop && !isVirtual) {\n swiper.slideToLoop(swiper.realIndex, 0, false, true);\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex, 0, false, true);\n }\n }\n if (swiper.autoplay && swiper.autoplay.running && swiper.autoplay.paused) {\n clearTimeout(swiper.autoplay.resizeTimeout);\n swiper.autoplay.resizeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\n if (swiper.autoplay && swiper.autoplay.running && swiper.autoplay.paused) {\n swiper.autoplay.resume();\n }\n }, 500);\n }\n // Return locks after resize\n swiper.allowSlidePrev = allowSlidePrev;\n swiper.allowSlideNext = allowSlideNext;\n if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && snapGrid !== swiper.snapGrid) {\n swiper.checkOverflow();\n }\n}\nfunction onClick(e) {\n const swiper = this;\n if (!swiper.enabled) return;\n if (!swiper.allowClick) {\n if (swiper.params.preventClicks) e.preventDefault();\n if (swiper.params.preventClicksPropagation && swiper.animating) {\n e.stopPropagation();\n e.stopImmediatePropagation();\n }\n }\n}\nfunction onScroll() {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n wrapperEl,\n rtlTranslate,\n enabled\n } = swiper;\n if (!enabled) return;\n swiper.previousTranslate = swiper.translate;\n if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {\n swiper.translate = -wrapperEl.scrollLeft;\n } else {\n swiper.translate = -wrapperEl.scrollTop;\n }\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n if (swiper.translate === 0) swiper.translate = 0;\n swiper.updateActiveIndex();\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n let newProgress;\n const translatesDiff = swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate();\n if (translatesDiff === 0) {\n newProgress = 0;\n } else {\n newProgress = (swiper.translate - swiper.minTranslate()) / translatesDiff;\n }\n if (newProgress !== swiper.progress) {\n swiper.updateProgress(rtlTranslate ? -swiper.translate : swiper.translate);\n }\n swiper.emit('setTranslate', swiper.translate, false);\n}\nfunction onLoad(e) {\n const swiper = this;\n processLazyPreloader(swiper, e.target);\n if (swiper.params.cssMode || swiper.params.slidesPerView !== 'auto' && !swiper.params.autoHeight) {\n return;\n }\n swiper.update();\n}\nfunction onDocumentTouchStart() {\n const swiper = this;\n if (swiper.documentTouchHandlerProceeded) return;\n swiper.documentTouchHandlerProceeded = true;\n if (swiper.params.touchReleaseOnEdges) {\n swiper.el.style.touchAction = 'auto';\n }\n}\nconst events = (swiper, method) => {\n const document = getDocument();\n const {\n params,\n el,\n wrapperEl,\n device\n } = swiper;\n const capture = !!params.nested;\n const domMethod = method === 'on' ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener';\n const swiperMethod = method;\n if (!el || typeof el === 'string') return;\n\n // Touch Events\n document[domMethod]('touchstart', swiper.onDocumentTouchStart, {\n passive: false,\n capture\n });\n el[domMethod]('touchstart', swiper.onTouchStart, {\n passive: false\n });\n el[domMethod]('pointerdown', swiper.onTouchStart, {\n passive: false\n });\n document[domMethod]('touchmove', swiper.onTouchMove, {\n passive: false,\n capture\n });\n document[domMethod]('pointermove', swiper.onTouchMove, {\n passive: false,\n capture\n });\n document[domMethod]('touchend', swiper.onTouchEnd, {\n passive: true\n });\n document[domMethod]('pointerup', swiper.onTouchEnd, {\n passive: true\n });\n document[domMethod]('pointercancel', swiper.onTouchEnd, {\n passive: true\n });\n document[domMethod]('touchcancel', swiper.onTouchEnd, {\n passive: true\n });\n document[domMethod]('pointerout', swiper.onTouchEnd, {\n passive: true\n });\n document[domMethod]('pointerleave', swiper.onTouchEnd, {\n passive: true\n });\n document[domMethod]('contextmenu', swiper.onTouchEnd, {\n passive: true\n });\n\n // Prevent Links Clicks\n if (params.preventClicks || params.preventClicksPropagation) {\n el[domMethod]('click', swiper.onClick, true);\n }\n if (params.cssMode) {\n wrapperEl[domMethod]('scroll', swiper.onScroll);\n }\n\n // Resize handler\n if (params.updateOnWindowResize) {\n swiper[swiperMethod](device.ios || device.android ? 'resize orientationchange observerUpdate' : 'resize observerUpdate', onResize, true);\n } else {\n swiper[swiperMethod]('observerUpdate', onResize, true);\n }\n\n // Images loader\n el[domMethod]('load', swiper.onLoad, {\n capture: true\n });\n};\nfunction attachEvents() {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n params\n } = swiper;\n swiper.onTouchStart = onTouchStart.bind(swiper);\n swiper.onTouchMove = onTouchMove.bind(swiper);\n swiper.onTouchEnd = onTouchEnd.bind(swiper);\n swiper.onDocumentTouchStart = onDocumentTouchStart.bind(swiper);\n if (params.cssMode) {\n swiper.onScroll = onScroll.bind(swiper);\n }\n swiper.onClick = onClick.bind(swiper);\n swiper.onLoad = onLoad.bind(swiper);\n events(swiper, 'on');\n}\nfunction detachEvents() {\n const swiper = this;\n events(swiper, 'off');\n}\nvar events$1 = {\n attachEvents,\n detachEvents\n};\nconst isGridEnabled = (swiper, params) => {\n return swiper.grid && params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1;\n};\nfunction setBreakpoint() {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n realIndex,\n initialized,\n params,\n el\n } = swiper;\n const breakpoints = params.breakpoints;\n if (!breakpoints || breakpoints && Object.keys(breakpoints).length === 0) return;\n\n // Get breakpoint for window width and update parameters\n const breakpoint = swiper.getBreakpoint(breakpoints, swiper.params.breakpointsBase, swiper.el);\n if (!breakpoint || swiper.currentBreakpoint === breakpoint) return;\n const breakpointOnlyParams = breakpoint in breakpoints ? breakpoints[breakpoint] : undefined;\n const breakpointParams = breakpointOnlyParams || swiper.originalParams;\n const wasMultiRow = isGridEnabled(swiper, params);\n const isMultiRow = isGridEnabled(swiper, breakpointParams);\n const wasGrabCursor = swiper.params.grabCursor;\n const isGrabCursor = breakpointParams.grabCursor;\n const wasEnabled = params.enabled;\n if (wasMultiRow && !isMultiRow) {\n el.classList.remove(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid`, `${params.containerModifierClass}grid-column`);\n swiper.emitContainerClasses();\n } else if (!wasMultiRow && isMultiRow) {\n el.classList.add(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid`);\n if (breakpointParams.grid.fill && breakpointParams.grid.fill === 'column' || !breakpointParams.grid.fill && params.grid.fill === 'column') {\n el.classList.add(`${params.containerModifierClass}grid-column`);\n }\n swiper.emitContainerClasses();\n }\n if (wasGrabCursor && !isGrabCursor) {\n swiper.unsetGrabCursor();\n } else if (!wasGrabCursor && isGrabCursor) {\n swiper.setGrabCursor();\n }\n\n // Toggle navigation, pagination, scrollbar\n ['navigation', 'pagination', 'scrollbar'].forEach(prop => {\n if (typeof breakpointParams[prop] === 'undefined') return;\n const wasModuleEnabled = params[prop] && params[prop].enabled;\n const isModuleEnabled = breakpointParams[prop] && breakpointParams[prop].enabled;\n if (wasModuleEnabled && !isModuleEnabled) {\n swiper[prop].disable();\n }\n if (!wasModuleEnabled && isModuleEnabled) {\n swiper[prop].enable();\n }\n });\n const directionChanged = breakpointParams.direction && breakpointParams.direction !== params.direction;\n const needsReLoop = params.loop && (breakpointParams.slidesPerView !== params.slidesPerView || directionChanged);\n const wasLoop = params.loop;\n if (directionChanged && initialized) {\n swiper.changeDirection();\n }\n extend(swiper.params, breakpointParams);\n const isEnabled = swiper.params.enabled;\n const hasLoop = swiper.params.loop;\n Object.assign(swiper, {\n allowTouchMove: swiper.params.allowTouchMove,\n allowSlideNext: swiper.params.allowSlideNext,\n allowSlidePrev: swiper.params.allowSlidePrev\n });\n if (wasEnabled && !isEnabled) {\n swiper.disable();\n } else if (!wasEnabled && isEnabled) {\n swiper.enable();\n }\n swiper.currentBreakpoint = breakpoint;\n swiper.emit('_beforeBreakpoint', breakpointParams);\n if (initialized) {\n if (needsReLoop) {\n swiper.loopDestroy();\n swiper.loopCreate(realIndex);\n swiper.updateSlides();\n } else if (!wasLoop && hasLoop) {\n swiper.loopCreate(realIndex);\n swiper.updateSlides();\n } else if (wasLoop && !hasLoop) {\n swiper.loopDestroy();\n }\n }\n swiper.emit('breakpoint', breakpointParams);\n}\nfunction getBreakpoint(breakpoints, base, containerEl) {\n if (base === void 0) {\n base = 'window';\n }\n if (!breakpoints || base === 'container' && !containerEl) return undefined;\n let breakpoint = false;\n const window = getWindow();\n const currentHeight = base === 'window' ? window.innerHeight : containerEl.clientHeight;\n const points = Object.keys(breakpoints).map(point => {\n if (typeof point === 'string' && point.indexOf('@') === 0) {\n const minRatio = parseFloat(point.substr(1));\n const value = currentHeight * minRatio;\n return {\n value,\n point\n };\n }\n return {\n value: point,\n point\n };\n });\n points.sort((a, b) => parseInt(a.value, 10) - parseInt(b.value, 10));\n for (let i = 0; i < points.length; i += 1) {\n const {\n point,\n value\n } = points[i];\n if (base === 'window') {\n if (window.matchMedia(`(min-width: ${value}px)`).matches) {\n breakpoint = point;\n }\n } else if (value <= containerEl.clientWidth) {\n breakpoint = point;\n }\n }\n return breakpoint || 'max';\n}\nvar breakpoints = {\n setBreakpoint,\n getBreakpoint\n};\nfunction prepareClasses(entries, prefix) {\n const resultClasses = [];\n entries.forEach(item => {\n if (typeof item === 'object') {\n Object.keys(item).forEach(classNames => {\n if (item[classNames]) {\n resultClasses.push(prefix + classNames);\n }\n });\n } else if (typeof item === 'string') {\n resultClasses.push(prefix + item);\n }\n });\n return resultClasses;\n}\nfunction addClasses() {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n classNames,\n params,\n rtl,\n el,\n device\n } = swiper;\n // prettier-ignore\n const suffixes = prepareClasses(['initialized', params.direction, {\n 'free-mode': swiper.params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled\n }, {\n 'autoheight': params.autoHeight\n }, {\n 'rtl': rtl\n }, {\n 'grid': params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1\n }, {\n 'grid-column': params.grid && params.grid.rows > 1 && params.grid.fill === 'column'\n }, {\n 'android': device.android\n }, {\n 'ios': device.ios\n }, {\n 'css-mode': params.cssMode\n }, {\n 'centered': params.cssMode && params.centeredSlides\n }, {\n 'watch-progress': params.watchSlidesProgress\n }], params.containerModifierClass);\n classNames.push(...suffixes);\n el.classList.add(...classNames);\n swiper.emitContainerClasses();\n}\nfunction removeClasses() {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n el,\n classNames\n } = swiper;\n if (!el || typeof el === 'string') return;\n el.classList.remove(...classNames);\n swiper.emitContainerClasses();\n}\nvar classes = {\n addClasses,\n removeClasses\n};\nfunction checkOverflow() {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n isLocked: wasLocked,\n params\n } = swiper;\n const {\n slidesOffsetBefore\n } = params;\n if (slidesOffsetBefore) {\n const lastSlideIndex = swiper.slides.length - 1;\n const lastSlideRightEdge = swiper.slidesGrid[lastSlideIndex] + swiper.slidesSizesGrid[lastSlideIndex] + slidesOffsetBefore * 2;\n swiper.isLocked = swiper.size > lastSlideRightEdge;\n } else {\n swiper.isLocked = swiper.snapGrid.length === 1;\n }\n if (params.allowSlideNext === true) {\n swiper.allowSlideNext = !swiper.isLocked;\n }\n if (params.allowSlidePrev === true) {\n swiper.allowSlidePrev = !swiper.isLocked;\n }\n if (wasLocked && wasLocked !== swiper.isLocked) {\n swiper.isEnd = false;\n }\n if (wasLocked !== swiper.isLocked) {\n swiper.emit(swiper.isLocked ? 'lock' : 'unlock');\n }\n}\nvar checkOverflow$1 = {\n checkOverflow\n};\nvar defaults = {\n init: true,\n direction: 'horizontal',\n oneWayMovement: false,\n swiperElementNodeName: 'SWIPER-CONTAINER',\n touchEventsTarget: 'wrapper',\n initialSlide: 0,\n speed: 300,\n cssMode: false,\n updateOnWindowResize: true,\n resizeObserver: true,\n nested: false,\n createElements: false,\n eventsPrefix: 'swiper',\n enabled: true,\n focusableElements: 'input, select, option, textarea, button, video, label',\n // Overrides\n width: null,\n height: null,\n //\n preventInteractionOnTransition: false,\n // ssr\n userAgent: null,\n url: null,\n // To support iOS's swipe-to-go-back gesture (when being used in-app).\n edgeSwipeDetection: false,\n edgeSwipeThreshold: 20,\n // Autoheight\n autoHeight: false,\n // Set wrapper width\n setWrapperSize: false,\n // Virtual Translate\n virtualTranslate: false,\n // Effects\n effect: 'slide',\n // 'slide' or 'fade' or 'cube' or 'coverflow' or 'flip'\n\n // Breakpoints\n breakpoints: undefined,\n breakpointsBase: 'window',\n // Slides grid\n spaceBetween: 0,\n slidesPerView: 1,\n slidesPerGroup: 1,\n slidesPerGroupSkip: 0,\n slidesPerGroupAuto: false,\n centeredSlides: false,\n centeredSlidesBounds: false,\n slidesOffsetBefore: 0,\n // in px\n slidesOffsetAfter: 0,\n // in px\n normalizeSlideIndex: true,\n centerInsufficientSlides: false,\n // Disable swiper and hide navigation when container not overflow\n watchOverflow: true,\n // Round length\n roundLengths: false,\n // Touches\n touchRatio: 1,\n touchAngle: 45,\n simulateTouch: true,\n shortSwipes: true,\n longSwipes: true,\n longSwipesRatio: 0.5,\n longSwipesMs: 300,\n followFinger: true,\n allowTouchMove: true,\n threshold: 5,\n touchMoveStopPropagation: false,\n touchStartPreventDefault: true,\n touchStartForcePreventDefault: false,\n touchReleaseOnEdges: false,\n // Unique Navigation Elements\n uniqueNavElements: true,\n // Resistance\n resistance: true,\n resistanceRatio: 0.85,\n // Progress\n watchSlidesProgress: false,\n // Cursor\n grabCursor: false,\n // Clicks\n preventClicks: true,\n preventClicksPropagation: true,\n slideToClickedSlide: false,\n // loop\n loop: false,\n loopAddBlankSlides: true,\n loopAdditionalSlides: 0,\n loopPreventsSliding: true,\n // rewind\n rewind: false,\n // Swiping/no swiping\n allowSlidePrev: true,\n allowSlideNext: true,\n swipeHandler: null,\n // '.swipe-handler',\n noSwiping: true,\n noSwipingClass: 'swiper-no-swiping',\n noSwipingSelector: null,\n // Passive Listeners\n passiveListeners: true,\n maxBackfaceHiddenSlides: 10,\n // NS\n containerModifierClass: 'swiper-',\n // NEW\n slideClass: 'swiper-slide',\n slideBlankClass: 'swiper-slide-blank',\n slideActiveClass: 'swiper-slide-active',\n slideVisibleClass: 'swiper-slide-visible',\n slideFullyVisibleClass: 'swiper-slide-fully-visible',\n slideNextClass: 'swiper-slide-next',\n slidePrevClass: 'swiper-slide-prev',\n wrapperClass: 'swiper-wrapper',\n lazyPreloaderClass: 'swiper-lazy-preloader',\n lazyPreloadPrevNext: 0,\n // Callbacks\n runCallbacksOnInit: true,\n // Internals\n _emitClasses: false\n};\nfunction moduleExtendParams(params, allModulesParams) {\n return function extendParams(obj) {\n if (obj === void 0) {\n obj = {};\n }\n const moduleParamName = Object.keys(obj)[0];\n const moduleParams = obj[moduleParamName];\n if (typeof moduleParams !== 'object' || moduleParams === null) {\n extend(allModulesParams, obj);\n return;\n }\n if (params[moduleParamName] === true) {\n params[moduleParamName] = {\n enabled: true\n };\n }\n if (moduleParamName === 'navigation' && params[moduleParamName] && params[moduleParamName].enabled && !params[moduleParamName].prevEl && !params[moduleParamName].nextEl) {\n params[moduleParamName].auto = true;\n }\n if (['pagination', 'scrollbar'].indexOf(moduleParamName) >= 0 && params[moduleParamName] && params[moduleParamName].enabled && !params[moduleParamName].el) {\n params[moduleParamName].auto = true;\n }\n if (!(moduleParamName in params && 'enabled' in moduleParams)) {\n extend(allModulesParams, obj);\n return;\n }\n if (typeof params[moduleParamName] === 'object' && !('enabled' in params[moduleParamName])) {\n params[moduleParamName].enabled = true;\n }\n if (!params[moduleParamName]) params[moduleParamName] = {\n enabled: false\n };\n extend(allModulesParams, obj);\n };\n}\n\n/* eslint no-param-reassign: \"off\" */\nconst prototypes = {\n eventsEmitter,\n update,\n translate,\n transition,\n slide,\n loop,\n grabCursor,\n events: events$1,\n breakpoints,\n checkOverflow: checkOverflow$1,\n classes\n};\nconst extendedDefaults = {};\nclass Swiper {\n constructor() {\n let el;\n let params;\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key] = arguments[_key];\n }\n if (args.length === 1 && args[0].constructor && Object.prototype.toString.call(args[0]).slice(8, -1) === 'Object') {\n params = args[0];\n } else {\n [el, params] = args;\n }\n if (!params) params = {};\n params = extend({}, params);\n if (el && !params.el) params.el = el;\n const document = getDocument();\n if (params.el && typeof params.el === 'string' && document.querySelectorAll(params.el).length > 1) {\n const swipers = [];\n document.querySelectorAll(params.el).forEach(containerEl => {\n const newParams = extend({}, params, {\n el: containerEl\n });\n swipers.push(new Swiper(newParams));\n });\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-constructor-return\n return swipers;\n }\n\n // Swiper Instance\n const swiper = this;\n swiper.__swiper__ = true;\n swiper.support = getSupport();\n swiper.device = getDevice({\n userAgent: params.userAgent\n });\n swiper.browser = getBrowser();\n swiper.eventsListeners = {};\n swiper.eventsAnyListeners = [];\n swiper.modules = [...swiper.__modules__];\n if (params.modules && Array.isArray(params.modules)) {\n swiper.modules.push(...params.modules);\n }\n const allModulesParams = {};\n swiper.modules.forEach(mod => {\n mod({\n params,\n swiper,\n extendParams: moduleExtendParams(params, allModulesParams),\n on: swiper.on.bind(swiper),\n once: swiper.once.bind(swiper),\n off: swiper.off.bind(swiper),\n emit: swiper.emit.bind(swiper)\n });\n });\n\n // Extend defaults with modules params\n const swiperParams = extend({}, defaults, allModulesParams);\n\n // Extend defaults with passed params\n swiper.params = extend({}, swiperParams, extendedDefaults, params);\n swiper.originalParams = extend({}, swiper.params);\n swiper.passedParams = extend({}, params);\n\n // add event listeners\n if (swiper.params && swiper.params.on) {\n Object.keys(swiper.params.on).forEach(eventName => {\n swiper.on(eventName, swiper.params.on[eventName]);\n });\n }\n if (swiper.params && swiper.params.onAny) {\n swiper.onAny(swiper.params.onAny);\n }\n\n // Extend Swiper\n Object.assign(swiper, {\n enabled: swiper.params.enabled,\n el,\n // Classes\n classNames: [],\n // Slides\n slides: [],\n slidesGrid: [],\n snapGrid: [],\n slidesSizesGrid: [],\n // isDirection\n isHorizontal() {\n return swiper.params.direction === 'horizontal';\n },\n isVertical() {\n return swiper.params.direction === 'vertical';\n },\n // Indexes\n activeIndex: 0,\n realIndex: 0,\n //\n isBeginning: true,\n isEnd: false,\n // Props\n translate: 0,\n previousTranslate: 0,\n progress: 0,\n velocity: 0,\n animating: false,\n cssOverflowAdjustment() {\n // Returns 0 unless `translate` is > 2**23\n // Should be subtracted from css values to prevent overflow\n return Math.trunc(this.translate / 2 ** 23) * 2 ** 23;\n },\n // Locks\n allowSlideNext: swiper.params.allowSlideNext,\n allowSlidePrev: swiper.params.allowSlidePrev,\n // Touch Events\n touchEventsData: {\n isTouched: undefined,\n isMoved: undefined,\n allowTouchCallbacks: undefined,\n touchStartTime: undefined,\n isScrolling: undefined,\n currentTranslate: undefined,\n startTranslate: undefined,\n allowThresholdMove: undefined,\n // Form elements to match\n focusableElements: swiper.params.focusableElements,\n // Last click time\n lastClickTime: 0,\n clickTimeout: undefined,\n // Velocities\n velocities: [],\n allowMomentumBounce: undefined,\n startMoving: undefined,\n pointerId: null,\n touchId: null\n },\n // Clicks\n allowClick: true,\n // Touches\n allowTouchMove: swiper.params.allowTouchMove,\n touches: {\n startX: 0,\n startY: 0,\n currentX: 0,\n currentY: 0,\n diff: 0\n },\n // Images\n imagesToLoad: [],\n imagesLoaded: 0\n });\n swiper.emit('_swiper');\n\n // Init\n if (swiper.params.init) {\n swiper.init();\n }\n\n // Return app instance\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-constructor-return\n return swiper;\n }\n getDirectionLabel(property) {\n if (this.isHorizontal()) {\n return property;\n }\n // prettier-ignore\n return {\n 'width': 'height',\n 'margin-top': 'margin-left',\n 'margin-bottom ': 'margin-right',\n 'margin-left': 'margin-top',\n 'margin-right': 'margin-bottom',\n 'padding-left': 'padding-top',\n 'padding-right': 'padding-bottom',\n 'marginRight': 'marginBottom'\n }[property];\n }\n getSlideIndex(slideEl) {\n const {\n slidesEl,\n params\n } = this;\n const slides = elementChildren(slidesEl, `.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);\n const firstSlideIndex = elementIndex(slides[0]);\n return elementIndex(slideEl) - firstSlideIndex;\n }\n getSlideIndexByData(index) {\n return this.getSlideIndex(this.slides.filter(slideEl => slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index') * 1 === index)[0]);\n }\n recalcSlides() {\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n slidesEl,\n params\n } = swiper;\n swiper.slides = elementChildren(slidesEl, `.${params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);\n }\n enable() {\n const swiper = this;\n if (swiper.enabled) return;\n swiper.enabled = true;\n if (swiper.params.grabCursor) {\n swiper.setGrabCursor();\n }\n swiper.emit('enable');\n }\n disable() {\n const swiper = this;\n if (!swiper.enabled) return;\n swiper.enabled = false;\n if (swiper.params.grabCursor) {\n swiper.unsetGrabCursor();\n }\n swiper.emit('disable');\n }\n setProgress(progress, speed) {\n const swiper = this;\n progress = Math.min(Math.max(progress, 0), 1);\n const min = swiper.minTranslate();\n const max = swiper.maxTranslate();\n const current = (max - min) * progress + min;\n swiper.translateTo(current, typeof speed === 'undefined' ? 0 : speed);\n swiper.updateActiveIndex();\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n }\n emitContainerClasses() {\n const swiper = this;\n if (!swiper.params._emitClasses || !swiper.el) return;\n const cls = swiper.el.className.split(' ').filter(className => {\n return className.indexOf('swiper') === 0 || className.indexOf(swiper.params.containerModifierClass) === 0;\n });\n swiper.emit('_containerClasses', cls.join(' '));\n }\n getSlideClasses(slideEl) {\n const swiper = this;\n if (swiper.destroyed) return '';\n return slideEl.className.split(' ').filter(className => {\n return className.indexOf('swiper-slide') === 0 || className.indexOf(swiper.params.slideClass) === 0;\n }).join(' ');\n }\n emitSlidesClasses() {\n const swiper = this;\n if (!swiper.params._emitClasses || !swiper.el) return;\n const updates = [];\n swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {\n const classNames = swiper.getSlideClasses(slideEl);\n updates.push({\n slideEl,\n classNames\n });\n swiper.emit('_slideClass', slideEl, classNames);\n });\n swiper.emit('_slideClasses', updates);\n }\n slidesPerViewDynamic(view, exact) {\n if (view === void 0) {\n view = 'current';\n }\n if (exact === void 0) {\n exact = false;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n params,\n slides,\n slidesGrid,\n slidesSizesGrid,\n size: swiperSize,\n activeIndex\n } = swiper;\n let spv = 1;\n if (typeof params.slidesPerView === 'number') return params.slidesPerView;\n if (params.centeredSlides) {\n let slideSize = slides[activeIndex] ? Math.ceil(slides[activeIndex].swiperSlideSize) : 0;\n let breakLoop;\n for (let i = activeIndex + 1; i < slides.length; i += 1) {\n if (slides[i] && !breakLoop) {\n slideSize += Math.ceil(slides[i].swiperSlideSize);\n spv += 1;\n if (slideSize > swiperSize) breakLoop = true;\n }\n }\n for (let i = activeIndex - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {\n if (slides[i] && !breakLoop) {\n slideSize += slides[i].swiperSlideSize;\n spv += 1;\n if (slideSize > swiperSize) breakLoop = true;\n }\n }\n } else {\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n if (view === 'current') {\n for (let i = activeIndex + 1; i < slides.length; i += 1) {\n const slideInView = exact ? slidesGrid[i] + slidesSizesGrid[i] - slidesGrid[activeIndex] < swiperSize : slidesGrid[i] - slidesGrid[activeIndex] < swiperSize;\n if (slideInView) {\n spv += 1;\n }\n }\n } else {\n // previous\n for (let i = activeIndex - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {\n const slideInView = slidesGrid[activeIndex] - slidesGrid[i] < swiperSize;\n if (slideInView) {\n spv += 1;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n return spv;\n }\n update() {\n const swiper = this;\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;\n const {\n snapGrid,\n params\n } = swiper;\n // Breakpoints\n if (params.breakpoints) {\n swiper.setBreakpoint();\n }\n [...swiper.el.querySelectorAll('[loading=\"lazy\"]')].forEach(imageEl => {\n if (imageEl.complete) {\n processLazyPreloader(swiper, imageEl);\n }\n });\n swiper.updateSize();\n swiper.updateSlides();\n swiper.updateProgress();\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n function setTranslate() {\n const translateValue = swiper.rtlTranslate ? swiper.translate * -1 : swiper.translate;\n const newTranslate = Math.min(Math.max(translateValue, swiper.maxTranslate()), swiper.minTranslate());\n swiper.setTranslate(newTranslate);\n swiper.updateActiveIndex();\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n }\n let translated;\n if (params.freeMode && params.freeMode.enabled && !params.cssMode) {\n setTranslate();\n if (params.autoHeight) {\n swiper.updateAutoHeight();\n }\n } else {\n if ((params.slidesPerView === 'auto' || params.slidesPerView > 1) && swiper.isEnd && !params.centeredSlides) {\n const slides = swiper.virtual && params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides : swiper.slides;\n translated = swiper.slideTo(slides.length - 1, 0, false, true);\n } else {\n translated = swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex, 0, false, true);\n }\n if (!translated) {\n setTranslate();\n }\n }\n if (params.watchOverflow && snapGrid !== swiper.snapGrid) {\n swiper.checkOverflow();\n }\n swiper.emit('update');\n }\n changeDirection(newDirection, needUpdate) {\n if (needUpdate === void 0) {\n needUpdate = true;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n const currentDirection = swiper.params.direction;\n if (!newDirection) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n newDirection = currentDirection === 'horizontal' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';\n }\n if (newDirection === currentDirection || newDirection !== 'horizontal' && newDirection !== 'vertical') {\n return swiper;\n }\n swiper.el.classList.remove(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}${currentDirection}`);\n swiper.el.classList.add(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}${newDirection}`);\n swiper.emitContainerClasses();\n swiper.params.direction = newDirection;\n swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {\n if (newDirection === 'vertical') {\n slideEl.style.width = '';\n } else {\n slideEl.style.height = '';\n }\n });\n swiper.emit('changeDirection');\n if (needUpdate) swiper.update();\n return swiper;\n }\n changeLanguageDirection(direction) {\n const swiper = this;\n if (swiper.rtl && direction === 'rtl' || !swiper.rtl && direction === 'ltr') return;\n swiper.rtl = direction === 'rtl';\n swiper.rtlTranslate = swiper.params.direction === 'horizontal' && swiper.rtl;\n if (swiper.rtl) {\n swiper.el.classList.add(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}rtl`);\n swiper.el.dir = 'rtl';\n } else {\n swiper.el.classList.remove(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}rtl`);\n swiper.el.dir = 'ltr';\n }\n swiper.update();\n }\n mount(element) {\n const swiper = this;\n if (swiper.mounted) return true;\n\n // Find el\n let el = element || swiper.params.el;\n if (typeof el === 'string') {\n el = document.querySelector(el);\n }\n if (!el) {\n return false;\n }\n el.swiper = swiper;\n if (el.parentNode && el.parentNode.host && el.parentNode.host.nodeName === swiper.params.swiperElementNodeName.toUpperCase()) {\n swiper.isElement = true;\n }\n const getWrapperSelector = () => {\n return `.${(swiper.params.wrapperClass || '').trim().split(' ').join('.')}`;\n };\n const getWrapper = () => {\n if (el && el.shadowRoot && el.shadowRoot.querySelector) {\n const res = el.shadowRoot.querySelector(getWrapperSelector());\n // Children needs to return slot items\n return res;\n }\n return elementChildren(el, getWrapperSelector())[0];\n };\n // Find Wrapper\n let wrapperEl = getWrapper();\n if (!wrapperEl && swiper.params.createElements) {\n wrapperEl = createElement('div', swiper.params.wrapperClass);\n el.append(wrapperEl);\n elementChildren(el, `.${swiper.params.slideClass}`).forEach(slideEl => {\n wrapperEl.append(slideEl);\n });\n }\n Object.assign(swiper, {\n el,\n wrapperEl,\n slidesEl: swiper.isElement && !el.parentNode.host.slideSlots ? el.parentNode.host : wrapperEl,\n hostEl: swiper.isElement ? el.parentNode.host : el,\n mounted: true,\n // RTL\n rtl: el.dir.toLowerCase() === 'rtl' || elementStyle(el, 'direction') === 'rtl',\n rtlTranslate: swiper.params.direction === 'horizontal' && (el.dir.toLowerCase() === 'rtl' || elementStyle(el, 'direction') === 'rtl'),\n wrongRTL: elementStyle(wrapperEl, 'display') === '-webkit-box'\n });\n return true;\n }\n init(el) {\n const swiper = this;\n if (swiper.initialized) return swiper;\n const mounted = swiper.mount(el);\n if (mounted === false) return swiper;\n swiper.emit('beforeInit');\n\n // Set breakpoint\n if (swiper.params.breakpoints) {\n swiper.setBreakpoint();\n }\n\n // Add Classes\n swiper.addClasses();\n\n // Update size\n swiper.updateSize();\n\n // Update slides\n swiper.updateSlides();\n if (swiper.params.watchOverflow) {\n swiper.checkOverflow();\n }\n\n // Set Grab Cursor\n if (swiper.params.grabCursor && swiper.enabled) {\n swiper.setGrabCursor();\n }\n\n // Slide To Initial Slide\n if (swiper.params.loop && swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.params.initialSlide + swiper.virtual.slidesBefore, 0, swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit, false, true);\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.params.initialSlide, 0, swiper.params.runCallbacksOnInit, false, true);\n }\n\n // Create loop\n if (swiper.params.loop) {\n swiper.loopCreate();\n }\n\n // Attach events\n swiper.attachEvents();\n const lazyElements = [...swiper.el.querySelectorAll('[loading=\"lazy\"]')];\n if (swiper.isElement) {\n lazyElements.push(...swiper.hostEl.querySelectorAll('[loading=\"lazy\"]'));\n }\n lazyElements.forEach(imageEl => {\n if (imageEl.complete) {\n processLazyPreloader(swiper, imageEl);\n } else {\n imageEl.addEventListener('load', e => {\n processLazyPreloader(swiper, e.target);\n });\n }\n });\n preload(swiper);\n\n // Init Flag\n swiper.initialized = true;\n preload(swiper);\n\n // Emit\n swiper.emit('init');\n swiper.emit('afterInit');\n return swiper;\n }\n destroy(deleteInstance, cleanStyles) {\n if (deleteInstance === void 0) {\n deleteInstance = true;\n }\n if (cleanStyles === void 0) {\n cleanStyles = true;\n }\n const swiper = this;\n const {\n params,\n el,\n wrapperEl,\n slides\n } = swiper;\n if (typeof swiper.params === 'undefined' || swiper.destroyed) {\n return null;\n }\n swiper.emit('beforeDestroy');\n\n // Init Flag\n swiper.initialized = false;\n\n // Detach events\n swiper.detachEvents();\n\n // Destroy loop\n if (params.loop) {\n swiper.loopDestroy();\n }\n\n // Cleanup styles\n if (cleanStyles) {\n swiper.removeClasses();\n if (el && typeof el !== 'string') {\n el.removeAttribute('style');\n }\n if (wrapperEl) {\n wrapperEl.removeAttribute('style');\n }\n if (slides && slides.length) {\n slides.forEach(slideEl => {\n slideEl.classList.remove(params.slideVisibleClass, params.slideFullyVisibleClass, params.slideActiveClass, params.slideNextClass, params.slidePrevClass);\n slideEl.removeAttribute('style');\n slideEl.removeAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index');\n });\n }\n }\n swiper.emit('destroy');\n\n // Detach emitter events\n Object.keys(swiper.eventsListeners).forEach(eventName => {\n swiper.off(eventName);\n });\n if (deleteInstance !== false) {\n if (swiper.el && typeof swiper.el !== 'string') {\n swiper.el.swiper = null;\n }\n deleteProps(swiper);\n }\n swiper.destroyed = true;\n return null;\n }\n static extendDefaults(newDefaults) {\n extend(extendedDefaults, newDefaults);\n }\n static get extendedDefaults() {\n return extendedDefaults;\n }\n static get defaults() {\n return defaults;\n }\n static installModule(mod) {\n if (!Swiper.prototype.__modules__) Swiper.prototype.__modules__ = [];\n const modules = Swiper.prototype.__modules__;\n if (typeof mod === 'function' && modules.indexOf(mod) < 0) {\n modules.push(mod);\n }\n }\n static use(module) {\n if (Array.isArray(module)) {\n module.forEach(m => Swiper.installModule(m));\n return Swiper;\n }\n Swiper.installModule(module);\n return Swiper;\n }\n}\nObject.keys(prototypes).forEach(prototypeGroup => {\n Object.keys(prototypes[prototypeGroup]).forEach(protoMethod => {\n Swiper.prototype[protoMethod] = prototypes[prototypeGroup][protoMethod];\n });\n});\nSwiper.use([Resize, Observer]);\nexport { Swiper as S, defaults as d };","import { g as getDocument } from '../shared/ssr-window.esm.mjs';\nimport { s as setCSSProperty, e as elementChildren, c as createElement } from '../shared/utils.mjs';\nfunction Virtual(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n extendParams,\n on,\n emit\n } = _ref;\n extendParams({\n virtual: {\n enabled: false,\n slides: [],\n cache: true,\n renderSlide: null,\n renderExternal: null,\n renderExternalUpdate: true,\n addSlidesBefore: 0,\n addSlidesAfter: 0\n }\n });\n let cssModeTimeout;\n const document = getDocument();\n swiper.virtual = {\n cache: {},\n from: undefined,\n to: undefined,\n slides: [],\n offset: 0,\n slidesGrid: []\n };\n const tempDOM = document.createElement('div');\n function renderSlide(slide, index) {\n const params = swiper.params.virtual;\n if (params.cache && swiper.virtual.cache[index]) {\n return swiper.virtual.cache[index];\n }\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n let slideEl;\n if (params.renderSlide) {\n slideEl = params.renderSlide.call(swiper, slide, index);\n if (typeof slideEl === 'string') {\n tempDOM.innerHTML = slideEl;\n slideEl = tempDOM.children[0];\n }\n } else if (swiper.isElement) {\n slideEl = createElement('swiper-slide');\n } else {\n slideEl = createElement('div', swiper.params.slideClass);\n }\n slideEl.setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', index);\n if (!params.renderSlide) {\n slideEl.innerHTML = slide;\n }\n if (params.cache) {\n swiper.virtual.cache[index] = slideEl;\n }\n return slideEl;\n }\n function update(force, beforeInit) {\n const {\n slidesPerView,\n slidesPerGroup,\n centeredSlides,\n loop: isLoop,\n initialSlide\n } = swiper.params;\n if (beforeInit && !isLoop && initialSlide > 0) {\n return;\n }\n const {\n addSlidesBefore,\n addSlidesAfter\n } = swiper.params.virtual;\n const {\n from: previousFrom,\n to: previousTo,\n slides,\n slidesGrid: previousSlidesGrid,\n offset: previousOffset\n } = swiper.virtual;\n if (!swiper.params.cssMode) {\n swiper.updateActiveIndex();\n }\n const activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex || 0;\n let offsetProp;\n if (swiper.rtlTranslate) offsetProp = 'right';else offsetProp = swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top';\n let slidesAfter;\n let slidesBefore;\n if (centeredSlides) {\n slidesAfter = Math.floor(slidesPerView / 2) + slidesPerGroup + addSlidesAfter;\n slidesBefore = Math.floor(slidesPerView / 2) + slidesPerGroup + addSlidesBefore;\n } else {\n slidesAfter = slidesPerView + (slidesPerGroup - 1) + addSlidesAfter;\n slidesBefore = (isLoop ? slidesPerView : slidesPerGroup) + addSlidesBefore;\n }\n let from = activeIndex - slidesBefore;\n let to = activeIndex + slidesAfter;\n if (!isLoop) {\n from = Math.max(from, 0);\n to = Math.min(to, slides.length - 1);\n }\n let offset = (swiper.slidesGrid[from] || 0) - (swiper.slidesGrid[0] || 0);\n if (isLoop && activeIndex >= slidesBefore) {\n from -= slidesBefore;\n if (!centeredSlides) offset += swiper.slidesGrid[0];\n } else if (isLoop && activeIndex < slidesBefore) {\n from = -slidesBefore;\n if (centeredSlides) offset += swiper.slidesGrid[0];\n }\n Object.assign(swiper.virtual, {\n from,\n to,\n offset,\n slidesGrid: swiper.slidesGrid,\n slidesBefore,\n slidesAfter\n });\n function onRendered() {\n swiper.updateSlides();\n swiper.updateProgress();\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n emit('virtualUpdate');\n }\n if (previousFrom === from && previousTo === to && !force) {\n if (swiper.slidesGrid !== previousSlidesGrid && offset !== previousOffset) {\n swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {\n slideEl.style[offsetProp] = `${offset - Math.abs(swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment())}px`;\n });\n }\n swiper.updateProgress();\n emit('virtualUpdate');\n return;\n }\n if (swiper.params.virtual.renderExternal) {\n swiper.params.virtual.renderExternal.call(swiper, {\n offset,\n from,\n to,\n slides: function getSlides() {\n const slidesToRender = [];\n for (let i = from; i <= to; i += 1) {\n slidesToRender.push(slides[i]);\n }\n return slidesToRender;\n }()\n });\n if (swiper.params.virtual.renderExternalUpdate) {\n onRendered();\n } else {\n emit('virtualUpdate');\n }\n return;\n }\n const prependIndexes = [];\n const appendIndexes = [];\n const getSlideIndex = index => {\n let slideIndex = index;\n if (index < 0) {\n slideIndex = slides.length + index;\n } else if (slideIndex >= slides.length) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n slideIndex = slideIndex - slides.length;\n }\n return slideIndex;\n };\n if (force) {\n swiper.slides.filter(el => el.matches(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`)).forEach(slideEl => {\n slideEl.remove();\n });\n } else {\n for (let i = previousFrom; i <= previousTo; i += 1) {\n if (i < from || i > to) {\n const slideIndex = getSlideIndex(i);\n swiper.slides.filter(el => el.matches(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}[data-swiper-slide-index=\"${slideIndex}\"], swiper-slide[data-swiper-slide-index=\"${slideIndex}\"]`)).forEach(slideEl => {\n slideEl.remove();\n });\n }\n }\n }\n const loopFrom = isLoop ? -slides.length : 0;\n const loopTo = isLoop ? slides.length * 2 : slides.length;\n for (let i = loopFrom; i < loopTo; i += 1) {\n if (i >= from && i <= to) {\n const slideIndex = getSlideIndex(i);\n if (typeof previousTo === 'undefined' || force) {\n appendIndexes.push(slideIndex);\n } else {\n if (i > previousTo) appendIndexes.push(slideIndex);\n if (i < previousFrom) prependIndexes.push(slideIndex);\n }\n }\n }\n appendIndexes.forEach(index => {\n swiper.slidesEl.append(renderSlide(slides[index], index));\n });\n if (isLoop) {\n for (let i = prependIndexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {\n const index = prependIndexes[i];\n swiper.slidesEl.prepend(renderSlide(slides[index], index));\n }\n } else {\n prependIndexes.sort((a, b) => b - a);\n prependIndexes.forEach(index => {\n swiper.slidesEl.prepend(renderSlide(slides[index], index));\n });\n }\n elementChildren(swiper.slidesEl, '.swiper-slide, swiper-slide').forEach(slideEl => {\n slideEl.style[offsetProp] = `${offset - Math.abs(swiper.cssOverflowAdjustment())}px`;\n });\n onRendered();\n }\n function appendSlide(slides) {\n if (typeof slides === 'object' && 'length' in slides) {\n for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {\n if (slides[i]) swiper.virtual.slides.push(slides[i]);\n }\n } else {\n swiper.virtual.slides.push(slides);\n }\n update(true);\n }\n function prependSlide(slides) {\n const activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex;\n let newActiveIndex = activeIndex + 1;\n let numberOfNewSlides = 1;\n if (Array.isArray(slides)) {\n for (let i = 0; i < slides.length; i += 1) {\n if (slides[i]) swiper.virtual.slides.unshift(slides[i]);\n }\n newActiveIndex = activeIndex + slides.length;\n numberOfNewSlides = slides.length;\n } else {\n swiper.virtual.slides.unshift(slides);\n }\n if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {\n const cache = swiper.virtual.cache;\n const newCache = {};\n Object.keys(cache).forEach(cachedIndex => {\n const cachedEl = cache[cachedIndex];\n const cachedElIndex = cachedEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index');\n if (cachedElIndex) {\n cachedEl.setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', parseInt(cachedElIndex, 10) + numberOfNewSlides);\n }\n newCache[parseInt(cachedIndex, 10) + numberOfNewSlides] = cachedEl;\n });\n swiper.virtual.cache = newCache;\n }\n update(true);\n swiper.slideTo(newActiveIndex, 0);\n }\n function removeSlide(slidesIndexes) {\n if (typeof slidesIndexes === 'undefined' || slidesIndexes === null) return;\n let activeIndex = swiper.activeIndex;\n if (Array.isArray(slidesIndexes)) {\n for (let i = slidesIndexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i -= 1) {\n if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {\n delete swiper.virtual.cache[slidesIndexes[i]];\n // shift cache indexes\n Object.keys(swiper.virtual.cache).forEach(key => {\n if (key > slidesIndexes) {\n swiper.virtual.cache[key - 1] = swiper.virtual.cache[key];\n swiper.virtual.cache[key - 1].setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', key - 1);\n delete swiper.virtual.cache[key];\n }\n });\n }\n swiper.virtual.slides.splice(slidesIndexes[i], 1);\n if (slidesIndexes[i] < activeIndex) activeIndex -= 1;\n activeIndex = Math.max(activeIndex, 0);\n }\n } else {\n if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {\n delete swiper.virtual.cache[slidesIndexes];\n // shift cache indexes\n Object.keys(swiper.virtual.cache).forEach(key => {\n if (key > slidesIndexes) {\n swiper.virtual.cache[key - 1] = swiper.virtual.cache[key];\n swiper.virtual.cache[key - 1].setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', key - 1);\n delete swiper.virtual.cache[key];\n }\n });\n }\n swiper.virtual.slides.splice(slidesIndexes, 1);\n if (slidesIndexes < activeIndex) activeIndex -= 1;\n activeIndex = Math.max(activeIndex, 0);\n }\n update(true);\n swiper.slideTo(activeIndex, 0);\n }\n function removeAllSlides() {\n swiper.virtual.slides = [];\n if (swiper.params.virtual.cache) {\n swiper.virtual.cache = {};\n }\n update(true);\n swiper.slideTo(0, 0);\n }\n on('beforeInit', () => {\n if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;\n let domSlidesAssigned;\n if (typeof swiper.passedParams.virtual.slides === 'undefined') {\n const slides = [...swiper.slidesEl.children].filter(el => el.matches(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`));\n if (slides && slides.length) {\n swiper.virtual.slides = [...slides];\n domSlidesAssigned = true;\n slides.forEach((slideEl, slideIndex) => {\n slideEl.setAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index', slideIndex);\n swiper.virtual.cache[slideIndex] = slideEl;\n slideEl.remove();\n });\n }\n }\n if (!domSlidesAssigned) {\n swiper.virtual.slides = swiper.params.virtual.slides;\n }\n swiper.classNames.push(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}virtual`);\n swiper.params.watchSlidesProgress = true;\n swiper.originalParams.watchSlidesProgress = true;\n update(false, true);\n });\n on('setTranslate', () => {\n if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;\n if (swiper.params.cssMode && !swiper._immediateVirtual) {\n clearTimeout(cssModeTimeout);\n cssModeTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\n update();\n }, 100);\n } else {\n update();\n }\n });\n on('init update resize', () => {\n if (!swiper.params.virtual.enabled) return;\n if (swiper.params.cssMode) {\n setCSSProperty(swiper.wrapperEl, '--swiper-virtual-size', `${swiper.virtualSize}px`);\n }\n });\n Object.assign(swiper.virtual, {\n appendSlide,\n prependSlide,\n removeSlide,\n removeAllSlides,\n update\n });\n}\nexport { Virtual as default };","import { e as elementChildren, c as createElement } from './utils.mjs';\nfunction createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, originalParams, params, checkProps) {\n if (swiper.params.createElements) {\n Object.keys(checkProps).forEach(key => {\n if (!params[key] && params.auto === true) {\n let element = elementChildren(swiper.el, `.${checkProps[key]}`)[0];\n if (!element) {\n element = createElement('div', checkProps[key]);\n element.className = checkProps[key];\n swiper.el.append(element);\n }\n params[key] = element;\n originalParams[key] = element;\n }\n });\n }\n return params;\n}\nexport { createElementIfNotDefined as c };","import { c as createElementIfNotDefined } from '../shared/create-element-if-not-defined.mjs';\nimport { m as makeElementsArray } from '../shared/utils.mjs';\nfunction Navigation(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n extendParams,\n on,\n emit\n } = _ref;\n extendParams({\n navigation: {\n nextEl: null,\n prevEl: null,\n hideOnClick: false,\n disabledClass: 'swiper-button-disabled',\n hiddenClass: 'swiper-button-hidden',\n lockClass: 'swiper-button-lock',\n navigationDisabledClass: 'swiper-navigation-disabled'\n }\n });\n swiper.navigation = {\n nextEl: null,\n prevEl: null\n };\n function getEl(el) {\n let res;\n if (el && typeof el === 'string' && swiper.isElement) {\n res = swiper.el.querySelector(el) || swiper.hostEl.querySelector(el);\n if (res) return res;\n }\n if (el) {\n if (typeof el === 'string') res = [...document.querySelectorAll(el)];\n if (swiper.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof el === 'string' && res && res.length > 1 && swiper.el.querySelectorAll(el).length === 1) {\n res = swiper.el.querySelector(el);\n } else if (res && res.length === 1) {\n res = res[0];\n }\n }\n if (el && !res) return el;\n // if (Array.isArray(res) && res.length === 1) res = res[0];\n return res;\n }\n function toggleEl(el, disabled) {\n const params = swiper.params.navigation;\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n if (subEl) {\n subEl.classList[disabled ? 'add' : 'remove'](...params.disabledClass.split(' '));\n if (subEl.tagName === 'BUTTON') subEl.disabled = disabled;\n if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.enabled) {\n subEl.classList[swiper.isLocked ? 'add' : 'remove'](params.lockClass);\n }\n }\n });\n }\n function update() {\n // Update Navigation Buttons\n const {\n nextEl,\n prevEl\n } = swiper.navigation;\n if (swiper.params.loop) {\n toggleEl(prevEl, false);\n toggleEl(nextEl, false);\n return;\n }\n toggleEl(prevEl, swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.rewind);\n toggleEl(nextEl, swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.rewind);\n }\n function onPrevClick(e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n if (swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.loop && !swiper.params.rewind) return;\n swiper.slidePrev();\n emit('navigationPrev');\n }\n function onNextClick(e) {\n e.preventDefault();\n if (swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.loop && !swiper.params.rewind) return;\n swiper.slideNext();\n emit('navigationNext');\n }\n function init() {\n const params = swiper.params.navigation;\n swiper.params.navigation = createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, swiper.originalParams.navigation, swiper.params.navigation, {\n nextEl: 'swiper-button-next',\n prevEl: 'swiper-button-prev'\n });\n if (!(params.nextEl || params.prevEl)) return;\n let nextEl = getEl(params.nextEl);\n let prevEl = getEl(params.prevEl);\n Object.assign(swiper.navigation, {\n nextEl,\n prevEl\n });\n nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);\n prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);\n const initButton = (el, dir) => {\n if (el) {\n el.addEventListener('click', dir === 'next' ? onNextClick : onPrevClick);\n }\n if (!swiper.enabled && el) {\n el.classList.add(...params.lockClass.split(' '));\n }\n };\n nextEl.forEach(el => initButton(el, 'next'));\n prevEl.forEach(el => initButton(el, 'prev'));\n }\n function destroy() {\n let {\n nextEl,\n prevEl\n } = swiper.navigation;\n nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);\n prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);\n const destroyButton = (el, dir) => {\n el.removeEventListener('click', dir === 'next' ? onNextClick : onPrevClick);\n el.classList.remove(...swiper.params.navigation.disabledClass.split(' '));\n };\n nextEl.forEach(el => destroyButton(el, 'next'));\n prevEl.forEach(el => destroyButton(el, 'prev'));\n }\n on('init', () => {\n if (swiper.params.navigation.enabled === false) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n disable();\n } else {\n init();\n update();\n }\n });\n on('toEdge fromEdge lock unlock', () => {\n update();\n });\n on('destroy', () => {\n destroy();\n });\n on('enable disable', () => {\n let {\n nextEl,\n prevEl\n } = swiper.navigation;\n nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);\n prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);\n if (swiper.enabled) {\n update();\n return;\n }\n [...nextEl, ...prevEl].filter(el => !!el).forEach(el => el.classList.add(swiper.params.navigation.lockClass));\n });\n on('click', (_s, e) => {\n let {\n nextEl,\n prevEl\n } = swiper.navigation;\n nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);\n prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);\n const targetEl = e.target;\n let targetIsButton = prevEl.includes(targetEl) || nextEl.includes(targetEl);\n if (swiper.isElement && !targetIsButton) {\n const path = e.path || e.composedPath && e.composedPath();\n if (path) {\n targetIsButton = path.find(pathEl => nextEl.includes(pathEl) || prevEl.includes(pathEl));\n }\n }\n if (swiper.params.navigation.hideOnClick && !targetIsButton) {\n if (swiper.pagination && swiper.params.pagination && swiper.params.pagination.clickable && (swiper.pagination.el === targetEl || swiper.pagination.el.contains(targetEl))) return;\n let isHidden;\n if (nextEl.length) {\n isHidden = nextEl[0].classList.contains(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenClass);\n } else if (prevEl.length) {\n isHidden = prevEl[0].classList.contains(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenClass);\n }\n if (isHidden === true) {\n emit('navigationShow');\n } else {\n emit('navigationHide');\n }\n [...nextEl, ...prevEl].filter(el => !!el).forEach(el => el.classList.toggle(swiper.params.navigation.hiddenClass));\n }\n });\n const enable = () => {\n swiper.el.classList.remove(...swiper.params.navigation.navigationDisabledClass.split(' '));\n init();\n update();\n };\n const disable = () => {\n swiper.el.classList.add(...swiper.params.navigation.navigationDisabledClass.split(' '));\n destroy();\n };\n Object.assign(swiper.navigation, {\n enable,\n disable,\n update,\n init,\n destroy\n });\n}\nexport { Navigation as default };","function classesToSelector(classes) {\n if (classes === void 0) {\n classes = '';\n }\n return `.${classes.trim().replace(/([\\.:!+\\/])/g, '\\\\$1') // eslint-disable-line\n .replace(/ /g, '.')}`;\n}\nexport { classesToSelector as c };","import { c as classesToSelector } from '../shared/classes-to-selector.mjs';\nimport { c as createElementIfNotDefined } from '../shared/create-element-if-not-defined.mjs';\nimport { m as makeElementsArray, f as elementOuterSize, h as elementIndex, a as elementParents } from '../shared/utils.mjs';\nfunction Pagination(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n extendParams,\n on,\n emit\n } = _ref;\n const pfx = 'swiper-pagination';\n extendParams({\n pagination: {\n el: null,\n bulletElement: 'span',\n clickable: false,\n hideOnClick: false,\n renderBullet: null,\n renderProgressbar: null,\n renderFraction: null,\n renderCustom: null,\n progressbarOpposite: false,\n type: 'bullets',\n // 'bullets' or 'progressbar' or 'fraction' or 'custom'\n dynamicBullets: false,\n dynamicMainBullets: 1,\n formatFractionCurrent: number => number,\n formatFractionTotal: number => number,\n bulletClass: `${pfx}-bullet`,\n bulletActiveClass: `${pfx}-bullet-active`,\n modifierClass: `${pfx}-`,\n currentClass: `${pfx}-current`,\n totalClass: `${pfx}-total`,\n hiddenClass: `${pfx}-hidden`,\n progressbarFillClass: `${pfx}-progressbar-fill`,\n progressbarOppositeClass: `${pfx}-progressbar-opposite`,\n clickableClass: `${pfx}-clickable`,\n lockClass: `${pfx}-lock`,\n horizontalClass: `${pfx}-horizontal`,\n verticalClass: `${pfx}-vertical`,\n paginationDisabledClass: `${pfx}-disabled`\n }\n });\n swiper.pagination = {\n el: null,\n bullets: []\n };\n let bulletSize;\n let dynamicBulletIndex = 0;\n function isPaginationDisabled() {\n return !swiper.params.pagination.el || !swiper.pagination.el || Array.isArray(swiper.pagination.el) && swiper.pagination.el.length === 0;\n }\n function setSideBullets(bulletEl, position) {\n const {\n bulletActiveClass\n } = swiper.params.pagination;\n if (!bulletEl) return;\n bulletEl = bulletEl[`${position === 'prev' ? 'previous' : 'next'}ElementSibling`];\n if (bulletEl) {\n bulletEl.classList.add(`${bulletActiveClass}-${position}`);\n bulletEl = bulletEl[`${position === 'prev' ? 'previous' : 'next'}ElementSibling`];\n if (bulletEl) {\n bulletEl.classList.add(`${bulletActiveClass}-${position}-${position}`);\n }\n }\n }\n function getMoveDirection(prevIndex, nextIndex, length) {\n prevIndex = prevIndex % length;\n nextIndex = nextIndex % length;\n if (nextIndex === prevIndex + 1) {\n return 'next';\n } else if (nextIndex === prevIndex - 1) {\n return 'previous';\n }\n return;\n }\n function onBulletClick(e) {\n const bulletEl = e.target.closest(classesToSelector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletClass));\n if (!bulletEl) {\n return;\n }\n e.preventDefault();\n const index = elementIndex(bulletEl) * swiper.params.slidesPerGroup;\n if (swiper.params.loop) {\n if (swiper.realIndex === index) return;\n const moveDirection = getMoveDirection(swiper.realIndex, index, swiper.slides.length);\n if (moveDirection === 'next') {\n swiper.slideNext();\n } else if (moveDirection === 'previous') {\n swiper.slidePrev();\n } else {\n swiper.slideToLoop(index);\n }\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(index);\n }\n }\n function update() {\n // Render || Update Pagination bullets/items\n const rtl = swiper.rtl;\n const params = swiper.params.pagination;\n if (isPaginationDisabled()) return;\n let el = swiper.pagination.el;\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n // Current/Total\n let current;\n let previousIndex;\n const slidesLength = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.slides.length;\n const total = swiper.params.loop ? Math.ceil(slidesLength / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup) : swiper.snapGrid.length;\n if (swiper.params.loop) {\n previousIndex = swiper.previousRealIndex || 0;\n current = swiper.params.slidesPerGroup > 1 ? Math.floor(swiper.realIndex / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup) : swiper.realIndex;\n } else if (typeof swiper.snapIndex !== 'undefined') {\n current = swiper.snapIndex;\n previousIndex = swiper.previousSnapIndex;\n } else {\n previousIndex = swiper.previousIndex || 0;\n current = swiper.activeIndex || 0;\n }\n // Types\n if (params.type === 'bullets' && swiper.pagination.bullets && swiper.pagination.bullets.length > 0) {\n const bullets = swiper.pagination.bullets;\n let firstIndex;\n let lastIndex;\n let midIndex;\n if (params.dynamicBullets) {\n bulletSize = elementOuterSize(bullets[0], swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'width' : 'height', true);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.style[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'width' : 'height'] = `${bulletSize * (params.dynamicMainBullets + 4)}px`;\n });\n if (params.dynamicMainBullets > 1 && previousIndex !== undefined) {\n dynamicBulletIndex += current - (previousIndex || 0);\n if (dynamicBulletIndex > params.dynamicMainBullets - 1) {\n dynamicBulletIndex = params.dynamicMainBullets - 1;\n } else if (dynamicBulletIndex < 0) {\n dynamicBulletIndex = 0;\n }\n }\n firstIndex = Math.max(current - dynamicBulletIndex, 0);\n lastIndex = firstIndex + (Math.min(bullets.length, params.dynamicMainBullets) - 1);\n midIndex = (lastIndex + firstIndex) / 2;\n }\n bullets.forEach(bulletEl => {\n const classesToRemove = [...['', '-next', '-next-next', '-prev', '-prev-prev', '-main'].map(suffix => `${params.bulletActiveClass}${suffix}`)].map(s => typeof s === 'string' && s.includes(' ') ? s.split(' ') : s).flat();\n bulletEl.classList.remove(...classesToRemove);\n });\n if (el.length > 1) {\n bullets.forEach(bullet => {\n const bulletIndex = elementIndex(bullet);\n if (bulletIndex === current) {\n bullet.classList.add(...params.bulletActiveClass.split(' '));\n } else if (swiper.isElement) {\n bullet.setAttribute('part', 'bullet');\n }\n if (params.dynamicBullets) {\n if (bulletIndex >= firstIndex && bulletIndex <= lastIndex) {\n bullet.classList.add(...`${params.bulletActiveClass}-main`.split(' '));\n }\n if (bulletIndex === firstIndex) {\n setSideBullets(bullet, 'prev');\n }\n if (bulletIndex === lastIndex) {\n setSideBullets(bullet, 'next');\n }\n }\n });\n } else {\n const bullet = bullets[current];\n if (bullet) {\n bullet.classList.add(...params.bulletActiveClass.split(' '));\n }\n if (swiper.isElement) {\n bullets.forEach((bulletEl, bulletIndex) => {\n bulletEl.setAttribute('part', bulletIndex === current ? 'bullet-active' : 'bullet');\n });\n }\n if (params.dynamicBullets) {\n const firstDisplayedBullet = bullets[firstIndex];\n const lastDisplayedBullet = bullets[lastIndex];\n for (let i = firstIndex; i <= lastIndex; i += 1) {\n if (bullets[i]) {\n bullets[i].classList.add(...`${params.bulletActiveClass}-main`.split(' '));\n }\n }\n setSideBullets(firstDisplayedBullet, 'prev');\n setSideBullets(lastDisplayedBullet, 'next');\n }\n }\n if (params.dynamicBullets) {\n const dynamicBulletsLength = Math.min(bullets.length, params.dynamicMainBullets + 4);\n const bulletsOffset = (bulletSize * dynamicBulletsLength - bulletSize) / 2 - midIndex * bulletSize;\n const offsetProp = rtl ? 'right' : 'left';\n bullets.forEach(bullet => {\n bullet.style[swiper.isHorizontal() ? offsetProp : 'top'] = `${bulletsOffset}px`;\n });\n }\n }\n el.forEach((subEl, subElIndex) => {\n if (params.type === 'fraction') {\n subEl.querySelectorAll(classesToSelector(params.currentClass)).forEach(fractionEl => {\n fractionEl.textContent = params.formatFractionCurrent(current + 1);\n });\n subEl.querySelectorAll(classesToSelector(params.totalClass)).forEach(totalEl => {\n totalEl.textContent = params.formatFractionTotal(total);\n });\n }\n if (params.type === 'progressbar') {\n let progressbarDirection;\n if (params.progressbarOpposite) {\n progressbarDirection = swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';\n } else {\n progressbarDirection = swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical';\n }\n const scale = (current + 1) / total;\n let scaleX = 1;\n let scaleY = 1;\n if (progressbarDirection === 'horizontal') {\n scaleX = scale;\n } else {\n scaleY = scale;\n }\n subEl.querySelectorAll(classesToSelector(params.progressbarFillClass)).forEach(progressEl => {\n progressEl.style.transform = `translate3d(0,0,0) scaleX(${scaleX}) scaleY(${scaleY})`;\n progressEl.style.transitionDuration = `${swiper.params.speed}ms`;\n });\n }\n if (params.type === 'custom' && params.renderCustom) {\n subEl.innerHTML = params.renderCustom(swiper, current + 1, total);\n if (subElIndex === 0) emit('paginationRender', subEl);\n } else {\n if (subElIndex === 0) emit('paginationRender', subEl);\n emit('paginationUpdate', subEl);\n }\n if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.enabled) {\n subEl.classList[swiper.isLocked ? 'add' : 'remove'](params.lockClass);\n }\n });\n }\n function render() {\n // Render Container\n const params = swiper.params.pagination;\n if (isPaginationDisabled()) return;\n const slidesLength = swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled ? swiper.virtual.slides.length : swiper.grid && swiper.params.grid.rows > 1 ? swiper.slides.length / Math.ceil(swiper.params.grid.rows) : swiper.slides.length;\n let el = swiper.pagination.el;\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n let paginationHTML = '';\n if (params.type === 'bullets') {\n let numberOfBullets = swiper.params.loop ? Math.ceil(slidesLength / swiper.params.slidesPerGroup) : swiper.snapGrid.length;\n if (swiper.params.freeMode && swiper.params.freeMode.enabled && numberOfBullets > slidesLength) {\n numberOfBullets = slidesLength;\n }\n for (let i = 0; i < numberOfBullets; i += 1) {\n if (params.renderBullet) {\n paginationHTML += params.renderBullet.call(swiper, i, params.bulletClass);\n } else {\n // prettier-ignore\n paginationHTML += `<${params.bulletElement} ${swiper.isElement ? 'part=\"bullet\"' : ''} class=\"${params.bulletClass}\">`;\n }\n }\n }\n if (params.type === 'fraction') {\n if (params.renderFraction) {\n paginationHTML = params.renderFraction.call(swiper, params.currentClass, params.totalClass);\n } else {\n paginationHTML = `` + ' / ' + ``;\n }\n }\n if (params.type === 'progressbar') {\n if (params.renderProgressbar) {\n paginationHTML = params.renderProgressbar.call(swiper, params.progressbarFillClass);\n } else {\n paginationHTML = ``;\n }\n }\n swiper.pagination.bullets = [];\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n if (params.type !== 'custom') {\n subEl.innerHTML = paginationHTML || '';\n }\n if (params.type === 'bullets') {\n swiper.pagination.bullets.push(...subEl.querySelectorAll(classesToSelector(params.bulletClass)));\n }\n });\n if (params.type !== 'custom') {\n emit('paginationRender', el[0]);\n }\n }\n function init() {\n swiper.params.pagination = createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, swiper.originalParams.pagination, swiper.params.pagination, {\n el: 'swiper-pagination'\n });\n const params = swiper.params.pagination;\n if (!params.el) return;\n let el;\n if (typeof params.el === 'string' && swiper.isElement) {\n el = swiper.el.querySelector(params.el);\n }\n if (!el && typeof params.el === 'string') {\n el = [...document.querySelectorAll(params.el)];\n }\n if (!el) {\n el = params.el;\n }\n if (!el || el.length === 0) return;\n if (swiper.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof params.el === 'string' && Array.isArray(el) && el.length > 1) {\n el = [...swiper.el.querySelectorAll(params.el)];\n // check if it belongs to another nested Swiper\n if (el.length > 1) {\n el = el.filter(subEl => {\n if (elementParents(subEl, '.swiper')[0] !== swiper.el) return false;\n return true;\n })[0];\n }\n }\n if (Array.isArray(el) && el.length === 1) el = el[0];\n Object.assign(swiper.pagination, {\n el\n });\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n if (params.type === 'bullets' && params.clickable) {\n subEl.classList.add(...(params.clickableClass || '').split(' '));\n }\n subEl.classList.add(params.modifierClass + params.type);\n subEl.classList.add(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);\n if (params.type === 'bullets' && params.dynamicBullets) {\n subEl.classList.add(`${params.modifierClass}${params.type}-dynamic`);\n dynamicBulletIndex = 0;\n if (params.dynamicMainBullets < 1) {\n params.dynamicMainBullets = 1;\n }\n }\n if (params.type === 'progressbar' && params.progressbarOpposite) {\n subEl.classList.add(params.progressbarOppositeClass);\n }\n if (params.clickable) {\n subEl.addEventListener('click', onBulletClick);\n }\n if (!swiper.enabled) {\n subEl.classList.add(params.lockClass);\n }\n });\n }\n function destroy() {\n const params = swiper.params.pagination;\n if (isPaginationDisabled()) return;\n let el = swiper.pagination.el;\n if (el) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.classList.remove(params.hiddenClass);\n subEl.classList.remove(params.modifierClass + params.type);\n subEl.classList.remove(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);\n if (params.clickable) {\n subEl.classList.remove(...(params.clickableClass || '').split(' '));\n subEl.removeEventListener('click', onBulletClick);\n }\n });\n }\n if (swiper.pagination.bullets) swiper.pagination.bullets.forEach(subEl => subEl.classList.remove(...params.bulletActiveClass.split(' ')));\n }\n on('changeDirection', () => {\n if (!swiper.pagination || !swiper.pagination.el) return;\n const params = swiper.params.pagination;\n let {\n el\n } = swiper.pagination;\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.classList.remove(params.horizontalClass, params.verticalClass);\n subEl.classList.add(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);\n });\n });\n on('init', () => {\n if (swiper.params.pagination.enabled === false) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n disable();\n } else {\n init();\n render();\n update();\n }\n });\n on('activeIndexChange', () => {\n if (typeof swiper.snapIndex === 'undefined') {\n update();\n }\n });\n on('snapIndexChange', () => {\n update();\n });\n on('snapGridLengthChange', () => {\n render();\n update();\n });\n on('destroy', () => {\n destroy();\n });\n on('enable disable', () => {\n let {\n el\n } = swiper.pagination;\n if (el) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => subEl.classList[swiper.enabled ? 'remove' : 'add'](swiper.params.pagination.lockClass));\n }\n });\n on('lock unlock', () => {\n update();\n });\n on('click', (_s, e) => {\n const targetEl = e.target;\n const el = makeElementsArray(swiper.pagination.el);\n if (swiper.params.pagination.el && swiper.params.pagination.hideOnClick && el && el.length > 0 && !targetEl.classList.contains(swiper.params.pagination.bulletClass)) {\n if (swiper.navigation && (swiper.navigation.nextEl && targetEl === swiper.navigation.nextEl || swiper.navigation.prevEl && targetEl === swiper.navigation.prevEl)) return;\n const isHidden = el[0].classList.contains(swiper.params.pagination.hiddenClass);\n if (isHidden === true) {\n emit('paginationShow');\n } else {\n emit('paginationHide');\n }\n el.forEach(subEl => subEl.classList.toggle(swiper.params.pagination.hiddenClass));\n }\n });\n const enable = () => {\n swiper.el.classList.remove(swiper.params.pagination.paginationDisabledClass);\n let {\n el\n } = swiper.pagination;\n if (el) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => subEl.classList.remove(swiper.params.pagination.paginationDisabledClass));\n }\n init();\n render();\n update();\n };\n const disable = () => {\n swiper.el.classList.add(swiper.params.pagination.paginationDisabledClass);\n let {\n el\n } = swiper.pagination;\n if (el) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => subEl.classList.add(swiper.params.pagination.paginationDisabledClass));\n }\n destroy();\n };\n Object.assign(swiper.pagination, {\n enable,\n disable,\n render,\n update,\n init,\n destroy\n });\n}\nexport { Pagination as default };","import { g as getDocument } from '../shared/ssr-window.esm.mjs';\n\n/* eslint no-underscore-dangle: \"off\" */\n/* eslint no-use-before-define: \"off\" */\nfunction Autoplay(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n extendParams,\n on,\n emit,\n params\n } = _ref;\n swiper.autoplay = {\n running: false,\n paused: false,\n timeLeft: 0\n };\n extendParams({\n autoplay: {\n enabled: false,\n delay: 3000,\n waitForTransition: true,\n disableOnInteraction: false,\n stopOnLastSlide: false,\n reverseDirection: false,\n pauseOnMouseEnter: false\n }\n });\n let timeout;\n let raf;\n let autoplayDelayTotal = params && params.autoplay ? params.autoplay.delay : 3000;\n let autoplayDelayCurrent = params && params.autoplay ? params.autoplay.delay : 3000;\n let autoplayTimeLeft;\n let autoplayStartTime = new Date().getTime();\n let wasPaused;\n let isTouched;\n let pausedByTouch;\n let touchStartTimeout;\n let slideChanged;\n let pausedByInteraction;\n let pausedByPointerEnter;\n function onTransitionEnd(e) {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.wrapperEl) return;\n if (e.target !== swiper.wrapperEl) return;\n swiper.wrapperEl.removeEventListener('transitionend', onTransitionEnd);\n if (pausedByPointerEnter || e.detail && e.detail.bySwiperTouchMove) {\n return;\n }\n resume();\n }\n const calcTimeLeft = () => {\n if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;\n if (swiper.autoplay.paused) {\n wasPaused = true;\n } else if (wasPaused) {\n autoplayDelayCurrent = autoplayTimeLeft;\n wasPaused = false;\n }\n const timeLeft = swiper.autoplay.paused ? autoplayTimeLeft : autoplayStartTime + autoplayDelayCurrent - new Date().getTime();\n swiper.autoplay.timeLeft = timeLeft;\n emit('autoplayTimeLeft', timeLeft, timeLeft / autoplayDelayTotal);\n raf = requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n calcTimeLeft();\n });\n };\n const getSlideDelay = () => {\n let activeSlideEl;\n if (swiper.virtual && swiper.params.virtual.enabled) {\n activeSlideEl = swiper.slides.filter(slideEl => slideEl.classList.contains('swiper-slide-active'))[0];\n } else {\n activeSlideEl = swiper.slides[swiper.activeIndex];\n }\n if (!activeSlideEl) return undefined;\n const currentSlideDelay = parseInt(activeSlideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-autoplay'), 10);\n return currentSlideDelay;\n };\n const run = delayForce => {\n if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;\n cancelAnimationFrame(raf);\n calcTimeLeft();\n let delay = typeof delayForce === 'undefined' ? swiper.params.autoplay.delay : delayForce;\n autoplayDelayTotal = swiper.params.autoplay.delay;\n autoplayDelayCurrent = swiper.params.autoplay.delay;\n const currentSlideDelay = getSlideDelay();\n if (!Number.isNaN(currentSlideDelay) && currentSlideDelay > 0 && typeof delayForce === 'undefined') {\n delay = currentSlideDelay;\n autoplayDelayTotal = currentSlideDelay;\n autoplayDelayCurrent = currentSlideDelay;\n }\n autoplayTimeLeft = delay;\n const speed = swiper.params.speed;\n const proceed = () => {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;\n if (swiper.params.autoplay.reverseDirection) {\n if (!swiper.isBeginning || swiper.params.loop || swiper.params.rewind) {\n swiper.slidePrev(speed, true, true);\n emit('autoplay');\n } else if (!swiper.params.autoplay.stopOnLastSlide) {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length - 1, speed, true, true);\n emit('autoplay');\n }\n } else {\n if (!swiper.isEnd || swiper.params.loop || swiper.params.rewind) {\n swiper.slideNext(speed, true, true);\n emit('autoplay');\n } else if (!swiper.params.autoplay.stopOnLastSlide) {\n swiper.slideTo(0, speed, true, true);\n emit('autoplay');\n }\n }\n if (swiper.params.cssMode) {\n autoplayStartTime = new Date().getTime();\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n run();\n });\n }\n };\n if (delay > 0) {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n timeout = setTimeout(() => {\n proceed();\n }, delay);\n } else {\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n proceed();\n });\n }\n\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n return delay;\n };\n const start = () => {\n autoplayStartTime = new Date().getTime();\n swiper.autoplay.running = true;\n run();\n emit('autoplayStart');\n };\n const stop = () => {\n swiper.autoplay.running = false;\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n cancelAnimationFrame(raf);\n emit('autoplayStop');\n };\n const pause = (internal, reset) => {\n if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n if (!internal) {\n pausedByInteraction = true;\n }\n const proceed = () => {\n emit('autoplayPause');\n if (swiper.params.autoplay.waitForTransition) {\n swiper.wrapperEl.addEventListener('transitionend', onTransitionEnd);\n } else {\n resume();\n }\n };\n swiper.autoplay.paused = true;\n if (reset) {\n if (slideChanged) {\n autoplayTimeLeft = swiper.params.autoplay.delay;\n }\n slideChanged = false;\n proceed();\n return;\n }\n const delay = autoplayTimeLeft || swiper.params.autoplay.delay;\n autoplayTimeLeft = delay - (new Date().getTime() - autoplayStartTime);\n if (swiper.isEnd && autoplayTimeLeft < 0 && !swiper.params.loop) return;\n if (autoplayTimeLeft < 0) autoplayTimeLeft = 0;\n proceed();\n };\n const resume = () => {\n if (swiper.isEnd && autoplayTimeLeft < 0 && !swiper.params.loop || swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;\n autoplayStartTime = new Date().getTime();\n if (pausedByInteraction) {\n pausedByInteraction = false;\n run(autoplayTimeLeft);\n } else {\n run();\n }\n swiper.autoplay.paused = false;\n emit('autoplayResume');\n };\n const onVisibilityChange = () => {\n if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;\n const document = getDocument();\n if (document.visibilityState === 'hidden') {\n pausedByInteraction = true;\n pause(true);\n }\n if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {\n resume();\n }\n };\n const onPointerEnter = e => {\n if (e.pointerType !== 'mouse') return;\n pausedByInteraction = true;\n pausedByPointerEnter = true;\n if (swiper.animating || swiper.autoplay.paused) return;\n pause(true);\n };\n const onPointerLeave = e => {\n if (e.pointerType !== 'mouse') return;\n pausedByPointerEnter = false;\n if (swiper.autoplay.paused) {\n resume();\n }\n };\n const attachMouseEvents = () => {\n if (swiper.params.autoplay.pauseOnMouseEnter) {\n swiper.el.addEventListener('pointerenter', onPointerEnter);\n swiper.el.addEventListener('pointerleave', onPointerLeave);\n }\n };\n const detachMouseEvents = () => {\n if (swiper.el && typeof swiper.el !== 'string') {\n swiper.el.removeEventListener('pointerenter', onPointerEnter);\n swiper.el.removeEventListener('pointerleave', onPointerLeave);\n }\n };\n const attachDocumentEvents = () => {\n const document = getDocument();\n document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);\n };\n const detachDocumentEvents = () => {\n const document = getDocument();\n document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);\n };\n on('init', () => {\n if (swiper.params.autoplay.enabled) {\n attachMouseEvents();\n attachDocumentEvents();\n start();\n }\n });\n on('destroy', () => {\n detachMouseEvents();\n detachDocumentEvents();\n if (swiper.autoplay.running) {\n stop();\n }\n });\n on('_freeModeStaticRelease', () => {\n if (pausedByTouch || pausedByInteraction) {\n resume();\n }\n });\n on('_freeModeNoMomentumRelease', () => {\n if (!swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {\n pause(true, true);\n } else {\n stop();\n }\n });\n on('beforeTransitionStart', (_s, speed, internal) => {\n if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;\n if (internal || !swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {\n pause(true, true);\n } else {\n stop();\n }\n });\n on('sliderFirstMove', () => {\n if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;\n if (swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {\n stop();\n return;\n }\n isTouched = true;\n pausedByTouch = false;\n pausedByInteraction = false;\n touchStartTimeout = setTimeout(() => {\n pausedByInteraction = true;\n pausedByTouch = true;\n pause(true);\n }, 200);\n });\n on('touchEnd', () => {\n if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running || !isTouched) return;\n clearTimeout(touchStartTimeout);\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n if (swiper.params.autoplay.disableOnInteraction) {\n pausedByTouch = false;\n isTouched = false;\n return;\n }\n if (pausedByTouch && swiper.params.cssMode) resume();\n pausedByTouch = false;\n isTouched = false;\n });\n on('slideChange', () => {\n if (swiper.destroyed || !swiper.autoplay.running) return;\n slideChanged = true;\n });\n Object.assign(swiper.autoplay, {\n start,\n stop,\n pause,\n resume\n });\n}\nexport { Autoplay as default };","import { d as now, k as elementTransitionEnd } from '../shared/utils.mjs';\nfunction freeMode(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n extendParams,\n emit,\n once\n } = _ref;\n extendParams({\n freeMode: {\n enabled: false,\n momentum: true,\n momentumRatio: 1,\n momentumBounce: true,\n momentumBounceRatio: 1,\n momentumVelocityRatio: 1,\n sticky: false,\n minimumVelocity: 0.02\n }\n });\n function onTouchStart() {\n if (swiper.params.cssMode) return;\n const translate = swiper.getTranslate();\n swiper.setTranslate(translate);\n swiper.setTransition(0);\n swiper.touchEventsData.velocities.length = 0;\n swiper.freeMode.onTouchEnd({\n currentPos: swiper.rtl ? swiper.translate : -swiper.translate\n });\n }\n function onTouchMove() {\n if (swiper.params.cssMode) return;\n const {\n touchEventsData: data,\n touches\n } = swiper;\n // Velocity\n if (data.velocities.length === 0) {\n data.velocities.push({\n position: touches[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'startX' : 'startY'],\n time: data.touchStartTime\n });\n }\n data.velocities.push({\n position: touches[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'currentX' : 'currentY'],\n time: now()\n });\n }\n function onTouchEnd(_ref2) {\n let {\n currentPos\n } = _ref2;\n if (swiper.params.cssMode) return;\n const {\n params,\n wrapperEl,\n rtlTranslate: rtl,\n snapGrid,\n touchEventsData: data\n } = swiper;\n // Time diff\n const touchEndTime = now();\n const timeDiff = touchEndTime - data.touchStartTime;\n if (currentPos < -swiper.minTranslate()) {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.activeIndex);\n return;\n }\n if (currentPos > -swiper.maxTranslate()) {\n if (swiper.slides.length < snapGrid.length) {\n swiper.slideTo(snapGrid.length - 1);\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.length - 1);\n }\n return;\n }\n if (params.freeMode.momentum) {\n if (data.velocities.length > 1) {\n const lastMoveEvent = data.velocities.pop();\n const velocityEvent = data.velocities.pop();\n const distance = lastMoveEvent.position - velocityEvent.position;\n const time = lastMoveEvent.time - velocityEvent.time;\n swiper.velocity = distance / time;\n swiper.velocity /= 2;\n if (Math.abs(swiper.velocity) < params.freeMode.minimumVelocity) {\n swiper.velocity = 0;\n }\n // this implies that the user stopped moving a finger then released.\n // There would be no events with distance zero, so the last event is stale.\n if (time > 150 || now() - lastMoveEvent.time > 300) {\n swiper.velocity = 0;\n }\n } else {\n swiper.velocity = 0;\n }\n swiper.velocity *= params.freeMode.momentumVelocityRatio;\n data.velocities.length = 0;\n let momentumDuration = 1000 * params.freeMode.momentumRatio;\n const momentumDistance = swiper.velocity * momentumDuration;\n let newPosition = swiper.translate + momentumDistance;\n if (rtl) newPosition = -newPosition;\n let doBounce = false;\n let afterBouncePosition;\n const bounceAmount = Math.abs(swiper.velocity) * 20 * params.freeMode.momentumBounceRatio;\n let needsLoopFix;\n if (newPosition < swiper.maxTranslate()) {\n if (params.freeMode.momentumBounce) {\n if (newPosition + swiper.maxTranslate() < -bounceAmount) {\n newPosition = swiper.maxTranslate() - bounceAmount;\n }\n afterBouncePosition = swiper.maxTranslate();\n doBounce = true;\n data.allowMomentumBounce = true;\n } else {\n newPosition = swiper.maxTranslate();\n }\n if (params.loop && params.centeredSlides) needsLoopFix = true;\n } else if (newPosition > swiper.minTranslate()) {\n if (params.freeMode.momentumBounce) {\n if (newPosition - swiper.minTranslate() > bounceAmount) {\n newPosition = swiper.minTranslate() + bounceAmount;\n }\n afterBouncePosition = swiper.minTranslate();\n doBounce = true;\n data.allowMomentumBounce = true;\n } else {\n newPosition = swiper.minTranslate();\n }\n if (params.loop && params.centeredSlides) needsLoopFix = true;\n } else if (params.freeMode.sticky) {\n let nextSlide;\n for (let j = 0; j < snapGrid.length; j += 1) {\n if (snapGrid[j] > -newPosition) {\n nextSlide = j;\n break;\n }\n }\n if (Math.abs(snapGrid[nextSlide] - newPosition) < Math.abs(snapGrid[nextSlide - 1] - newPosition) || swiper.swipeDirection === 'next') {\n newPosition = snapGrid[nextSlide];\n } else {\n newPosition = snapGrid[nextSlide - 1];\n }\n newPosition = -newPosition;\n }\n if (needsLoopFix) {\n once('transitionEnd', () => {\n swiper.loopFix();\n });\n }\n // Fix duration\n if (swiper.velocity !== 0) {\n if (rtl) {\n momentumDuration = Math.abs((-newPosition - swiper.translate) / swiper.velocity);\n } else {\n momentumDuration = Math.abs((newPosition - swiper.translate) / swiper.velocity);\n }\n if (params.freeMode.sticky) {\n // If freeMode.sticky is active and the user ends a swipe with a slow-velocity\n // event, then durations can be 20+ seconds to slide one (or zero!) slides.\n // It's easy to see this when simulating touch with mouse events. To fix this,\n // limit single-slide swipes to the default slide duration. This also has the\n // nice side effect of matching slide speed if the user stopped moving before\n // lifting finger or mouse vs. moving slowly before lifting the finger/mouse.\n // For faster swipes, also apply limits (albeit higher ones).\n const moveDistance = Math.abs((rtl ? -newPosition : newPosition) - swiper.translate);\n const currentSlideSize = swiper.slidesSizesGrid[swiper.activeIndex];\n if (moveDistance < currentSlideSize) {\n momentumDuration = params.speed;\n } else if (moveDistance < 2 * currentSlideSize) {\n momentumDuration = params.speed * 1.5;\n } else {\n momentumDuration = params.speed * 2.5;\n }\n }\n } else if (params.freeMode.sticky) {\n swiper.slideToClosest();\n return;\n }\n if (params.freeMode.momentumBounce && doBounce) {\n swiper.updateProgress(afterBouncePosition);\n swiper.setTransition(momentumDuration);\n swiper.setTranslate(newPosition);\n swiper.transitionStart(true, swiper.swipeDirection);\n swiper.animating = true;\n elementTransitionEnd(wrapperEl, () => {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed || !data.allowMomentumBounce) return;\n emit('momentumBounce');\n swiper.setTransition(params.speed);\n setTimeout(() => {\n swiper.setTranslate(afterBouncePosition);\n elementTransitionEnd(wrapperEl, () => {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;\n swiper.transitionEnd();\n });\n }, 0);\n });\n } else if (swiper.velocity) {\n emit('_freeModeNoMomentumRelease');\n swiper.updateProgress(newPosition);\n swiper.setTransition(momentumDuration);\n swiper.setTranslate(newPosition);\n swiper.transitionStart(true, swiper.swipeDirection);\n if (!swiper.animating) {\n swiper.animating = true;\n elementTransitionEnd(wrapperEl, () => {\n if (!swiper || swiper.destroyed) return;\n swiper.transitionEnd();\n });\n }\n } else {\n swiper.updateProgress(newPosition);\n }\n swiper.updateActiveIndex();\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n } else if (params.freeMode.sticky) {\n swiper.slideToClosest();\n return;\n } else if (params.freeMode) {\n emit('_freeModeNoMomentumRelease');\n }\n if (!params.freeMode.momentum || timeDiff >= params.longSwipesMs) {\n emit('_freeModeStaticRelease');\n swiper.updateProgress();\n swiper.updateActiveIndex();\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n }\n }\n Object.assign(swiper, {\n freeMode: {\n onTouchStart,\n onTouchMove,\n onTouchEnd\n }\n });\n}\nexport { freeMode as default };","import { g as getSlideTransformEl, c as createElement } from './utils.mjs';\nfunction createShadow(suffix, slideEl, side) {\n const shadowClass = `swiper-slide-shadow${side ? `-${side}` : ''}${suffix ? ` swiper-slide-shadow-${suffix}` : ''}`;\n const shadowContainer = getSlideTransformEl(slideEl);\n let shadowEl = shadowContainer.querySelector(`.${shadowClass.split(' ').join('.')}`);\n if (!shadowEl) {\n shadowEl = createElement('div', shadowClass.split(' '));\n shadowContainer.append(shadowEl);\n }\n return shadowEl;\n}\nexport { createShadow as c };","function effectInit(params) {\n const {\n effect,\n swiper,\n on,\n setTranslate,\n setTransition,\n overwriteParams,\n perspective,\n recreateShadows,\n getEffectParams\n } = params;\n on('beforeInit', () => {\n if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;\n swiper.classNames.push(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}${effect}`);\n if (perspective && perspective()) {\n swiper.classNames.push(`${swiper.params.containerModifierClass}3d`);\n }\n const overwriteParamsResult = overwriteParams ? overwriteParams() : {};\n Object.assign(swiper.params, overwriteParamsResult);\n Object.assign(swiper.originalParams, overwriteParamsResult);\n });\n on('setTranslate', () => {\n if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;\n setTranslate();\n });\n on('setTransition', (_s, duration) => {\n if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;\n setTransition(duration);\n });\n on('transitionEnd', () => {\n if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;\n if (recreateShadows) {\n if (!getEffectParams || !getEffectParams().slideShadows) return;\n // remove shadows\n swiper.slides.forEach(slideEl => {\n slideEl.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').forEach(shadowEl => shadowEl.remove());\n });\n // create new one\n recreateShadows();\n }\n });\n let requireUpdateOnVirtual;\n on('virtualUpdate', () => {\n if (swiper.params.effect !== effect) return;\n if (!swiper.slides.length) {\n requireUpdateOnVirtual = true;\n }\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n if (requireUpdateOnVirtual && swiper.slides && swiper.slides.length) {\n setTranslate();\n requireUpdateOnVirtual = false;\n }\n });\n });\n}\nexport { effectInit as e };","import { g as getSlideTransformEl } from './utils.mjs';\nfunction effectTarget(effectParams, slideEl) {\n const transformEl = getSlideTransformEl(slideEl);\n if (transformEl !== slideEl) {\n transformEl.style.backfaceVisibility = 'hidden';\n transformEl.style['-webkit-backface-visibility'] = 'hidden';\n }\n return transformEl;\n}\nexport { effectTarget as e };","import { c as createShadow } from '../shared/create-shadow.mjs';\nimport { e as effectInit } from '../shared/effect-init.mjs';\nimport { e as effectTarget } from '../shared/effect-target.mjs';\nimport { g as getSlideTransformEl, o as getRotateFix } from '../shared/utils.mjs';\nfunction EffectCoverflow(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n extendParams,\n on\n } = _ref;\n extendParams({\n coverflowEffect: {\n rotate: 50,\n stretch: 0,\n depth: 100,\n scale: 1,\n modifier: 1,\n slideShadows: true\n }\n });\n const setTranslate = () => {\n const {\n width: swiperWidth,\n height: swiperHeight,\n slides,\n slidesSizesGrid\n } = swiper;\n const params = swiper.params.coverflowEffect;\n const isHorizontal = swiper.isHorizontal();\n const transform = swiper.translate;\n const center = isHorizontal ? -transform + swiperWidth / 2 : -transform + swiperHeight / 2;\n const rotate = isHorizontal ? params.rotate : -params.rotate;\n const translate = params.depth;\n const r = getRotateFix(swiper);\n // Each slide offset from center\n for (let i = 0, length = slides.length; i < length; i += 1) {\n const slideEl = slides[i];\n const slideSize = slidesSizesGrid[i];\n const slideOffset = slideEl.swiperSlideOffset;\n const centerOffset = (center - slideOffset - slideSize / 2) / slideSize;\n const offsetMultiplier = typeof params.modifier === 'function' ? params.modifier(centerOffset) : centerOffset * params.modifier;\n let rotateY = isHorizontal ? rotate * offsetMultiplier : 0;\n let rotateX = isHorizontal ? 0 : rotate * offsetMultiplier;\n // var rotateZ = 0\n let translateZ = -translate * Math.abs(offsetMultiplier);\n let stretch = params.stretch;\n // Allow percentage to make a relative stretch for responsive sliders\n if (typeof stretch === 'string' && stretch.indexOf('%') !== -1) {\n stretch = parseFloat(params.stretch) / 100 * slideSize;\n }\n let translateY = isHorizontal ? 0 : stretch * offsetMultiplier;\n let translateX = isHorizontal ? stretch * offsetMultiplier : 0;\n let scale = 1 - (1 - params.scale) * Math.abs(offsetMultiplier);\n\n // Fix for ultra small values\n if (Math.abs(translateX) < 0.001) translateX = 0;\n if (Math.abs(translateY) < 0.001) translateY = 0;\n if (Math.abs(translateZ) < 0.001) translateZ = 0;\n if (Math.abs(rotateY) < 0.001) rotateY = 0;\n if (Math.abs(rotateX) < 0.001) rotateX = 0;\n if (Math.abs(scale) < 0.001) scale = 0;\n const slideTransform = `translate3d(${translateX}px,${translateY}px,${translateZ}px) rotateX(${r(rotateX)}deg) rotateY(${r(rotateY)}deg) scale(${scale})`;\n const targetEl = effectTarget(params, slideEl);\n targetEl.style.transform = slideTransform;\n slideEl.style.zIndex = -Math.abs(Math.round(offsetMultiplier)) + 1;\n if (params.slideShadows) {\n // Set shadows\n let shadowBeforeEl = isHorizontal ? slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-left') : slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-top');\n let shadowAfterEl = isHorizontal ? slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-right') : slideEl.querySelector('.swiper-slide-shadow-bottom');\n if (!shadowBeforeEl) {\n shadowBeforeEl = createShadow('coverflow', slideEl, isHorizontal ? 'left' : 'top');\n }\n if (!shadowAfterEl) {\n shadowAfterEl = createShadow('coverflow', slideEl, isHorizontal ? 'right' : 'bottom');\n }\n if (shadowBeforeEl) shadowBeforeEl.style.opacity = offsetMultiplier > 0 ? offsetMultiplier : 0;\n if (shadowAfterEl) shadowAfterEl.style.opacity = -offsetMultiplier > 0 ? -offsetMultiplier : 0;\n }\n }\n };\n const setTransition = duration => {\n const transformElements = swiper.slides.map(slideEl => getSlideTransformEl(slideEl));\n transformElements.forEach(el => {\n el.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;\n el.querySelectorAll('.swiper-slide-shadow-top, .swiper-slide-shadow-right, .swiper-slide-shadow-bottom, .swiper-slide-shadow-left').forEach(shadowEl => {\n shadowEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;\n });\n });\n };\n effectInit({\n effect: 'coverflow',\n swiper,\n on,\n setTranslate,\n setTransition,\n perspective: () => true,\n overwriteParams: () => ({\n watchSlidesProgress: true\n })\n });\n}\nexport { EffectCoverflow as default };","import { g as getDocument } from '../shared/ssr-window.esm.mjs';\nimport { m as makeElementsArray, i as classesToTokens, c as createElement, n as nextTick, b as elementOffset } from '../shared/utils.mjs';\nimport { c as createElementIfNotDefined } from '../shared/create-element-if-not-defined.mjs';\nimport { c as classesToSelector } from '../shared/classes-to-selector.mjs';\nfunction Scrollbar(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n extendParams,\n on,\n emit\n } = _ref;\n const document = getDocument();\n let isTouched = false;\n let timeout = null;\n let dragTimeout = null;\n let dragStartPos;\n let dragSize;\n let trackSize;\n let divider;\n extendParams({\n scrollbar: {\n el: null,\n dragSize: 'auto',\n hide: false,\n draggable: false,\n snapOnRelease: true,\n lockClass: 'swiper-scrollbar-lock',\n dragClass: 'swiper-scrollbar-drag',\n scrollbarDisabledClass: 'swiper-scrollbar-disabled',\n horizontalClass: `swiper-scrollbar-horizontal`,\n verticalClass: `swiper-scrollbar-vertical`\n }\n });\n swiper.scrollbar = {\n el: null,\n dragEl: null\n };\n function setTranslate() {\n if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;\n const {\n scrollbar,\n rtlTranslate: rtl\n } = swiper;\n const {\n dragEl,\n el\n } = scrollbar;\n const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;\n const progress = swiper.params.loop ? swiper.progressLoop : swiper.progress;\n let newSize = dragSize;\n let newPos = (trackSize - dragSize) * progress;\n if (rtl) {\n newPos = -newPos;\n if (newPos > 0) {\n newSize = dragSize - newPos;\n newPos = 0;\n } else if (-newPos + dragSize > trackSize) {\n newSize = trackSize + newPos;\n }\n } else if (newPos < 0) {\n newSize = dragSize + newPos;\n newPos = 0;\n } else if (newPos + dragSize > trackSize) {\n newSize = trackSize - newPos;\n }\n if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {\n dragEl.style.transform = `translate3d(${newPos}px, 0, 0)`;\n dragEl.style.width = `${newSize}px`;\n } else {\n dragEl.style.transform = `translate3d(0px, ${newPos}px, 0)`;\n dragEl.style.height = `${newSize}px`;\n }\n if (params.hide) {\n clearTimeout(timeout);\n el.style.opacity = 1;\n timeout = setTimeout(() => {\n el.style.opacity = 0;\n el.style.transitionDuration = '400ms';\n }, 1000);\n }\n }\n function setTransition(duration) {\n if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;\n swiper.scrollbar.dragEl.style.transitionDuration = `${duration}ms`;\n }\n function updateSize() {\n if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;\n const {\n scrollbar\n } = swiper;\n const {\n dragEl,\n el\n } = scrollbar;\n dragEl.style.width = '';\n dragEl.style.height = '';\n trackSize = swiper.isHorizontal() ? el.offsetWidth : el.offsetHeight;\n divider = swiper.size / (swiper.virtualSize + swiper.params.slidesOffsetBefore - (swiper.params.centeredSlides ? swiper.snapGrid[0] : 0));\n if (swiper.params.scrollbar.dragSize === 'auto') {\n dragSize = trackSize * divider;\n } else {\n dragSize = parseInt(swiper.params.scrollbar.dragSize, 10);\n }\n if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {\n dragEl.style.width = `${dragSize}px`;\n } else {\n dragEl.style.height = `${dragSize}px`;\n }\n if (divider >= 1) {\n el.style.display = 'none';\n } else {\n el.style.display = '';\n }\n if (swiper.params.scrollbar.hide) {\n el.style.opacity = 0;\n }\n if (swiper.params.watchOverflow && swiper.enabled) {\n scrollbar.el.classList[swiper.isLocked ? 'add' : 'remove'](swiper.params.scrollbar.lockClass);\n }\n }\n function getPointerPosition(e) {\n return swiper.isHorizontal() ? e.clientX : e.clientY;\n }\n function setDragPosition(e) {\n const {\n scrollbar,\n rtlTranslate: rtl\n } = swiper;\n const {\n el\n } = scrollbar;\n let positionRatio;\n positionRatio = (getPointerPosition(e) - elementOffset(el)[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top'] - (dragStartPos !== null ? dragStartPos : dragSize / 2)) / (trackSize - dragSize);\n positionRatio = Math.max(Math.min(positionRatio, 1), 0);\n if (rtl) {\n positionRatio = 1 - positionRatio;\n }\n const position = swiper.minTranslate() + (swiper.maxTranslate() - swiper.minTranslate()) * positionRatio;\n swiper.updateProgress(position);\n swiper.setTranslate(position);\n swiper.updateActiveIndex();\n swiper.updateSlidesClasses();\n }\n function onDragStart(e) {\n const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;\n const {\n scrollbar,\n wrapperEl\n } = swiper;\n const {\n el,\n dragEl\n } = scrollbar;\n isTouched = true;\n dragStartPos = e.target === dragEl ? getPointerPosition(e) - e.target.getBoundingClientRect()[swiper.isHorizontal() ? 'left' : 'top'] : null;\n e.preventDefault();\n e.stopPropagation();\n wrapperEl.style.transitionDuration = '100ms';\n dragEl.style.transitionDuration = '100ms';\n setDragPosition(e);\n clearTimeout(dragTimeout);\n el.style.transitionDuration = '0ms';\n if (params.hide) {\n el.style.opacity = 1;\n }\n if (swiper.params.cssMode) {\n swiper.wrapperEl.style['scroll-snap-type'] = 'none';\n }\n emit('scrollbarDragStart', e);\n }\n function onDragMove(e) {\n const {\n scrollbar,\n wrapperEl\n } = swiper;\n const {\n el,\n dragEl\n } = scrollbar;\n if (!isTouched) return;\n if (e.preventDefault && e.cancelable) e.preventDefault();else e.returnValue = false;\n setDragPosition(e);\n wrapperEl.style.transitionDuration = '0ms';\n el.style.transitionDuration = '0ms';\n dragEl.style.transitionDuration = '0ms';\n emit('scrollbarDragMove', e);\n }\n function onDragEnd(e) {\n const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;\n const {\n scrollbar,\n wrapperEl\n } = swiper;\n const {\n el\n } = scrollbar;\n if (!isTouched) return;\n isTouched = false;\n if (swiper.params.cssMode) {\n swiper.wrapperEl.style['scroll-snap-type'] = '';\n wrapperEl.style.transitionDuration = '';\n }\n if (params.hide) {\n clearTimeout(dragTimeout);\n dragTimeout = nextTick(() => {\n el.style.opacity = 0;\n el.style.transitionDuration = '400ms';\n }, 1000);\n }\n emit('scrollbarDragEnd', e);\n if (params.snapOnRelease) {\n swiper.slideToClosest();\n }\n }\n function events(method) {\n const {\n scrollbar,\n params\n } = swiper;\n const el = scrollbar.el;\n if (!el) return;\n const target = el;\n const activeListener = params.passiveListeners ? {\n passive: false,\n capture: false\n } : false;\n const passiveListener = params.passiveListeners ? {\n passive: true,\n capture: false\n } : false;\n if (!target) return;\n const eventMethod = method === 'on' ? 'addEventListener' : 'removeEventListener';\n target[eventMethod]('pointerdown', onDragStart, activeListener);\n document[eventMethod]('pointermove', onDragMove, activeListener);\n document[eventMethod]('pointerup', onDragEnd, passiveListener);\n }\n function enableDraggable() {\n if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;\n events('on');\n }\n function disableDraggable() {\n if (!swiper.params.scrollbar.el || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;\n events('off');\n }\n function init() {\n const {\n scrollbar,\n el: swiperEl\n } = swiper;\n swiper.params.scrollbar = createElementIfNotDefined(swiper, swiper.originalParams.scrollbar, swiper.params.scrollbar, {\n el: 'swiper-scrollbar'\n });\n const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;\n if (!params.el) return;\n let el;\n if (typeof params.el === 'string' && swiper.isElement) {\n el = swiper.el.querySelector(params.el);\n }\n if (!el && typeof params.el === 'string') {\n el = document.querySelectorAll(params.el);\n if (!el.length) return;\n } else if (!el) {\n el = params.el;\n }\n if (swiper.params.uniqueNavElements && typeof params.el === 'string' && el.length > 1 && swiperEl.querySelectorAll(params.el).length === 1) {\n el = swiperEl.querySelector(params.el);\n }\n if (el.length > 0) el = el[0];\n el.classList.add(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);\n let dragEl;\n if (el) {\n dragEl = el.querySelector(classesToSelector(swiper.params.scrollbar.dragClass));\n if (!dragEl) {\n dragEl = createElement('div', swiper.params.scrollbar.dragClass);\n el.append(dragEl);\n }\n }\n Object.assign(scrollbar, {\n el,\n dragEl\n });\n if (params.draggable) {\n enableDraggable();\n }\n if (el) {\n el.classList[swiper.enabled ? 'remove' : 'add'](...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.lockClass));\n }\n }\n function destroy() {\n const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;\n const el = swiper.scrollbar.el;\n if (el) {\n el.classList.remove(...classesToTokens(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass));\n }\n disableDraggable();\n }\n on('changeDirection', () => {\n if (!swiper.scrollbar || !swiper.scrollbar.el) return;\n const params = swiper.params.scrollbar;\n let {\n el\n } = swiper.scrollbar;\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.classList.remove(params.horizontalClass, params.verticalClass);\n subEl.classList.add(swiper.isHorizontal() ? params.horizontalClass : params.verticalClass);\n });\n });\n on('init', () => {\n if (swiper.params.scrollbar.enabled === false) {\n // eslint-disable-next-line\n disable();\n } else {\n init();\n updateSize();\n setTranslate();\n }\n });\n on('update resize observerUpdate lock unlock changeDirection', () => {\n updateSize();\n });\n on('setTranslate', () => {\n setTranslate();\n });\n on('setTransition', (_s, duration) => {\n setTransition(duration);\n });\n on('enable disable', () => {\n const {\n el\n } = swiper.scrollbar;\n if (el) {\n el.classList[swiper.enabled ? 'remove' : 'add'](...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.lockClass));\n }\n });\n on('destroy', () => {\n destroy();\n });\n const enable = () => {\n swiper.el.classList.remove(...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbarDisabledClass));\n if (swiper.scrollbar.el) {\n swiper.scrollbar.el.classList.remove(...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbarDisabledClass));\n }\n init();\n updateSize();\n setTranslate();\n };\n const disable = () => {\n swiper.el.classList.add(...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbarDisabledClass));\n if (swiper.scrollbar.el) {\n swiper.scrollbar.el.classList.add(...classesToTokens(swiper.params.scrollbar.scrollbarDisabledClass));\n }\n destroy();\n };\n Object.assign(swiper.scrollbar, {\n enable,\n disable,\n updateSize,\n setTranslate,\n init,\n destroy\n });\n}\nexport { Scrollbar as default };","import { g as getDocument } from '../shared/ssr-window.esm.mjs';\nimport { c as classesToSelector } from '../shared/classes-to-selector.mjs';\nimport { c as createElement, h as elementIndex, m as makeElementsArray } from '../shared/utils.mjs';\nfunction A11y(_ref) {\n let {\n swiper,\n extendParams,\n on\n } = _ref;\n extendParams({\n a11y: {\n enabled: true,\n notificationClass: 'swiper-notification',\n prevSlideMessage: 'Previous slide',\n nextSlideMessage: 'Next slide',\n firstSlideMessage: 'This is the first slide',\n lastSlideMessage: 'This is the last slide',\n paginationBulletMessage: 'Go to slide {{index}}',\n slideLabelMessage: '{{index}} / {{slidesLength}}',\n containerMessage: null,\n containerRoleDescriptionMessage: null,\n containerRole: null,\n itemRoleDescriptionMessage: null,\n slideRole: 'group',\n id: null,\n scrollOnFocus: true\n }\n });\n swiper.a11y = {\n clicked: false\n };\n let liveRegion = null;\n let preventFocusHandler;\n let focusTargetSlideEl;\n let visibilityChangedTimestamp = new Date().getTime();\n function notify(message) {\n const notification = liveRegion;\n if (notification.length === 0) return;\n notification.innerHTML = '';\n notification.innerHTML = message;\n }\n function getRandomNumber(size) {\n if (size === void 0) {\n size = 16;\n }\n const randomChar = () => Math.round(16 * Math.random()).toString(16);\n return 'x'.repeat(size).replace(/x/g, randomChar);\n }\n function makeElFocusable(el) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.setAttribute('tabIndex', '0');\n });\n }\n function makeElNotFocusable(el) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.setAttribute('tabIndex', '-1');\n });\n }\n function addElRole(el, role) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.setAttribute('role', role);\n });\n }\n function addElRoleDescription(el, description) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.setAttribute('aria-roledescription', description);\n });\n }\n function addElControls(el, controls) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.setAttribute('aria-controls', controls);\n });\n }\n function addElLabel(el, label) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.setAttribute('aria-label', label);\n });\n }\n function addElId(el, id) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.setAttribute('id', id);\n });\n }\n function addElLive(el, live) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.setAttribute('aria-live', live);\n });\n }\n function disableEl(el) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.setAttribute('aria-disabled', true);\n });\n }\n function enableEl(el) {\n el = makeElementsArray(el);\n el.forEach(subEl => {\n subEl.setAttribute('aria-disabled', false);\n });\n }\n function onEnterOrSpaceKey(e) {\n if (e.keyCode !== 13 && e.keyCode !== 32) return;\n const params = swiper.params.a11y;\n const targetEl = e.target;\n if (swiper.pagination && swiper.pagination.el && (targetEl === swiper.pagination.el || swiper.pagination.el.contains(e.target))) {\n if (!e.target.matches(classesToSelector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletClass))) return;\n }\n if (swiper.navigation && swiper.navigation.prevEl && swiper.navigation.nextEl) {\n const prevEls = makeElementsArray(swiper.navigation.prevEl);\n const nextEls = makeElementsArray(swiper.navigation.nextEl);\n if (nextEls.includes(targetEl)) {\n if (!(swiper.isEnd && !swiper.params.loop)) {\n swiper.slideNext();\n }\n if (swiper.isEnd) {\n notify(params.lastSlideMessage);\n } else {\n notify(params.nextSlideMessage);\n }\n }\n if (prevEls.includes(targetEl)) {\n if (!(swiper.isBeginning && !swiper.params.loop)) {\n swiper.slidePrev();\n }\n if (swiper.isBeginning) {\n notify(params.firstSlideMessage);\n } else {\n notify(params.prevSlideMessage);\n }\n }\n }\n if (swiper.pagination && targetEl.matches(classesToSelector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletClass))) {\n targetEl.click();\n }\n }\n function updateNavigation() {\n if (swiper.params.loop || swiper.params.rewind || !swiper.navigation) return;\n const {\n nextEl,\n prevEl\n } = swiper.navigation;\n if (prevEl) {\n if (swiper.isBeginning) {\n disableEl(prevEl);\n makeElNotFocusable(prevEl);\n } else {\n enableEl(prevEl);\n makeElFocusable(prevEl);\n }\n }\n if (nextEl) {\n if (swiper.isEnd) {\n disableEl(nextEl);\n makeElNotFocusable(nextEl);\n } else {\n enableEl(nextEl);\n makeElFocusable(nextEl);\n }\n }\n }\n function hasPagination() {\n return swiper.pagination && swiper.pagination.bullets && swiper.pagination.bullets.length;\n }\n function hasClickablePagination() {\n return hasPagination() && swiper.params.pagination.clickable;\n }\n function updatePagination() {\n const params = swiper.params.a11y;\n if (!hasPagination()) return;\n swiper.pagination.bullets.forEach(bulletEl => {\n if (swiper.params.pagination.clickable) {\n makeElFocusable(bulletEl);\n if (!swiper.params.pagination.renderBullet) {\n addElRole(bulletEl, 'button');\n addElLabel(bulletEl, params.paginationBulletMessage.replace(/\\{\\{index\\}\\}/, elementIndex(bulletEl) + 1));\n }\n }\n if (bulletEl.matches(classesToSelector(swiper.params.pagination.bulletActiveClass))) {\n bulletEl.setAttribute('aria-current', 'true');\n } else {\n bulletEl.removeAttribute('aria-current');\n }\n });\n }\n const initNavEl = (el, wrapperId, message) => {\n makeElFocusable(el);\n if (el.tagName !== 'BUTTON') {\n addElRole(el, 'button');\n el.addEventListener('keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey);\n }\n addElLabel(el, message);\n addElControls(el, wrapperId);\n };\n const handlePointerDown = e => {\n if (focusTargetSlideEl && focusTargetSlideEl !== e.target && !focusTargetSlideEl.contains(e.target)) {\n preventFocusHandler = true;\n }\n swiper.a11y.clicked = true;\n };\n const handlePointerUp = () => {\n preventFocusHandler = false;\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n if (!swiper.destroyed) {\n swiper.a11y.clicked = false;\n }\n });\n });\n };\n const onVisibilityChange = e => {\n visibilityChangedTimestamp = new Date().getTime();\n };\n const handleFocus = e => {\n if (swiper.a11y.clicked || !swiper.params.a11y.scrollOnFocus) return;\n if (new Date().getTime() - visibilityChangedTimestamp < 100) return;\n const slideEl = e.target.closest(`.${swiper.params.slideClass}, swiper-slide`);\n if (!slideEl || !swiper.slides.includes(slideEl)) return;\n focusTargetSlideEl = slideEl;\n const isActive = swiper.slides.indexOf(slideEl) === swiper.activeIndex;\n const isVisible = swiper.params.watchSlidesProgress && swiper.visibleSlides && swiper.visibleSlides.includes(slideEl);\n if (isActive || isVisible) return;\n if (e.sourceCapabilities && e.sourceCapabilities.firesTouchEvents) return;\n if (swiper.isHorizontal()) {\n swiper.el.scrollLeft = 0;\n } else {\n swiper.el.scrollTop = 0;\n }\n requestAnimationFrame(() => {\n if (preventFocusHandler) return;\n if (swiper.params.loop) {\n swiper.slideToLoop(parseInt(slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index')), 0);\n } else {\n swiper.slideTo(swiper.slides.indexOf(slideEl), 0);\n }\n preventFocusHandler = false;\n });\n };\n const initSlides = () => {\n const params = swiper.params.a11y;\n if (params.itemRoleDescriptionMessage) {\n addElRoleDescription(swiper.slides, params.itemRoleDescriptionMessage);\n }\n if (params.slideRole) {\n addElRole(swiper.slides, params.slideRole);\n }\n const slidesLength = swiper.slides.length;\n if (params.slideLabelMessage) {\n swiper.slides.forEach((slideEl, index) => {\n const slideIndex = swiper.params.loop ? parseInt(slideEl.getAttribute('data-swiper-slide-index'), 10) : index;\n const ariaLabelMessage = params.slideLabelMessage.replace(/\\{\\{index\\}\\}/, slideIndex + 1).replace(/\\{\\{slidesLength\\}\\}/, slidesLength);\n addElLabel(slideEl, ariaLabelMessage);\n });\n }\n };\n const init = () => {\n const params = swiper.params.a11y;\n swiper.el.append(liveRegion);\n\n // Container\n const containerEl = swiper.el;\n if (params.containerRoleDescriptionMessage) {\n addElRoleDescription(containerEl, params.containerRoleDescriptionMessage);\n }\n if (params.containerMessage) {\n addElLabel(containerEl, params.containerMessage);\n }\n if (params.containerRole) {\n addElRole(containerEl, params.containerRole);\n }\n\n // Wrapper\n const wrapperEl = swiper.wrapperEl;\n const wrapperId = params.id || wrapperEl.getAttribute('id') || `swiper-wrapper-${getRandomNumber(16)}`;\n const live = swiper.params.autoplay && swiper.params.autoplay.enabled ? 'off' : 'polite';\n addElId(wrapperEl, wrapperId);\n addElLive(wrapperEl, live);\n\n // Slide\n initSlides();\n\n // Navigation\n let {\n nextEl,\n prevEl\n } = swiper.navigation ? swiper.navigation : {};\n nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);\n prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);\n if (nextEl) {\n nextEl.forEach(el => initNavEl(el, wrapperId, params.nextSlideMessage));\n }\n if (prevEl) {\n prevEl.forEach(el => initNavEl(el, wrapperId, params.prevSlideMessage));\n }\n\n // Pagination\n if (hasClickablePagination()) {\n const paginationEl = makeElementsArray(swiper.pagination.el);\n paginationEl.forEach(el => {\n el.addEventListener('keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey);\n });\n }\n\n // Tab focus\n const document = getDocument();\n document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);\n swiper.el.addEventListener('focus', handleFocus, true);\n swiper.el.addEventListener('focus', handleFocus, true);\n swiper.el.addEventListener('pointerdown', handlePointerDown, true);\n swiper.el.addEventListener('pointerup', handlePointerUp, true);\n };\n function destroy() {\n if (liveRegion) liveRegion.remove();\n let {\n nextEl,\n prevEl\n } = swiper.navigation ? swiper.navigation : {};\n nextEl = makeElementsArray(nextEl);\n prevEl = makeElementsArray(prevEl);\n if (nextEl) {\n nextEl.forEach(el => el.removeEventListener('keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey));\n }\n if (prevEl) {\n prevEl.forEach(el => el.removeEventListener('keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey));\n }\n\n // Pagination\n if (hasClickablePagination()) {\n const paginationEl = makeElementsArray(swiper.pagination.el);\n paginationEl.forEach(el => {\n el.removeEventListener('keydown', onEnterOrSpaceKey);\n });\n }\n const document = getDocument();\n document.removeEventListener('visibilitychange', onVisibilityChange);\n // Tab focus\n if (swiper.el && typeof swiper.el !== 'string') {\n swiper.el.removeEventListener('focus', handleFocus, true);\n swiper.el.removeEventListener('pointerdown', handlePointerDown, true);\n swiper.el.removeEventListener('pointerup', handlePointerUp, true);\n }\n }\n on('beforeInit', () => {\n liveRegion = createElement('span', swiper.params.a11y.notificationClass);\n liveRegion.setAttribute('aria-live', 'assertive');\n liveRegion.setAttribute('aria-atomic', 'true');\n });\n on('afterInit', () => {\n if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;\n init();\n });\n on('slidesLengthChange snapGridLengthChange slidesGridLengthChange', () => {\n if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;\n initSlides();\n });\n on('fromEdge toEdge afterInit lock unlock', () => {\n if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;\n updateNavigation();\n });\n on('paginationUpdate', () => {\n if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;\n updatePagination();\n });\n on('destroy', () => {\n if (!swiper.params.a11y.enabled) return;\n destroy();\n });\n}\nexport { A11y as default };","
\n \n
\n @if (showPagination()) {\n @if (swiperOptions().pagination) {\n
\n }\n @if (swiperOptions().navigation) {\n
\n }\n }\n
\n","import { NgClass } from '@angular/common';\nimport { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, NgZone, OnDestroy, ViewChild, effect, inject, input } from '@angular/core';\n\nimport { RxStrategyProvider } from '@rx-angular/cdk/render-strategies';\nimport Swiper from 'swiper';\nimport { Autoplay, Navigation, Pagination } from 'swiper/modules';\nimport { SwiperModule, SwiperOptions } from 'swiper/types';\nimport { NavigationOptions } from 'swiper/types/modules/navigation';\nimport { PaginationOptions } from 'swiper/types/modules/pagination';\n\n@Component({\n standalone: true,\n selector: 'vn-swiper',\n templateUrl: 'swiper.html',\n imports: [NgClass],\n})\nexport class SwiperComponent implements AfterViewInit, OnDestroy {\n private ngZone = inject(NgZone);\n private strategy = inject(RxStrategyProvider);\n\n @ViewChild('swiperContainer') swiperRef: ElementRef;\n\n private readonly defaultOptions: SwiperOptions = {\n modules: [],\n navigation: {\n nextEl: '.swiper-button-next',\n prevEl: '.swiper-button-prev',\n },\n pagination: {\n clickable: true,\n el: '.swiper-pagination',\n type: 'bullets',\n },\n };\n\n showPagination = input(true);\n swiperOptions = input(this.defaultOptions, {\n transform: (options) => this.sanitizeOptions(options),\n });\n swiperClass = input('', {\n transform: (value) => (Array.isArray(value) ? value.filter((v: string) => v !== undefined) : value || ''),\n });\n\n ngAfterViewInit() {\n this.ngZone.runOutsideAngular(() => {\n this.swiper = new Swiper(this.swiperRef.nativeElement, this.swiperOptions());\n });\n }\n\n constructor() {\n effect(() => {\n const options = this.swiperOptions();\n if (this.swiper) {\n this.swiper.params = this.syncedSwiperParams(options, this.swiper.params);\n }\n });\n }\n\n swiper: Swiper;\n\n private sanitizeOptions(options: SwiperOptions): SwiperOptions {\n const extendedModules: SwiperModule[] = [];\n\n if (options.navigation === true) {\n options.navigation = this.defaultOptions.navigation;\n extendedModules.push(Navigation);\n }\n\n if (options.pagination === true) {\n options.pagination = this.defaultOptions.pagination;\n extendedModules.push(Pagination);\n }\n\n if (options.autoplay === true) {\n extendedModules.push(Autoplay);\n }\n\n options.modules = [...new Set([...(options.modules || []), ...(extendedModules || [])])];\n\n return options;\n }\n\n private syncedSwiperParams(updatedOptions: SwiperOptions, params: SwiperOptions): SwiperOptions {\n return Object.entries(updatedOptions).reduce(\n (acc, [key, value]) => {\n const paramKey = key as keyof SwiperOptions;\n const param = params[paramKey];\n const isObjParam = typeof value === 'object' && typeof param === 'object';\n return { ...acc, [paramKey]: isObjParam ? { ...param, ...value } : value };\n },\n { ...params },\n );\n }\n\n ngOnDestroy() {\n this.strategy.schedule(() => this.swiper.destroy(false, false)).subscribe();\n }\n}\n","import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\nimport { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';\nimport { Component, ElementRef, Input, OnInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';\n\nimport { ContentImage, WindowEvent } from '@frontend/vanilla/core';\n\n@Component({\n standalone: true,\n imports: [CommonModule],\n selector: 'vn-svg',\n templateUrl: './svg.component.html',\n})\nexport class SvgComponent implements OnInit {\n @ViewChild('svg') public svg: ElementRef;\n @Input() containerClass: string;\n @Input() displayMode = 'svg';\n @Input() image: ContentImage;\n @Input() viewBox: string;\n @Input() defaultAnimation: boolean;\n @Input() customAnimation: string;\n @Input() iconType: string;\n @Input() size: string;\n @Input() cssClass: string;\n @Input() animationClass: string;\n\n constructor(private httpClient: HttpClient) {}\n\n ngOnInit() {\n this.httpClient.get(this.image.src, { responseType: 'text' }).subscribe((value) => {\n const doc = new DOMParser().parseFromString(value, 'image/svg+xml');\n const svgImage = doc.getElementsByTagName('svg')[0]!;\n\n if (svgImage) {\n if (!svgImage.hasAttribute('viewBox') && this.viewBox) {\n svgImage.setAttribute('viewBox', this.viewBox);\n }\n\n if (this.displayMode === 'svg-icon') {\n this.setClass(svgImage);\n this.setStyle(svgImage);\n }\n }\n\n this.svg.nativeElement.appendChild(svgImage);\n });\n }\n\n setClass(svgImage: SVGElement) {\n svgImage.classList.add('th-icon');\n\n if (this.cssClass) {\n const classes = this.cssClass.split(',');\n classes.forEach((c) => svgImage.classList.add(c.trim()));\n }\n\n switch (this.iconType) {\n case 'stroke':\n svgImage.classList.add('th-icon--stk');\n if (this.defaultAnimation) {\n svgImage.classList.add('th-icon-animate-draw');\n }\n break;\n case 'stroke--bold':\n svgImage.classList.add('th-icon-stk', 'th-icon-stk--bold');\n break;\n case 'stroke--thin':\n svgImage.classList.add('th-icon-stk', 'th-icon-stk--thin');\n break;\n case 'filled':\n svgImage.classList.add('th-icon--fill');\n if (this.defaultAnimation) {\n svgImage.classList.add('th-icon-animate-fill');\n }\n break;\n }\n\n switch (this.size) {\n case 'big':\n svgImage.classList.add('th-icon--lg');\n break;\n case 'small':\n svgImage.classList.add('th-icon--sm');\n break;\n }\n }\n\n setStyle(svgImage: SVGElement) {\n if (this.image.height) {\n svgImage.style.setProperty('height', `${this.image.height}px`);\n }\n\n if (this.image.width) {\n svgImage.style.setProperty('width', `${this.image.width}px`);\n }\n\n if (this.customAnimation && !this.defaultAnimation) {\n const customStyle = this.customAnimation.split(';');\n\n customStyle.forEach((s) => {\n const style = s.split(':');\n\n if (style?.length > 0) {\n svgImage.style.setProperty(style[0]!.trim(), style[1]!);\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n animate() {\n if (this.animationClass) {\n this.svg.nativeElement.classList.add(this.animationClass);\n this.svg.nativeElement.addEventListener(WindowEvent.AnimationEnd, () => this.svg.nativeElement.classList.remove(this.animationClass));\n }\n }\n}\n","
\n","import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';\n\nimport { ClientConfigProductName, LazyClientConfig, LazyClientConfigBase, LazyClientConfigService } from '@frontend/vanilla/core';\n\nimport { IconsModel } from './icons-model';\n\n@LazyClientConfig({ key: 'vnIconset', product: ClientConfigProductName.SF })\n@Injectable({\n providedIn: 'root',\n deps: [LazyClientConfigService],\n useFactory: iconsFactory,\n})\nexport class IconsetConfig extends LazyClientConfigBase {\n iconItems: IconsModel[];\n}\n\nexport function iconsFactory(service: LazyClientConfigService) {\n return service.get(IconsetConfig);\n}\n","import { Injectable, inject } from '@angular/core';\n\nimport { IconsModel } from './icons-model';\nimport { IconsetConfig } from './icons.client-config';\n\n@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })\nexport class IconFastService {\n config = inject(IconsetConfig);\n\n getIconParameter(uniqueIconName: string, parameter: string) {\n if (this.config.iconItems) {\n const matchingIcon: IconsModel = this.config.iconItems.find(\n (data: IconsModel) => data.name === uniqueIconName || data.iconName === uniqueIconName,\n ) || {\n name: 'notfound',\n iconName: '',\n parameters: { urlId: '' },\n image: { src: '' },\n };\n\n if (matchingIcon.name != 'notfound') {\n return this.getAvailableValues(parameter, matchingIcon);\n }\n }\n return '';\n }\n\n getAvailableValues(parameter: string, icon: IconsModel) {\n switch (parameter) {\n case 'urlId':\n return icon.parameters?.urlId ?? icon.image?.src ?? icon.imageUrl;\n case 'size':\n return icon.parameters?.size ?? icon.size;\n case 'extraClass':\n return icon.parameters?.extraClass ?? icon.extraClass;\n case 'fillColor':\n return icon.parameters?.fillColor ?? icon.fillColor;\n case 'title':\n return icon.parameters?.title ?? icon.title;\n default:\n return '';\n }\n }\n\n static isValueHere(obj: any, searchValue: string): boolean {\n for (let key in obj) {\n if (obj[key] === searchValue) {\n return true;\n }\n }\n return false;\n }\n}\n","import { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, Input, OnInit, Renderer2, ViewEncapsulation } from '@angular/core';\n\nimport { IconFastCoreService } from '@frontend/vanilla/core';\nimport { FastSvgComponent } from '@push-based/ngx-fast-svg';\nimport { firstValueFrom } from 'rxjs';\n\nimport { IconFastService } from './icon-fast.service';\nimport { IconsetConfig } from './icons.client-config';\n\n/**\n * \n * @input `name` is required and should be the name of the icon in site core.\n * @input `size` if provided then width and height not required.\n * @input `width` if provided then height is required.\n * @input `height` if provided then width is required.\n * @input `extraClass` if provided as input then it will apply to svg otherwise extraClass witll be taken from sitecore item parameters if available.\n *\n */\n\n@Component({\n standalone: true,\n imports: [FastSvgComponent],\n selector: 'vn-icon',\n template: `@if (width && height) {\n \n } @else {\n \n } `,\n styles: ['vn-icon {display: contents;} .fast-svg {margin: 0!important; height: auto; width: auto;}'],\n encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None,\n})\nexport class IconCustomComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {\n @Input({ required: true }) name: string;\n @Input() size: string;\n @Input() width: string;\n @Input() height: string;\n @Input() extraClass: string;\n constructor(\n private el: ElementRef,\n private renderer: Renderer2,\n private iconFastCoreService: IconFastCoreService,\n private iconFastService: IconFastService,\n private iconsConfig: IconsetConfig,\n ) {}\n\n async ngOnInit(): Promise {\n await firstValueFrom(this.iconsConfig.whenReady);\n this.iconFastCoreService.set(this.iconFastService);\n\n const hostElement = this.el.nativeElement as HTMLElement;\n if (this.name === undefined) {\n this.name = hostElement.getAttribute('name') || hostElement.getAttribute('text') || 'not defined';\n }\n\n if (this.size === undefined) {\n const parentSize = hostElement.getAttribute('size') || '21';\n this.size = this.iconFastService.getIconParameter(this.name, 'size') || parentSize;\n }\n\n if (!this.extraClass) {\n this.extraClass = this.iconFastService.getIconParameter(this.name, 'extraClass') || '';\n }\n }\n\n ngAfterViewInit(): void {\n const svgElement = this.el.nativeElement.querySelector('svg') as HTMLElement;\n\n if (svgElement) {\n this.renderer.setAttribute(svgElement, 'role', 'img');\n\n this.iconsConfig.whenReady.subscribe(() => {\n const fillColor = this.iconFastService.getIconParameter(this.name, 'fillColor');\n if (fillColor) this.renderer.setAttribute(svgElement, 'fill', fillColor);\n\n const iconTitle = this.iconFastService.getIconParameter(this.name, 'title');\n if (iconTitle) this.renderer.setAttribute(svgElement, 'title', iconTitle);\n });\n }\n }\n}\n","\n @if (closeType === 'button') {\n \n }\n
\n \n
\n \n @if (closeType === 'link') {\n
\n \n {{ closeLinkText || commonMessages?.PopoverCloseText }}\n \n
\n }\n
\n","import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';\nimport { Component, EventEmitter, Input, Output, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';\n\nimport { CommonMessages } from '@frontend/vanilla/core';\nimport { IconCustomComponent } from '@frontend/vanilla/features/icons';\nimport { NgxFloatUiContentComponent, NgxFloatUiModule } from 'ngx-float-ui';\n\n/**\n * @whatItDoes Provides wrapper around `ngx-float-ui` component and adds a close link.\n *\n * @howToUse\n *\n * ```\n * \n * \n *


\n *
\n * ```\n *\n * @description\n *\n * This component is meant to be used in conjunction with [ngx-float-ui](https://github.com/tonysamperi/ngx-float-ui) library.\n * It adds a close link to the bottom of the popout.\n *\n * @stable\n */\n@Component({\n standalone: true,\n imports: [CommonModule, NgxFloatUiModule, IconCustomComponent],\n selector: 'vn-popper-content',\n templateUrl: 'popper-content.html',\n})\nexport class PopperContentComponent {\n /**\n * Type of close for the popout (default: `link`). `Button` as `X` on right upper corner, `link` as clicable text below the content and `none` not to have close.\n */\n @Input() closeType: 'button' | 'link' | 'none' = 'link';\n /**\n * Text of the close link (default: `CommonMessages['GotIt']`).\n */\n @Input() closeLinkText: string;\n /**\n * A css class to apply to `float-ui-content` element to control the color scheme.\n *\n * Options: `tooltip-primary` | `tooltip-secondary` | `tooltip-success` | `tooltip-warning` | `tooltip-danger` | `tooltip-info` | `tooltip-light`\n */\n @Input() cssClass: string;\n /**\n * A css class name to apply for text content from TooltipTextCss resource key\n *\n *\n */\n @Input() cssTextClass: string;\n\n /**\n * An event that is fired when the close link is clicked.\n */\n @Output() onCloseLinkClick = new EventEmitter();\n\n /**\n * Reference to the `float-ui-content` directive.\n */\n @ViewChild(NgxFloatUiContentComponent, { static: true }) content: NgxFloatUiContentComponent;\n\n constructor(public commonMessages: CommonMessages) {}\n\n close(autoClose: boolean = false) {\n this.content.hide();\n this.onCloseLinkClick.next(autoClose);\n }\n}\n","import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';\nimport { DomSanitizer, SafeHtml } from '@angular/platform-browser';\n\n/**\n * @whatItDoes Runs html string through `DomSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml()`\n *\n * @howToUse\n *\n * ```\n *
\n * ```\n *\n * @stable\n */\n@Pipe({ standalone: true, name: 'trustAsHtml', pure: true })\nexport class TrustAsHtmlPipe implements PipeTransform {\n constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) {}\n\n public transform(value: string | null | undefined): SafeHtml {\n return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(value || '');\n }\n}\n","import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';\n\nimport { UtilsService } from '@frontend/vanilla/core';\n\n/**\n * @whatItDoes Provides format pipe\n *\n * @howToUse `
{{'User: {0} Balance: {1}' | format:user.name : user.balance}}
`\n *\n * @stable\n */\n@Pipe({ standalone: true, name: 'format', pure: true })\nexport class FormatPipe implements PipeTransform {\n constructor(private util: UtilsService) {}\n\n transform(mask: string | undefined, ...args: any[]): string {\n return this.util.format(mask!, ...args);\n }\n}\n","import { Directive, ElementRef, Input, OnChanges, SimpleChanges } from '@angular/core';\n\n/**\n * @whatItDoes Dynamically sets html attributes on an element\n *\n * @howToUse\n *\n * ```\n *
\n * ```\n *\n * If `collectionWithAttributes` is `{'class':'foo','title':'Hello', 'id': 'new_id'}` the resulting html will be\n *\n * ```\n *
\n * ```\n *\n * @description\n *\n * Used internally to set attributes on an element rendered from sitecore, that has dictionary of\n * arbitrary html attributes. You can also use this yourself, but there will not be many use cases for it (if any at all).\n *\n * It updates the attributes when the input object changes.\n *\n * NOTE: It does not do any compilation, so bindings will not work.\n *\n * @stable\n */\n@Directive({\n standalone: true,\n selector: '[vnHtmlAttrs]',\n})\nexport class HtmlAttrsDirective implements OnChanges {\n @Input() vnHtmlAttrs: any;\n private snapshot: Map;\n private addedClasses: string[];\n private element: HTMLElement;\n\n constructor(elementRef: ElementRef) {\n this.element = elementRef.nativeElement;\n }\n\n ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {\n const attrs = changes.vnHtmlAttrs;\n\n if (attrs) {\n this.renderAttributes(attrs.currentValue, attrs.previousValue);\n }\n }\n\n private renderAttributes(newValues: { [attr: string]: string }, oldValues: { [attr: string]: string }) {\n if (this.snapshot) {\n this.addedClasses.forEach((c) => this.element.classList.remove(c));\n\n Object.keys(oldValues || []).forEach((key: string) => {\n if (this.snapshot.has(key)) {\n if (oldValues[key] === this.element.getAttribute(key)) {\n this.element.setAttribute(key, this.snapshot.get(key)!);\n }\n } else if (!this.isClass(key)) {\n this.element.removeAttribute(key);\n }\n });\n }\n\n this.snapshot = new Map();\n this.addedClasses = [];\n\n Object.keys(newValues || []).forEach((key: string) => {\n const value = newValues[key]!;\n\n if (this.isClass(key)) {\n this.addedClasses.push(value);\n\n this.element.classList.add(value);\n } else {\n const attrValue = this.element.getAttribute(key);\n\n if (attrValue) {\n this.snapshot.set(key, attrValue);\n }\n\n this.element.setAttribute(key, value);\n }\n });\n }\n\n private isClass(name: string): boolean {\n return name.toLowerCase() === 'class';\n }\n}\n","import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';\nimport { DomSanitizer, SafeResourceUrl } from '@angular/platform-browser';\n\n/**\n * A pipe to bypass security and trust the given value to be a safe resource URL,\n * i.e. a location that may be used to load executable code from, like